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  1. POLYNUCLEOTIDE PHOSPHORYLASE M.Prasad Naidu MSc Medical Biochemistry, Ph.D,.

  2. A bacterial enzyme, Polynucleotide phosphorylase, was the first nucleic acid Synthesizing enzyme discovered in 1955 by Marianne Grunberg-Manago and Severo Ochoa Arthur Kornberg discovered DNA polymerase thereafter. Polynucleotide phosphorylase makes random RNA-like Polymers In vitro, it catalyzes the reaction, (NMP)n + NDP (NMP)n+1 + Pi Polynucleotide Phosphorylase Lengthened polynucleotide

  3. Activity of the Enzyme • It is not template-dependent • Uses 5’-diphosphates of ribonucleosides as substrates (No 5’-deoxyribonucleosides or rNTPs) • But, RNA formed contains usual 3’,5’-phosphodiester linkages • As it does not use a template, the polymer it forms does not have a specific base sequence • The reaction proceeds equally well with any of the four nucleoside diphosphates • The resulting polymer reflects the relative concentration of the substrates in the medium

  4. The enzyme can be used to prepare RNA polymers with many different base sequences and frequencies • Synthetic RNA polymers of this sort were critical for deducing the Genetic code for the amino acids. • The reaction is reversible – in the direction of breakdown of polyribonucleotides • Probably, the function in the cell – Degradation of mRNAs to nucleoside diphosphates

  5. While cracking the Genetic code, S. Ochoaused the enzyme Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNP) to make synthetic RNAs • With PNP, composition of RNA is random and synthesis will depend on amount and type of nucleotides added to reaction • e.g.: all U’s will make UUUUUUUUUU… • all G’s will make GGGGGGGGG...

  6. Translation of synthetic RNA could be accomplished in a test tube using extracts made from E. coli cells: • Make E. coli extracts from cells grown in the presence of one (out of 20) “hot” amino acid • these lysates will contain ribosomes and charged tRNAs, one of which will be radioactive • add synthetic “mRNA” • test to see if radioactive amino acid is incorporated into proteins

  7. UUUUU…..= Phe-Phe-Phe...etc • GGGGG….= Gly-Gly-Gly…etc • Make synthetic RNAs using combinations of nucleotides: e.g. 3/4 U, 1/4 G: • GUUUUGGUUGUU... (random polymer) • 8 possible codons: UUU, UUG, UGU, GUU, UGG, GGU, GUG, GGG


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