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Learn the basics of building customer-facing web applications using the Web Application Portal (WAP) framework. Understand the WAP architecture, system requirements, and its goals. Discover how WAP can help solve common challenges in web development and enable rapid composition of features. Explore real-world examples of WAP projects and the benefits it brings to project development.
Software Development ServicesWeb Application Portal (WAP) Training Intuit 2007
Introduction Introduce Your Teammate: • What is their experience at Intuit with portal work? • What team are they on and what are they building? • What would they like to get out of this training? • What are their interests or hobbies?
Course Structure Module 1 - Overview of Web Architecture Applications Module 2 – WAP Methodology Module 3 – Programming with WAP
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Learning Objectives: • Introducing WAP • Understanding WAP as a web based/component based application • Defining the portal/portlet components and the WAP architecture • Identifying WAP system requirements
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP What is WAP? • A component model and framework for building customer-facing web applications at Intuit • A server image with required runtime software • Enabling libraries for application creation • Shared features for re-use in offerings • Web design tool offerings that automate and improve the speed of the development process
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP The goals of WAP are to provide: • Web products and services that wow and delight our customers • Web development tools and offerings that are tailored to customers needs • Long term revenue and growth from these offerings • Lots of web offerings that address specific market segments
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Our Web Challenges: • Web apps are costly to build, host, and maintain lots of offerings all built from the ground up on miscellaneous technology and architecture • As offerings get more sophisticated they become brittle and difficult to change • Sharing components across offerings is difficult because they are all unique • Changes start to create more and more bugs as offerings become mature • Changes take longer and longer because the internal coupling of offerings continue to get more complicated • Because each offering is unique it takes a long time to add resources that can work with offerings • Old models of web development don’t address these challenges, so doing more of the same doesn’t address the problem but continues to feed it
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP SPC and WAP Terminology: • BHP – Basic Hosting Platform for hosted services • SPC-F – Software Programing Client Foundations support for language portable engines • MAP – Microsoft Application Platform for Windows desktop applications • WAP – Web Application Platform for customer facing web applications (built on BHP, where BHP is the container, and WAP is the stuff inside)
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP WAP Solutions: • Use standards based portable solutions to let us leverage commercial products and open source • Are innovative by componentizing our offerings using the Portal/Portlet model to allow rapid composition of features • Encapsulate functions into components so the scope of changes and testing can be contained • Deliver shared features based on this component model to raise the entry level of all offerings
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP The State of WAP: • WAP 1.0 was released in December ‘06 • WAP 1.1 is currently under development targeting a spring ’07 release • Early iterations of WAP 1.0 are being used in production by Zipingo • Stable iteration builds can be used for betas with customers • Projects such as CTG’s Online Tax Engine, IMS Merchant Portal, and SB Connect are actively developing on WAP now for release in the near future • A new hosting service in IIT called One-Stop-Shop-For-Hosting is being built around hosting WAP offerings and providing pre-production and production shared hosting in a virtualized environment
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Project Development Gains: • WAP helps make global changes to the navigation and look and feel without touching application code • Can rapidly create offering variants without code changes • Can build up a library of company level (WAP) or product line (SB Connect) re-useable features and start new offerings with more and more capability that is already built and tested • Can work in parallel without conflicts on components and combine them at deployment time • Can work easily in multiple sites and combine efforts in the finished offering
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Project Development Gains: • Can iterate on any component, a portlet, a theme, the navigation, the layout without having a dependency on the other parts • Can offer global user features like customizable properties, layout, in an efficient and decoupled manner • WAP helps make global changes to navigation and look and feel without touching application code • Can rapidly create offering variants without code changes • Can work in parallel without conflicts on components and combine them at deployment time
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Project Development Gains: • Can work easily in multiple sites and combine efforts in the finished offering • Can iterate on any component, a portlet, a theme, the navigation, the layout without having a dependency on the other parts • Can offer global user features like customizable properties, layout, in an efficient and decoupled manner
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP WAP Components: • Are designed as a web-based applications • Supply applets that are embedded in Java based HTML code • Create applications (or functions) that are embedded and customized to provide access to functions.
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP WAP Components are http- and Java-Based: No new protocols are introduced, portlets and portals just talk standard http. When you use the JSF bridge, the portlet only sees the standard JSF lifecycle and behaves like a JSF application. The Portal: • Acts as a common dispatcher for all requests • Applies a pipeline to each request to process it and generate the right result • Invokes portlets through the Portlet interface to obtain rendered markup and to invoke actions
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP WAP is a Java-based application that uses: • HTTP request processing • Simple request response; delivers headers then content • URL references a resource • CGI – Common Gateway Interface maps a process to URL parameters and streams are passed to process; process emits response; headers then content • JBoss Tomcat – web container handles dispatching requests to processes (threads) and then hands off the correct handler
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP WAP is a Java-Based application that uses: • Servlets – request processing application, i.e. CGI app in Java • .JSP – a markup language mixing markup and java code compiles into Servlet • Portal – JBoss Portal, servlet-based application that generates a site based on metadata, a style theme, and a set of page layout templates • Portlet – like a servlet or .jsp. It only renders a fragment for composition in a portal, defined by the Portlet spec JSR-168
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP How to Use WAP: • Use the new WAP Template in your project • It contains a lot of the common tasks like creating offerings and portlets into an ANT-based template so that the project offerings in the project are automated • WAP packages a standard build script • WAP generates the starting configuration for a skeleton project Then you: • Generate your offering project and check it in • Build it and deploy it • Customize it by adding pages, portlets, themes, layouts etc…
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Can Portlets Talk to Each Other Using WAP? • If they are in the same portal application they can share state data in the PortletSession ‘application’ scope on the server • Portlets can read parameters directly from the URL, which is good for creating screens that can be bookmarked • Portlets can set and read session attributes in the HTTP session of the application server • On the client, WAP has logical-named JavaScript events so that portlets can raise and handle events without prior knowledge of each other, allowing for dynamic interaction without communicating back to the server
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP What is a Portal? Think of the portal as the windowing system for the web: • The portal framework solves a lot of global problems that we don’t want to embed in code • Access control, personalization, skinning the site, site wide navigation, per user/per component settings, multiple device rendering, deployment at the feature level, creation of offerings by combining components at deployment time, customizable layout…and more… • If we built all of the things above, we’d end up building the portal framework, instead, with WAP, we just use it • We can leverage open source and commercial portlets, portals, and tools to reduce the amount of new coding and testing we have to do
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Portlets are: • Mini-web applications that adheres to the JSR-168 Portlet specification • They render a fragment of markup and handle actions addressed to it • They are a full web application with business logic, persistence, and separate deployment in a .WAR file • They can be built using common web technologies like JSF so that engineers need to know little about “portlet-ness” • They contain a whole offering feature, including things like screen flows • They derive styles and graphics from a portal wide theme to allow skinning for use in different offerings • Each portlet class can be used in multiple logical portlet instances that each can have different initialization parameters enhancing reuse and requiring only one deployment for multiple uses
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP What a Portlet Is Not: • A single UI control with no business logic meant to be embedded on a form: that’s a JSF control • The whole site including pages and navigation, this would degenerate a portlet into being the whole app, defeating most of the benefit of componentization • A particular rendering on the client; portlets can render any markup and can in fact, support multiple renderings, html, mobile xhtml, wml, flex, openlaszlo etc… • A servlet, even though it’s packaged as a web application, it isn’t a servlet; it is always invoked by the portal framework
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Navigation Portlet: • WAP provides a portlet class that reads the portal metadata and provides an interface to it • The navigation portlet delegates to a .jsp for rendering so you can create whatever kind of navigation rendering you need • We provide tag libraries for rendering tabs, menus, and outline (or tree) style navigation • We provide pre-made views for the navigation portlet that render these kinds of navigation • You can use them directly and customize the look by overriding the CSS styles
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Navigation Portlet: • Our navigation tags generate UI components that have a JavaScript event model so you can manipulate them either by sending named events to them, or by listening for their events and providing your own handlers • The reason you need this is that the navigation in your application is dynamic, based on personalization or security, items may be added or removed for a given user. The model provided by the navigation portlet has been filtered for this • There is some additional configuration for navigation portlets to allow them to access the portal metadata, we provide examples • Other than that, they are normal portlets
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Themes and Layouts: • The theme is the look of your offering—it should be a style guide that identifies colors, fonts, graphics, and backgrounds • The layout is the set of different page compositions that you use so most sites have a few different component layouts • The two together are called the skin of an offering • Along with the portal metadata, these items might just be the whole offering! • In a JBoss portal, the style sheet for the offering is called a theme—layouts are .jsp’s that are used to layout portlets in a page • Themes and layouts are packaged in a .war file
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP • The portal metadata selects a default theme and layout for the portal—each page can override the theme and layout • Keep the skin and the global layout of pages separate from the application code • A WAP Project Template generates a default theme that you can customize • Named regions define the place where portlets will be substituted into a layout—multiple portlets can be arranged in a region • There are also rendering classes for regions, the frames around portlets, and the div that portlet renders into that can be overridden for advanced effects Themes and Layouts:
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP WAP Architecture:
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Themes and Layouts: • Portlet.xml – define portlet instances and give them names • *-object.xml – portal metadata… define portal pages, what portlets they contain, what layout and theme, what regions of the layout should a portlet be assigned • Jboss-portal-themes.xml – define available themes • Jboss-portal-layouts.xml – define available layouts and the regions they support • Web.xml for your portlet .war – sometimes there are standard web.xml configurations required, but mostly use the boilerplate the WAP Template Project provides • Build.xml in one of you sub directories to add ANT build dependencies (we plan to automate this in future release)
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Themes and Layouts: • *-spring-config.xml – configure services provided as spring components (used infrequently) • *.hbm – hibernate mapping file will map your persistent objects and collections onto your schema and enable hibernate to manage their persistence • These are in the order of most frequent changes and in general they are quite stable
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Runtime Overview:
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Conical Web Site Application:
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP WAP and AJAX: • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is the latest name for using the XMLHttpRequest object in the browser to communicate in the background with the server via HTTP • WAP packages and provides tag support for AJAX, applying the same event model as our interportlet events • You can invoke any POJO or Spring object on the server using a JavaScript proxy • WAP provides batching of requests into priorities so that many small requests can be sent to the server as one big request • AJAX-enabled JSF controls are supported in WAP to provide partial rendering to speed up client UI’s especially with large data sets
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP WAP Ajax Integration:
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP JavaServer Faces (JSF): • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML • UI component based model-view-controller web framework • UI’s are built out of controls referenced with tags in a .jsp view • Controls are bound to backing objects backing beans execute actions and persist states • Uses JSF navigation rules • JSF restores the state of the controls in a view until a new view is made current by a navigation event • Both standard JSF controls, open source (tomahawk, myfaces), and commercial Infragistics and as needed WAP controls
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP JavaServer Faces (JSF): • Working with Infragistics to create AJAX-enabled advanced UI controls • Tools support JSF either by WYSIWYG composition or non visual tag assist • JSF fits well with the portal rendering model and executes seamlessly in a JSF bridge portlet
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Hibernate: • Hibernate is an ORM engine-object relational mapping engine • It stores and retrieves and queries graphs of objects using a relational database • It provides caching, lazy loading, database independence, and reduces the amount of SQL you have to write • Objects managed by Hibernate are just POJOs (plain old java objects) and are easy to use and to make an existing object persistent
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Hibernate: • There are many ways to use Hibernate, one popular way is to annotate objects and generate the hibernate configuration, this makes most of hibernates function transparent • Other options are to generate the hibernate mapping and data objects from an existing schema, or to generate the data objects and the schema from the hibernate mapping file
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Security: • We support login and single sign-on with Intuit’s AUTH system • Implemented using container managed security in JBoss via the JAAS standard • Declare security assertions in web.xml for web applications based on users and roles • Declare page, portlet security assertions in *-object.xml based on users and roles • Declare portlet logical security role mappings in portlet.xml, create portlets that can run in multiple applications by mapping application roles to portlet roles
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Security: • In code use JAAS to check the UserPrincipal to see if has component roles • For access to Intuit-specific user information, use the WAPPrincipal interface on the standard UserPrincipal to query and update these properties • WAP’s security is outside application code as much as possible so that it stays correct, can be easily reviewed and changed, and so that policy changes can be less risky and involve little or no code changes • WAP contains a shared feature Portlet for login, account creation, account maintenance, password recovery, and userid recovery
Module 1 – Introduction to WAP Security:
Module 2 – WAP Methodology Learning Objectives: • Define component based offerings • Analyze and review a design concept • Decompose a design concept (project) • Defining a WAP Portal (parts and pieces)
Module 2 – WAP Methodology When developing a WAP project: • Design a site concept • Decompose into portlets and pages and define navigation and personalization • Use shared portlets wherever possible and customize look and feel with .css or custom .jsp view • Mock up site structure for pages, substitute content for portlets not done (usability test) WAP Development Process:
Module 2 – WAP Methodology WAP Development Process: In parallel: • Create custom theme • Create portlets using JSF GUI design tools • Create static site content in content management system publish using content portlets • Replace mock portlets and usability test (iterate)
Module 2 – WAP Methodology Development Workflow Example:
Module 2 – WAP Methodology Production Build:
Module 2 – WAP Methodology WAP Portal Baseline:
Module 2 – WAP Methodology Production Deployment:
Module 2 – WAP Methodology About Deployment: • Baseline only needs to be done initially and at upgrades • Content is pushed into production CMS from staging CMS or via bulk load from .zip • Prior configuration is backed up for rapid rollback • Incremental deployment encouraged: • ApplicationTheme – change look and feel or nav method • ApplicationPortlet – patch, upgrade product function • Application-Objects.xml – extend site structure • ApplicationContent – update content directly without engineering involvement • Sample ANT script to push to deployment server from build output
Module 2 – WAP Methodology WAP Offerings: • Portals that help monitor applications • Usage monitoring • Collaboration • Log in and authentication services • Profiling • Administration • Navigation • Managing content • Credit card authorizations, PCI, etc.
Module 2 – WAP Methodology WAP Capabilities: • Portal Helpers • Page Level Logical Events and Inter-Portlet Logical Events • AJAX tags and Server objects • Browser Capabilities • Personalization expressions • Account Interface and WAP Principal • Profile Interface • Navigation Tags and Portlets • Login and Account Maintenance Portlet and Universal Login