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pim wg multicast YANG team

Explore PIM multicast graceful restart, helper, leaves configuration, RP model, interface settings, hierarchy options, and AF specifics. Learn about PIM configuration and customization options.

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pim wg multicast YANG team

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  1. pim wg multicast YANG team Meeting 20150701

  2. Graceful Restart Config Add graceful-restart-help support; Two features: graceful-restart and graceful-restart-helper; module: ietf-pim-base augment /rt:routing/rt:routing-instance/rt:routing-protocols: +--rwpim +--rwgraceful-restart {graceful-restart) | +--rw enabled? boolean | +--rw duration? Uint16 +--rwgraceful-restart-helper {graceful-restart-helper) | +--rw enabled? boolean | +--rw duration? uint16 +--rw address-family* [address-family] +--rw address-family identityref +--rwgraceful-restart {graceful-restart) | +--rw enabled? boolean | +--rw duration? Uint16 +--rw graceful-restart-helper {graceful-restart-helper) | +--rw enabled? boolean | +--rw duration? uint16

  3. PIM Inst Config Leaves (1/2) RP address <address> Yes [<acl>] Yes? [override] Feature?? SSM range [acl] or <default> Yes? spt-threshold-infinity [boolean/<infinity>] Yes [<acl>] Feature?? [1..4294967294]| Augment?? register-source <interface> Augment?? old register checksum empty/boolean Augment??

  4. PIM Inst Config Leaves (2/2) assert holdtime jp holdtime jp interval probe interval dr priority hello holdtime hello interval register suppress interval embedded rp neighbor check recv neighbor check send register policy ssm policy source policy source lifetime ipsec name ipsec type SSM default range disable SSM Assert compatible ipv4-multicast-disable ipv6-multicast-disable non-dr-attract-traffic rpf-table Multicast fast failover Multicast ECMP hashing Apply PIM

  5. Interface Leaves Model Anish: make jp-interval as a feature. Reply: It is already a feature. augment /rt:routing/rt:routing-instance/rt:routing-protocols: +--rwpim +--rw address-family* [address-family] +--rw address-family identityref +--rw interfaces +--rw interface* [interface] +--rw interface if:interface-ref +--rwdr-priority? uint32 +--rw hello-interval? uint16 +--rw (hello-holdtime-or-multipler)? | +--:(holdtime) {config-intf-hello-holdtime}? | | +--rw hello-holdtime? uint16 | +--:(multipler) {config-intf-hello-multipler}? | +--rw hello-multipler? uint8 +--rwjp-interval? uint16 {config-intf-jp-interval}? +--rw (jp-holdtime-or-multipler)? | +--:(holdtime) {config-intf-jp-holdtime}? | | +--rwjp-holdtime? uint16 | +--:(multipler) {config-intf-jp-multipler}? | +--rwjp-multipler? uint8 +--rw propagation-delay? uint16 {config-intf-propagation-delay}? +--rw override-interval? uint16 {config-intf-override-interval}?

  6. Open Issue:Interface Hierarchy (Option 1) Per AF interface list +--rw routing +--rw routing-instance* [name] +--rw routing-protocols +--rwpim +--rw address-family* [address-family] +--rw address-family enumeration +--rwpim-interfaces +--rwpim-interface* [if-name] +--rw if-name if-name +--rw hello-interval? uint32 +--rwdr-priority? uint32

  7. Interface Hierarchy (Option 1) Per AF interface list +--rw routing +--rw routing-instance* [name] +--rw routing-protocols +--rwpim +--rw address-family* [address-family] +--rw address-family enumeration +--rwpim-interfaces +--rwpim-interface* [if-name] +--rw if-name if-name +--rw hello-interval? uint32 +--rwdr-priority? uint32

  8. Interface Hierarchy (Option 1) "ipv4": { "interface": [ { "interface": "if-a-v4", "dr-priority": 1, "hello-interval": 11 }, { "interface": "if-c-v4", "dr-priority": 3, "ipv4": "hello-interval": 13 } ], "ipv6": { "interface": [ { "interface": "if-b-v6", "dr-priority": 2, "hello-interval": 12 } ] }

  9. Interface Hierarchy (Option 2) AF-mixed interface list +--rw routing +--rw routing-instance* [name] +--rw routing-protocols +--rwpim +--rwpim-interfaces +--rwpim-interface* [if-name] +--rw if-name if-name +--rw hello-interval? Uint32 (feature a) +--rwdr-priority? Uint32 (feature a) +--rw address-family* [address-family] +--rw address-family enumeration hello-interval (feature b) dr-priority (feature b)

  10. Interface Hierarchy (Option 2) "interface": [ { "interface": "if-a", "dr-priority": 1, "ipv4": { "hello-interval": 123 }, "ipv6": { "hello-interval": 234 } }, { "interface": "if-b-v6", "dr-priority": 2, "ipv6": { "hello-interval": 12 } } { "interface": "if-c-v4", "dr-priority": 3, "ipv4": { "hello-interval": 13 } } ]

  11. RP Model Params module: ietf-pim-rp augment /rt:routing/rt:routing-instance/rt:routing-protocols/pim-base:pim/pim-base:address-family: +--rwrp +--rw static-rp | +--rw ipv4-rp* [ipv4-addr] | | +--rw ipv4-addr inet:ipv4-address | | +--rw policy-name? string | | +--rw mode? identityref | +--rw ipv6-rp* [ipv6-addr] | +--rw ipv6-addr inet:ipv6-address | +--rw policy-name? string | +--rw mode? identityref +--rwbsr {bsr}? +--rwbsr-candidate! | +--rw interface if:interface-ref | +--rw hash-mask-length uint8 | +--rw priority uint8 +--rwrp-candidate* [interface] +--rw interface if:interface-ref +--rw policy? string +--rw mode? identityref

  12. SM Model Params module: ietf-pim-sm augment /rt:routing/rt:routing-instance/rt:routing-protocols/pim-base:pim/pim-base:address-family: +--rwsm +--rwasm | +--rwanycast-rp! | | +--rw ipv4 | | | +--rw ipv4-anycast-rp* [anycast-addrrp-addr] | | | +--rwanycast-addr inet:ipv4-address | | | +--rwrp-addr inet:ipv4-address | | +--rw ipv6 | | +--rw ipv6-anycast-rip* [anycast-addrrp-addr] | | +--rwanycast-addr inet:ipv6-address | | +--rwrp-addr inet:ipv6-address | +--rwspt-switch | +--rw infinity? boolean | +--rwspt-threshhold? uint32 | +--rw policy-name? string +--rwssm! +--rw range-poligy? String // <default> | <acl>

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