Electrophoresis (Isotachophoresis) M.Prasad Naidu MSc Medical Biochemistry, Ph.D,.
isotachophoresis • A form of moving boundary electrophoresis • Iso=same; tacho=speed; phoresis=separation • Any charged substances including inorganic ions can be separated • Separation is achieved through stacking them into discrete zones in order of their mobilities
procedure • For the separation of anions: • A leading anion (L-) eg: Cl- ( higher mobility > sample ions • A trailing anion (T-) eg: glutamate ( lower mobility than sample ions • A common cation eg: Tris
Procedure • For the separation or cations: • A leading cation (L+) • A trailing cation (T+) • A common anion is chosen • When current is switched on, • L- will move towards the appropriate electrode • Sample ions will follow in order of their mobilities • T- will move at the same speed in discrete bands in the order of their mobilities
isotachophoresis • Solution in separation tube containing high mobility leading ion(L-) and low mobility (T-)