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People don’t care who you are until they know what you can do for them! So tell them want you can do for them THEN tell them who you are!. What can I do for you? Language in layman terms, so you can understand what marketing, innovation and strategy can do for you.
People don’t care who you are until they know what you can do for them!So tell them want you can do for them THEN tell them who you are! What can I do for you? • Language in layman terms, so you can understand what marketing, innovation and strategy can do for you. • My outcome is to take almost 32 years of experience & what I learned from Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham and Tony Robbins and show you the best ideas in 60 minutes. • Self taught is not the right way, cut years and lifetimes of learning by finding someone who has done what you want and model them. Avoid the dumb tax.
Why Listen To Me? • Business Owner since 1982 • In 2013 listened to 210 hrs. marketing & self improvement. • Businesses owned: White Glove Carpet Cleaning; U-Save Insurance Agency; Doggy Doo Doo; Around the World Travel; Ads For You; Pre-Paid Legal Services (Rep); Your Neighborhood Shopper & Top Hat Marketing Inc. • Top 3 –Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham & Tony Robbins (Learn from the best) TIP: Learn in your car!
What you will learn • Things you have to know to run any business. • First 2 questions the top marketing consultant would ask you. • Only 4 ways to grow any business. • CANI & Ask better questions • How to start taking the right actions.
It will feel like I am shooting a machine gun at you of ideas, it only takes one to grow a business 30-50%. • You all have different needs so write down 2-3 ideas to start implementing in your business (use * if you like it)
Need a Strong WHY? • What is your reason? • If the why is strong enough the how will be found. Is it written down? Dream or Goal? What do you Focus on?
Goals • The Power of Written Goals Map to get where you want to go and the strategy is the route you will take to get there. • Fact: 3% of people in the U.S. have written goals. • How important are written goals? A study of the 1954 Harvard University graduating class was tracked over several decades. Now you would think anyone who graduated from a prestigious university like Harvard would automatically be successful. But the studies found that those who had written specific goals before graduation (3%) were more successful than all others (97%) who did not have written goals. • A study done on salespeople had the same results; those with written goals earn three times the income, had more free time and were happier than those without goals. TIP get what you want faster with goals.
Goals • To create a plan and reach your goals you need to make them specific and measurable. So, “make more money” becomes... “By Dec. 31, 2014, I will make an $50,000 in profits and have an investment account of $7,000”
Keys to Progress • Get laser focused on the What & Why • Find the best tools, strategy, coaching, mentor, SCORE or CD’s to learn from • Take massive action • Measure & Celebrate
Keys To Having A Successful Business? • Solve a problem better & add more value than anyone else! • Must fall in love with your clients, not your product or service. Motivational speaker ZigZigler said it best: “You can have everything you want in life if you help enough people get what they want.” • Always look to make things better in your business, including servicing your. CANI • 5 steps to revitalize your business 1. New voices 2. New questions/better answers 3. New perspectives 4. New passion 5. New experiments • Have a business for the right reasons. Most people start for the wrong reasons! Its a lot of work & lots of energy to change! TIP: CANI is what you have to Implement in your business starting today!
Know The 80 – 20 RuleTime & Money • Do you know were you make most of your money? • Do you know your top 20 clients? • Where you spend 20% of your time will give you 80% of your results? • Top 2 things on your to do lists, 80% results. Tip: Spend your time wisely
Sales Statistics 2% of sales are made on the first contact 3% of sales are made on the second contact 5% of sales are made on the third contact 10% of sales are made on the fourth contact 80% of sales are made on the fifth through twelfth contact
Follow Up Statistics • 48% of sales people never follow up with a lead • 25% of sales people make two contacts • 12% of sales people make three contacts • 10% of sales people make more than three contacts
SecretThe fortune is in the follow-up If 90% of sales people don’t follow up more than 3 times. AND 80% of all sales are made on the 5th – 12th call, who makes all the MONEY/SALES? TIP: Less than 10% of sales people.
Why Customers Leave • 68% non-caring or feel unappreciated • 14% product dissatisfaction • 9% Price • 5% Because of a friends recommendation • 3% Move • 1% Die Source: U.S. Chamber of Commerce TIP: (Must follow up with clients too) The business growth is in the follow up
What Life Cycle Are You In? • Your business and your industry. • Triggers of a crisis: Changes in Technology, Economy, Customers & Employees Lives, Competition, Industry & Culture
Jay’s First 2 Questions: • USP (Unique Selling Proposition) How can you stand out & add more value than anyone else? • “Your business is my business” • Wal-Mart “Save money. Live better.” • Subway “Eat fresh. Live green.” • McDonald’s “I’m lovin it” • AT & T “Rethink Possibility” • Clark Howard “Save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off” • Sealy “Whatever you do in bed Sealy supports it” • Life-time value of a client one time sale, yearly sales and lifetime sales
Lifetime Value To illustrate the concept of Life Time Value of a client, let's imagine you are the owner of a hair salon. Questions to ask: 1. How much do you charge per haircut? 2. How many times per year, on average, do clients get their hair cut? 3. How many years, on average, do clients stay with you? 4. What other products do clients purchase from you? 5. How much do you charge per product sold? 6. How often do clients purchase these products? 7. How many referral do you get per client?
Lifetime Value You receive on average $40 per hair service. They visit you on average 6 times per year. They remain a client for an average of 3 years. They buy other services like, hair coloring, shampoo and hair treatments, on average 3 times a year for an average of $20. Give 3 referrals per year
Formula:$40 x 6 visits per yr. = $240 on visits+$20 up-sell x 3 times per yr. = $60 other services=$300 per client per yr. x 3 years = $900+3 referrals a yr. X 3 years = 9 new clients Every new client could be worth thousands of dollars on a $40 sale
Ask better questions get better results! If there Worth $1200! What can I spend to get a new client? Use the formula for the lifetime value of a client to find out what they are worth to you. Then you know what you can spend to get a new client.
Lifetime ValueOne more important piece of information. • What is the likelihood of turning a prospect into a long term client once we get them to try you? • In most cases, the answer is 50-75%. That's because when someone tries something once, they have already demonstrated a need and a preference for the service. It's easier to go back to the same place over and over. • Now that we know what each new client is worth to you, you know what you can spend to get a new client. So you can make aggressive and irresistible promotional offers to get people to try you that first time!
So What Business Are You Really In? • Sample Apple 52% is phones 15% is computers
What are people buying from you? • What are your customers, and industry hot buttons? Hot buttons are what problems, pains, frustrations or fears do people have? What are their wants & needs? • They buy a result, benefit, advantage, convenience, comfort, popularity, enhancement, enrichment, protection/safety, or entertainment. Tell them how they can save, gain or accomplish something if they buy your product or service. Or acknowledge how they can avoid risks, worries, losses, mistakes or embarrassment. • Hot buttons are used in your marketing and for your headlines
Do people need a drill or a shovel? No, they need a hole. • Buying Shoe’s? You make decisions by looks, style, comfort and price. Endorsements from famous athletes get you to look. • Restaurant? Not buying food, I’m buying convenience, family outing, different taste
Know the difference between features and benefits: • Do you know what the benefits of using your products or services are? • How many benefits can you write down about your business? Example: Anti-lock brake is a feature, the benefit is the safety of your family.
Factors that influence a sale:People buy because of Emotions Pride, love, sex, power, respect, money, fear, greed, and guilt.Words paint pictures and drive emotions
Why people don’t buy? #1 Reason is Fear! Some reasons:paying to much, spouse, don’t see enough need or value Words are power! Words paint pictures(Fear or Comfort) Don’t SaySayCost or price Total amount or investment Contract Agreement or fill out the paperwork Appointment Stop for a visit Buy Own Sign Ok, approve, authorize
Questions Begin to notice the questions you ask yourself And if they aren’t helping you then replace them with empowering questions. IMMEDIATELY. You could say, “You should buy this car because it’s comfortable, fast, and affordable.” Or you could say, “Imagine gripping the wheel of this car, feeling the unbridled horsepower. Your friends will be green with envy as you cruise down the street with your radio blasting and the wind blowing through your hair.”
Does price matter? Examples: – Fence – Excavating/House Cleaning – Website It's about adding value... from the target's perspective, what can you do to help me solve my problem and is the extra cost worth it to me?
“Business has only two functionsMarketing & Innovation.”Peter Drucker • Marketing is getting your message out to the most people in the best way. • Innovation is always looking to make everything you do better. • I would ADD optimization strategy . Strategy is the planning and actions you will take
Four Ways To Grow A Business • More clients • Increase transaction value • Increase transaction frequency (Easiest way to grow an existing business) (Increase each 10% x 3 ways = 33.1%) (Increase each 5% x 4 ways = 25%) Exponential growth • Optimize & Maximize what you’re doing now
1. More Customers • Advertising • Internet/Website • Using risk reversal • In house sales • Videos & signs • Joint ventures • Direct mail • Hand outs to friends and family • Using call to action & headlines • Follow up process • Networking groups (relationships) • Cross-selling
More Customers • Social Networking Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogs, Pintrest, Flicker, 4 Square, Google places, You-Tube, Podcasts, My Space, Blogging, QR Codes, Pay per click, NFC (Near Field Communications) Coca-Cola testing now • Text marketing programs • Direct sales - Saying the right things : Employees – Phone – Ads - Internet • Using headlines & call to action • Education based marketing/Free reports
More Customers • 60 second • Free samples • Easy payment terms 60 days same as cash 1 year free financing Credited cards, PayPal, etc… • Telemarketing (personal & messages) • Public relations • Host beneficiary relationships (Allstate & Sears) • Endorsement / Testimonial letters • Tradeshows and trade publications • Local events
More Customers • Follow up process/System Yes – No – Maybe • Optimization • Knowing what to say: What ad brought you into the store today? Have you been in the store before? • Overcoming objections Knowing what objections you will hear so you have the answers TIP: Feel, felt, found
More Customers (#1 way) Re-activate old customers 5 top ways to re-activate: 1. Loyalty programs 2. Follow up calls 3. Rewards for referrals 4. Coupons 5. Free give-a-ways
REFERRAL BENEFITS • Referrals buy the most • Referrals negotiate the least • Referrals are more loyal • Referrals buy more often • Referrals refer more business • Referrals cost the least to acquire • Referrals are more enjoyable to work with
2. Larger Transactions • Point of sale promotions • Back end products • Education & Signs • Warranty/Risk reversal • Packaging complementary products or services together/Bundling • Up-selling
2. Larger Transactions • Sell memberships – Monthly Book, CD, Cheese, Wine Club, Tanning Sam’s club and Costco • What you and your employees say “Would you like dessert, our special is…” “Would you like fries with that?” “Would you like to super size that?” • Raise your price
3. More Frequent Purchases • Social Media Facebook, LinkedIn, Tweeter friends • Newsletters (E-mail & mail) • Internet – email – auto-responder • Social Networking • Mailings - reminders or education - Postcard or letters • Special events or information nights • Seminars, workshops & E-courses • In house signs or videos • Find out what your customers want & then giving it to them - Jet Blue (Travelers bored, gave them TV’s in every seat)
More Frequent Purchases • Public relations • Back end products • Follow up process • Endorsements of new products • Loyalty programs - Punch cards • Education based marketing • Promotional products • Sell memberships • Knowing what to say: Would you like to join our VIP club?
Innovation Strategy Area’s to look at optimizing: Marketing, Sales & Follow up Systems, Strategy’s, Polices & Procedures, Competition, Distribution, Supply Chain, Positioning, Promotion, Pricing, Service, Financing/tracking, and Decision Making
Learn Innovation Look at other industries, How do they do what you do? Promotions, client generation, sales conversions, reselling, staying in contact with clients, etc… What Systems do they use? Marketing and sale practices
Examples: • Fed Ex borrowed the Federal Reserves banking system to send a package over night. • Fast food industry got the idea for drive-thru from banks. • Roll on deodorant, inventor used his ball point pen. • Direct mail promotion using X-ray as sales letter. • Microwaves from restaurant to home appliance stores. • Fractional jet ownership (Warren Buffet) and storage condo’s from the time-share industry. • IBM business computer, Bill Gates computer to homes • WBAY listener of the day; (Chamber business of the week)
Future Buyers • Only 3-5% of people are buying what you are selling right now! • What are you doing to get your share of the other 95-97% that will buy in the future? • How can you generate this type of lead? • Use reports or tips. • Stay in contact with them, w/Face Book, email, postcards, newsletters, etc…
Call to Action • What actions do you want them to take? Make sure you have a call to action. • What do you want them to do? What is the offer, bonus, discount, event, VIP invite, report, limited time offer or another reason to respond? What expiration date?
First Step of Marketing PLANNING Most marketing programs begin in the middle of the process and focus on where the message goes (media) and what is said (creative). Your Growth Strategies have to recognizes that the most critical step is to define the strategic direction you plan on going.
Question You Must Know Is my pricing right? (60%) Best location? What do I do better than my competition? Who are my top 20% of clients & Vendors?