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GNSS Integrity and Performance Prediction by DW International

Explore DW International's expertise in aviation consultancy and GNSS integrity, performance prediction, RAIM on the ground, and basic principles. Learn about GNSS navigation system performance and RNP criteria.

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GNSS Integrity and Performance Prediction by DW International

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GNSS Integrity John Wilde CEO, DW International

  2. Agenda About DW International Basic GNSS Principles Navigation System Performance – RNP RAIM on the Ground - Performance Prediction GNSS RAIM/RNP Prediction Tool

  3. DW International • In-house Expertise in Aviation • Array of External Consultants • International Presence • ISO 9001:2008 Certified • Started in 2005 • Consultancy for: • Air Navigation • Civil Air Communications • Air Traffic Management

  4. Expertise Navigation (PBN) Airworthiness and Operational Approval Aviation Safety Communications Surveying / Geodesy Instrument Procedure Design Airspace Design GNSS Policy Making ATM Consultancy Spectrum

  5. Consultancy RNAV 1 / RNAV 2 Navigation Specification PBN Criteria for PANS-OPS Editorial Reviews for ICAO PBN Manual + RNP AR Procedure Design Manual P-RNAV Safety Case RF Spectrum Expertise Technical Advisor to EUROCONTROL IFPP Member Chairmanship of CGSIC

  6. Agenda About DW International Basic GNSS Principles Navigation System Performance – RNP RAIM on the Ground - Performance Prediction GNSS RAIM/RNP Prediction Tool

  7. The GPS Timeline L5 L2C 2nd Gulf War SA Switched Off GPS Fully Operational July 1995 1st Gulf War KAL 007 Shot Down 1st GPS Satellite Launched 1973 1978 1983 1991 1995 2000 2003 2005 2009 GPS Initial Approval December 1973

  8. How does GPS work?

  9. Multiple Satellites for Position

  10. Error Sources

  11. Agenda About DW International Basic GNSS Principles Navigation System Performance – RNP RAIM on the Ground - Performance Prediction GNSS RAIM/RNP Prediction Tool

  12. Navigation System Performance - RNP Traditionally “box-based” Mandatory equipment Performance not specified explicitly Move towards Required Navigation Performance or Performance-Based Navigation Operator can meet requirements in ‘anyway he pleases’ e.g. with GPS Goal: Target Level of Safety Risk of leaving containment area distributed amongst: Accuracy Integrity Continuity Availability

  13. Navigation System Performance - Accuracy

  14. Accuracy: Lateral

  15. Accuracy: Geometry

  16. Accuracy: Geometry

  17. Navigation System Performance - Integrity

  18. Navigation System Performance - Continuity

  19. Continuity Continuity risk is the probability of a detected but unscheduled navigation function interruption after an operation has been initiated RAIM: detected failure causes loss of continuity - but preserves integrity

  20. Navigation System Performance - Availability

  21. Agenda About DW International Basic GNSS Principles Navigation System Performance – RNP RAIM on the Ground - Performance Prediction GNSS RAIM/RNP Prediction Tool

  22. RAIM on Ground - Performance Prediction Average (expected) performance depends mainly on Geometry (time-varying) Measurement quality (constant) Satellite failure rate (constant) Geometry is predictable Expected performance is predictable Prediction does not include effect of real-time events Sudden satellite failures Can be performed on the ground as a pre-flight check

  23. RAIM (integrity) Holes

  24. Agenda About DW International Basic GNSS Principles Navigation System Performance – RNP RAIM on the Ground - Performance Prediction GNSS RAIM/RNP Prediction Tool

  25. GRPS : On-Demand Service GRPS = GNSS RAIM / RNP Prediction Service Web interface and automated XML interface Current website implementation for GPS constellation only Future implementation for other GNSS to meet demand e.g. GLONASS, Galileo, COMPASS Fully integrated XML solution for Airlines Air Navigation Data Providers Flight planning companies Both do RAIM predictions down to 0.1 NM

  26. RAIM in Aviation: ICAO RNP Requirements

  27. GRPS Dynamic and flexible Tailorable to the requirements of the data provider and their client base High load capacity, high availability Hosted in professional data centres, load-balanced Includes planned and short-notice outage information Latest constellation almanacs and NANUs supplied by the US Coastguard All calculations are performed in real time and not on a pre-calculated grid Routes and Airports capability

  28. GRPS: On-Demand Service Both services support both RAIM prediction algorithms common in GPS devices: Fault Detection (FD): Used by traditional RAIM to detect faults (differences between a satellite’s pseudo range measurement and its expected value) Minimum 5 satellites in view Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE): Used by newer GPS receivers to allow continued operation in the presence of a GPS failure Minimum 6 satellites in view Baro aided, SA on/off, mask angle, etc Avionic specifics for RNP AR

  29. Architecture

  30. GRPS: Comparison with AUGUR

  31. GRPS Web Access https://tools.dwint.com/grps/ Customisable – e.g. ICAO SAM Region

  32. Eurocontrol www.ecacnav.com

  33. Web Tools AUGUR Web-based RAIM Prediction Tool SAFIRE Web-based, secure communications Frequency Management Tool Final Approach Segment Database (FAS DB) Final Approach Segment Data Block Tool – Web-based Tool to generate CRC values

  34. RNAV Validation Tool Desktop ground RNAV Procedure Validation application PANS-OPS criteria Flyability Noise contours Fuel Flow Emissions

  35. GNSS Performance Monitoring System • GNSS Performance Monitoring System • GPMS • Allows users to comply with ICAO Guidance – Annex 10 • Requires Monitoring and Recording of GNSS Data as Navigation Aids and for incident investigation • Localised GNSS Receivers • Wide Area RAIM Prediction • GNSS NOTAMS for State ANSP and Airspace users • Ionospheric data collection and alerting

  36. GNSS Performance Monitoring System • Incheon International Airport, Seoul, Korea • Hong Kong International Aiport

  37. GNSS Performance Monitoring System

  38. Obrigado - Any questions? john.wilde@dwint.com www.dwint.com

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