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The Nuclear Quest: Understanding Heavy Nuclei and Neutrinos

Explore the scientific case for Witold Nazarewicz's research, focusing on the physics of nuclei, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental interactions. Learn how new tools like EURISOL or RIA can advance our understanding of matter and benefit society. Delve into the origins of stable nuclei, rare isotopes, and the equation of state of nuclear matter. Discover how stars explode and the role of neutron matter in the universe's evolution. Understand the impact of weak interactions among particles and their relation to the nucleus. Unravel the mysteries of neutrino masses and their significance in shaping cosmic evolution. With implications for life sciences, material sciences, and nuclear energy security, this exploration sheds light on the intricate world of nuclear physics.

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The Nuclear Quest: Understanding Heavy Nuclei and Neutrinos

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  1. The Scientific Case for Witold Nazarewicz (Tennessee/Warsaw) Or: what to do with 100 MeV/u RIBs? (1 GeV proton driver, 1-5 MW) • Introduction • Theory Roadmap • Physics of Nuclei • Nuclear Astrophysics • Fundamental Interactions • & Neutrino Physics • Other Aspects • Summary

  2. SN SHE pygmy NNN What the @$#? EoS m Why is RNB science important? Why should it be supported? Why do we need new tools, such as EURISOL or RIA, ~$1B items? Nuclear Science Questions

  3. How do protons and neutrons make stable nuclei and rare isotopes? What is the origin of simple patterns in complex nuclei? What is the equation of state of matter made of nucleons? What are the heaviest nuclei that can exist? When and how did the elements from iron to uranium originate? How do stars explode? What is the nature of neutron star matter? Why is there more matter than antimatter? What are the weak interactions among hadrons, and how are they affected by the nucleus? What are the masses of neutrinos and how have they shaped the evolution of the universe? How can our knowledge of nuclei and our ability to produce them benefit the humankind? Life Sciences Material Sciences Nuclear Energy Security Questions that Drive the FieldRadioactive Ion Beams Physics of nuclei • Theory plays crucial role • complements experiment • provides vision • provides deeper understanding • provides intellectual motivation • provides justification of $1B • items Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental interactions & neutrinos Applications of nuclei

  4. superheavy nuclei proton drip line neutron drip line Nuclear Landscape 126 stable nuclei 82 r-process known nuclei terra incognita 50 protons 82 rp-process neutron stars 28 20 50 8 28 neutrons 2 20 8 2

  5. The ultimate goal of the physics of nuclei is to develop a unified, predictive theory of nucleonic matter Theory roadmap

  6. Ab initio: GFMC, NCSM, CCM (nuclei, neutron droplets, nuclear matter) S. Pieper, ENAM’04 1-2% calculations of A = 6 – 12 nuclear energies are possible excited states with the same quantum numbers computed

  7. Ab Initio Nuclear Structure Theory (with bare NN+NNN interactions) • Quantum Monte Carlo (GFMC) 12C • No-Core Shell Model 13C • Coupled-Cluster Techniques 16O • Unitary Model Operator Approach • Faddeev-Yakubovsky • Bloch-Horowitz • … Input: Excellent forces based on the phase shift analysis (can be unified through Vlow k) Realistic NNN interactions EFT based nonlocal chiral NN and NNN potentials Challenges: Interaction: NNN (How important is NNNN?) How to extend calculations to heavier systems? Treatment of weakly-bound and unbound states, and cluster correlations

  8. Out-law nuclei of the nuclear borderland ANL: 6He TRIUMF: 11Li

  9. Diagonalization Shell Model (medium-mass nuclei reached;dimensions 109!) Martinez-Pinedo ENAM’04

  10. Interactions: Shell Model on the interface… Intruder states in the sdpf nuclei Recent data: Legnaro; Theory: G. Stoitcheva et al

  11. Diagonalization Shell Model (medium-mass nuclei reached;dimensions 109!) • Challenges: • Configuration space 1024 is not an option!!!! Smarter solutions are needed • DMRG • Monte Carlo • Factorization methods • Hybridization with the mean-field theory • Effective interactions • Modifications of interactions in neutron-rich nuclei • Microscopic effective forces for cross-shell systems • Open channels!

  12. Nuclear DFT From Qualitative to Quantitative! Deformed Mass Table in one day!

  13. Old paradigms, universal ideas, are not correct First experimental indications demonstrate significant changes No shell closure for N=8 and 20 for drip-line nuclei; new shells at 14, 16, 32… Near the drip lines nuclear structure may be dramatically different.

  14. SDPF-M USD Hyperfine structure and b-NMR to measure I and g G. Neyens et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 022501 (2005) 31Mg ISOLDE The calculations do not reproduce the correct ordering of intruder levels!

  15. Shell Model Ab Initio Density Functional Theory What are the missing pieces? asymptotic freedom…

  16. Coupling of nuclear structure and reaction theory (microscopic treatment of open channels) scattering continuum essential non-perturbative behavior bound-state structure dominates • Continuum Shell Model is the answer! • Real-energy CSM (Hilbert space formalism) • Gamow Shell Model (Rigged Hilbert space) Michel et al.PRL 89, 042502 (2002) Michel, Rotureau, Nazarewicz, Ploszajczak, in preparation

  17. What are the limits of atoms and nuclei? Do very long-lived superheavy nuclei exist? What are their physical and chemical properties?

  18. lifetimes > 1y Three frontiers, relating to the determination of the proton and neutron drip lines far beyond present knowledge, and to the synthesis of the heaviest elements What are the limits of atoms and nuclei?

  19. n n p p p n Skins and Skin Modes

  20. LAND-FRS Collective or single-particle? Skin effect? Threshold effect? Energy differential electromagnetic dissociation cross section Deduced photo-neutron cross section.

  21. E. Padilla-Rodal et al., Phys Rev. Lett. 94, 122501 (2005) A.Gorgen et al., Acta Phys.Pol. B36, 1281 (2005) COULEX with N-rich and Z-rich RIBs HRIBF SPIRAL

  22. E fission/fusion exotic decay heavy ion coll. Q0 Q E shape coexistence Q1 Q2 Q Beyond Mean Field nuclear collective dynamics • Variety of phenomena: • symmetry breaking and quantum corrections • LACM: fission, fusion, coexistence • phase transitional behavior • new kinds of deformations • Significant computational resources required: • Generator Coordinate Method • Projection techniques • Imaginary time method (instanton techniques) • QRPA and related methods • TDHFB, ATDHF, and related methods • Challenges: • selection of appropriate degrees of freedom • simultaneous treatment of symmetry • coupling to continuum in weakly bound systems • dynamical corrections; fundamental theoretical problems. • rotational, vibrational, translational • particle number • isospin

  23. (3He,p) N=Z line Measure the np transfer cross section to T=1 and T=0 states Both absolute s(T=0) and s(T=1) and relative s(T=0) / s(T=1) tell us about the character and strength of the correlations

  24. Towards the Nuclear Energy Density Functional (Equation of State) • EXPERIMENT: • Giant resonances (especially GMR) • Neutron radii • Heavy ion collisions • Challenges: • density dependence of the symmetry energy • neutron radii • clustering at low densities

  25. Based on National Academy of Science Report [Committee for the Physicsof the Universe (CPU)] Question 3How were the elements from iron to uranium made ?

  26. Nuclear Input (experiment and theory) Masses and drip lines Nuclear reaction rates Weak decay rates Electron capture rates Neutrino interactions Equation of State Fission processes Supernova E0102-72.3 n-Star KS 1731-260 How does the physics of nuclei impact the physical universe? • What is the origin of elements heavier than iron? • How do stars burn and explode? • What is the nucleonic structure of neutron stars? Many facilities are contributing to this program! X-ray burst p process s-process 4U1728-34 331 330 Frequency (Hz) r process 329 328 327 10 15 20 Time (s) rp process Nova Crust processes T Pyxidis stellar burning protons neutrons

  27. r (apid neutron capture) process The origin of about half of elements > Fe(including Gold, Platinum, Silver, Uranium) Supernovae ? Neutron star mergers ? Open questions: • Where does the r process occur ? • New observations of single r-process events in metal poor stars • Can the r-process tell us about physics under extreme conditions ? Swesty, Calder, Wang

  28. neutron capture timescale: ~ 0.2 ms Rapid neutroncapture b-decay Seed Equilibrium favors“waiting point” (g,n) photodisintegration Proton number Neutron number The r-process

  29. X-ray bursts (1735-444) 15 s ms burst oscillations Off-state Lum. 4U1728-34 KS 1731-260 331 330 Frequency (Hz) 329 NASA/Chandra/Wijnands et al. Superbursts 328 327 (4U 1735-44) 10 15 20 Time (s) StrohmayerBhattacharyya et al. 2004 6 h 18 18.5 time (days) Lines during bursts EXO0748-676 Cottam, Paerels, Mendez 2002 Deciphering observations of Hubble, CHANDRA …

  30. Nuclear Structure and Reactions Nuclear Theory forces methods extrapolations low-energy experiments Nuclear Astrophysics

  31. Tests of the Standard Model Parity violation studies in francium (anapole moment) 126 82 Weak interaction studies in N=Z nuclei EDM search in radium (Schiff moment) 50 protons • Specific nuclei offer new opportunities for precision tests of: • CP and P violation • Unitarity of the CKM matrix • … 82 28 20 50 New opportunities for neutrino physics: beta-beams 8 28 neutrons 2 20 How will we turn experimental signals into precise information on physics beyond the standard model? 8 2

  32. - + - + - + + - + - theory: J. Dobaczewski, J. Engel energy Schiff moment: L 0 R octupole deformation 1/2- 55.2 keV 0 1/2+ experiment 225Ra

  33. “One of the frontiers of our science is to manipulate nuclei to create new elements and isotopes both for science and, eventually, for societal needs. Often, the applications rely on our ability to select specific nuclei with particular decay modes, half-lives, and energies. Perhaps most importantly, the field provides a superb venue for the important mission to educate and train the next generation of nuclear scientists, who will play key roles not only in basic research itself, but in myriad applied fields”. From : White Paper on the Intellectual Challenges of RIA, prepared for Dr. R. Orbach LENP generates over 40% of PhDs in nuclear science Human Health Environment, Geosciences, Oceanography,.. Nuclear Energy Food & Agriculture Material Sciences Chemistry and Biology History, Art, Archeology National Security Applications: Science for the Betterment of Humankind

  34. QCD • Origin of NN interaction • Many-nucleon forces • Effective fields subfemto… nano… Complex Systems Giga… Cosmos femto… Physics of Nuclei Quantum many-body physics Nuclear Astrophysics • In-medium interactions • Symmetry breaking • Collective dynamics • Phases and phase transitions • Chaos and order • Dynamical symmetries • Structural evolution • Origin of the elements • Energy generation in stars • Stellar evolution • Cataclysmic stellar events • Neutron-rich nucleonic matter • Electroweak processes • Nuclear matter equation of state • How does complexity emerge from simple constituents? • How can complex systems display astonishing simplicities? How do nuclei shape the physical universe?

  35. The study of nuclei is a forefront area of science. It is this research that makes the connection between the Standard Model, QCD phenomena, many-body systems, and the cosmos. END

  36. Questions from the Science 125 Questions: What don’t we know? 25 big questions facing science over the next quarter-century. What Is the Universe Made Of? What is the Biological Basis of Consciousness? Why Do Humans Have So Few Genes? To What Extent Are Genetic Variation and Personal Health Linked? Can the Laws of Physics Be Unified? How Much Can Human Life Span Be Extended? What Controls Organ Regeneration? How Can a Skin Cell Become a Nerve Cell? How Does a Single Somatic Cell Become a Whole Plant? How Does Earth's Interior Work? Are We Alone in the Universe? How and Where Did Life on Earth Arise? What Determines Species Diversity? What Genetic Changes Made Us Uniquely Human? How Are Memories Stored and Retrieved? How Did Cooperative Behavior Evolve? How Will Big Pictures Emerge from a Sea of Biological Data? How Far Can We Push Chemical Self-Assembly? What Are the Limits of Conventional Computing? Can We Selectively Shut Off Immune Responses? Do Deeper Principles Underlie Quantum Uncertainty and Nonlocality? Is an Effective HIV Vaccine Feasible? How Hot Will the Greenhouse World Be? What Can Replace Cheap Oil -- and When? Will Malthus Continue to Be Wrong? “In Praise of Hard Questions” Tom Siegfried, Science “Great questions (...) both define the state of scientific knowledge and drive the engines of scientific discovery. Where ignorance and knowledge converge, where the known confronts the unknown, is where scientific progress is most dramatically made.”

  37. What is the universe made of? Can the laws of physics be unified? Where do ultra-high energy cosmic rays come from? Why is there more matter than anitmatter? Are there building blocks smaller than quarks? Are neutrinos their own antiparticle? Are there stable high-atomic number elements? Is there a unified theory explaining all correlated electron systems?[hadron systems? quark systems?]

  38. Bogner, Kuo, Schwenk, Phys. Rep. 386, 1 (2003) Vlow-k: describes low-energy observables

  39. Beyond Mean Field Shape coexistence GCM M. Bender et al., PRC 69, 064303 (2004)

  40. E fission/fusion exotic decay heavy ion coll. Q0 Q E shape coexistence Q1 Q2 Q

  41. Accreting neutron stars Neutron star(H and He burninto heavier elements) Companion star(H + He envelope) Accretion disk(H and He fallonto neutron star)

  42. scattering continuum essential non-perturbative behavior bound-state structure dominates Michel, Rotureau, Nazarewicz, Ploszajczak, in preparation • GSM: N. Michel et al., PRL 89, 042502 (2002) • 25 points in p1/2 and p3/2 contours, DMRG treatment • Two-body interaction fitted to g.s. of 6He and 7He

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