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Lisp. " List Processing ". Lisp history. John McCarthy developed the basics behind Lisp during the 1956 Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence He intended it as an algebraic LIS t P rocessing ( hence the name ) language for artificial intelligence work
Lisp "List Processing"
Lisp history • John McCarthy developed the basics behind Lisp during the 1956 Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence • He intended it as an algebraic LISt Processing (hence the name) language for artificial intelligence work • He showed how, given a handful of simple operators and anotation for functions, you can build a whole programming language.
Design Goals • Formalism for developing a theory of computation • Programming language for numerical and logical problems • Symbolic manipulation of expressions and sentences
Characteristics • LISP was one of the earliest high-level programming languages and introduced many ideas such as garbage collection, recursive functions, symbolic expressions, and dynamic type-checking • Interest in symbolic computation influenced design • Use of simple machine model • Attention to theoretical considerations Recursive function theory, Lambda calculus
Distinctive Characteristics • Not C, C++, Java: a chance to think differently • LISt Processing: the ancestor of all functional languages • Lisp is good at handling lists of things, and the abstraction level is higher than C/C++ normally allows you to get to.
Description of Lisp • LISP is usually used as an interpreted language. • The interpreter runs what is known as a read- evaluates-print loop.
Description of Lisp • The two most important kinds of objects in LISP for you to know about are atoms and lists. • Atoms are represented as sequences of characters of reasonable length. Such as :34 or join. • Lists are recursively constructed from atoms Such as: (a john 34 c3po). • The interpreter treats any list as containing the name of a function followed by the arguments to the function. Such as: (+ 2 13 45).
Defining Lisp Function • Use defun to define your own functions in LISP. (defun <name><parameter-list><body>) • Example: >(defun square (x) (* x x)) SQUARE >(square 2) 4
Example Code • reverse : Format: (reverse <list>) • Reverse returns a list that contains all the elements of <list> in reversed order. • Example: > (reverse '(picard riker worf crusher)) (CRUSHER WORF RIKER PICARD) > (reverse (reverse '(picard riker worf crusher))) (PICARD RIKER WORF CRUSHER)
Resources • http://faqs.org/faqs/lisp-faq/part2/section-13.html • http://www.cc.gatech.edu/data_files/classes/cs6390/slides/lisp.pdf • http://web.syr.edu/~aalarifi/Common%20Lisp.pdf • http://norvig.com/python-lisp.html