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Explore the history and components of plumbing systems, including water supply, sanitary drainage, storm drainage, plumbing fixtures, and more.

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  2. Introduction P L U M B I NG Is the art and technique of installing pipes, fixtures & other apparatuses in buildings & for bringing the supply, liquids, substances &/or ingredients & removingthem; from the Latinplumbum for leadas pipes were once made fromlead. refers to a system of pipes and fixtures installed in a building for thedistribution of potable water and the removal of waterborne wastes. P L U M B I N G

  3. Introduction -history PRACTICE OF PLUMBING IN THEPHILIPPINES Birth of plumbing profession traced back to the 17th century as Spaniards established Walled City known as Intramuros as a modelcommunity. In 1902, the PLUMBING TRADE was duly recognized bythe government. Master Plumber John F. Hass became the 1st Chief of Division of Plumbing Construction and Construction. A plumbing code based on the Plumbing Code of the US was incorporated into the Building Code for the City ofManila. P L U M B I N G In 1935 the National Master Plumbers Association ofthe Philippines (NAMPAP) was organized and registered with theSEC.

  4. Introduction -history PRACTICE OF PLUMBING IN THEPHILIPPINES City Ordinance 2411 known as “The Plumbing Code forthe City of Manila” was enacted with the consultation of NAMPAP In 1954, the 3rd Congress of the Republic of the Philippines approved after the third reading House Bill No. 962. This became Republic Act No.1378. On June 28, 1955, R.A. 1378 known as the “Plumbing Codeof the Philippines was signed by President RamonMagsaysay. P L U M B I N G In December 21, 1999 pursuant t Section 4 of R.A. 1378, Joseph Ejercito Estrada approved the RevisedPlumbing Code of1999.

  5. Plumbing System -Fundamentals PLUMBING SYSTEM System includes all potable water supply and distribution pipes, all plumbing fixtures and traps; all sanitary and stormdrainagesystems;ventpipes,roofdrains,leaders and downspouts; and all building drains and sewers, P L U M B I N G including their respective joints and connections; devices, receptacles, and appurtenances within the property; water lines in the premises; potable, tap, hot and chilled water piping; potable water treating or using equipment; fuel gas piping; water heaters and vents for same. SUPPLY PIPE DRAINAGE PIPE FIXTURE


  7. Plumbing System -Fundamentals PLUMBINGCYLE P L U M B I N G S U P P LY DISTRIBUTION U SE Pressure, Piping Networks WaterMains, StorageTanks Plumbing Fixtures S O U R CE COLLECTION Gravity, Piping Networks Lakes,Rivers, Reservoirs TREATMENT DISPOSAL SewagePlants, Natural Purification Treated water returned tothe originalsource Sanitary and StormSewers


  9. definition Water Supply and DistributionSystem Carries water from the water source, street main or a pump to the building and to various points in the building at which water isused. COLD WATERSUPPLY HOT WATERSUPPLY P L U M B I N G WATER plays an important part in the plumbingsystem Providing water is one of the most critical utilityrequirement “UniversalSolvent”


  11. SOURCES OFWATER Water Supply and DistributionSystem P L U M B I N G RAIN WATER Collected from roofs of buildings and special water shedsand stored in cisterns orponds. ADVANTAGE Water is soft & pure and is suitable for the hotwater supplysystem DISADVANTAGE Only a source during the wetseason Storage becomes a breeding place formosquitoes Roofs may not beclean

  12. SOURCES OFWATER Water Supply and DistributionSystem P L U M B I N G GROUND WATER The portion of the rainwater which has percolated into the earthto formundergrounddepositscalledaquifers(water-bearingsoil formation). From springs and wells and is the principal source of water for domestic use in most ruralareas. ADVANTAGE Usually has an abundantsupply; requires less treatment because of naturalfiltering. DISADVANTAGE May have organic matter & chemical elementsusually treatment issuggested.

  13. SOURCES OFWATER Water Supply and DistributionSystem P L U M B I N G NATURAL SURFACEWATER A mixture of surface run-off and ground water. Surfacesources includes rivers, lakes, ponds and impoundingreservoirs. ADVANTAGE Usually easy to acquire and in largequantities. Used for irrigation, industrial purposes and, whentreated, for community watersupply. DISADVANTAGE Contains a large amounts of bacteria, organic, & inorganic substances; Purification & treatment isnecessary.


  15. PHYSICAL PROPETIES OFWATER Water Supply and DistributionSystem P L U M B I N G SURFACETENSION The ability to stick itself together and pull itselftogether HEATABSOPTION/CAPACITY The ability to absorb heat without becomingwarmer CAPILLARITY The ability to climb up a surface against the pull ofgravity DISSOLVINGABILITY Known as the “UniversalSolvent”

  16. Water Supply and DistributionSystem WATER QUALITY PROBLEM AND THEIRCORRECTION PROBLEMS CAUSE EFFECTS CORRECTION P L U M B I N G Contains carbondioxide • Corrosion of non-ferrous pipes • Rusting & cloggingof • steelpipes 1.Acidity • Passing thewater through a bed of crushed marble or limestone to achieve alkalinity, or adding sodium silicate.) Presence of magnesiumand calciumsalts • Cloggingof pipes • Impaired laundryand • cooking 2.Hardness • Boiling • Introduction of water softeners made up of Zeolite Silt or mudin surface or in ground • Discoloration • Badtaste 3.Turbidity • Filtration

  17. Water Supply and DistributionSystem WATER QUALITY PROBLEM AND THEIRCORRECTION PROBLEMS CAUSE EFFECTS CORRECTION P L U M B I N G Presence of Iron and manganese 4.Color • Discolorationof Chlorinationor fixtures ozonation and file filtration andlaundry Contamination by organic matter or sewage 5.Pollution • Disease • Chlorination

  18. Water treatment andpurification Water Supply and DistributionSystem P L U M B I N G is any method that will remove one or more materials thatmake the water unsuitable for a givenuse AERATION Water is sprayed into the air to release any trapped gases and absorb additional oxygen for bettertaste.

  19. Water Supply and DistributionSystem COAGULATION -FLOCCULATION P L U M B I N G process by which small sediment particles which do not settle well combine together to form larger particles which can be removed bysedimentation COAGULATION chemical process in which the coagulant reacts with the sediment to make it capable of combining into largerparticles. FLOCCULATION physical process in which the sedimentparticles collide with each other and sticktogether.

  20. Water Supply and DistributionSystem SEDIMENTATION P L U M B I N G suspended solids are removed from the water by gravity settling and deposition water is passed through basins so sediments can settle througha period oftime

  21. Water Supply and DistributionSystem FILTRATION P L U M B I N G water is passed through layers of sand and gravel in concrete basins in order to remove the finer suspendedparticles. DISINFECTION/CHLORINATION method of introducing a controlled amount of chlorine to the water in order to attain a desired degree ofdisinfection.

  22. Water Supply and DistributionSystem WATER TREATMENTPROCESS P L U M B I N G

  23. Water Supply and DistributionSystem WELLS Wells are holes in the earth from which a fluid may be withdrawn using manual or mechanical means such as draw bucket, pump,etc. GENERAL TYPES OFWELL SHALLOW WELL DEEPWELL P L U M B I N G TYPES OFWELL (ACCORDING TO METHOD OFCONSTRUCTION) DUGWELLS can be constructed with hand tools or powertools depth of about 15 meters (50ft) can have the greatest diameter that a space mayallow

  24. Water Supply and DistributionSystem DUGWELL P L U M B I N G

  25. Water Supply and DistributionSystem DRIVENWELLS P L U M B I N G A steel drive-well point is fitted on one end of the pipe section and driven into the earth. The point may be driven into the ground to a depth of up to 15 meters (50ft).

  26. Water Supply and DistributionSystem BOREDWELLS These are dug with earth augers are usually less than 30 meters (100 ft) deep. The diameter ranges from 2 to 30 inches. The well is lined with metal, vitrified tile orconcrete. P L U M B I N G

  27. Water Supply and DistributionSystem DRILLEDWELLS Requires more elaborate equipment depending on the geology of thesite. Used for drilling oil and can reach up to 1000 meters indepth. P L U M B I N G

  28. Water Supply and DistributionSystem JETTEDWELLS Use extreme water pressure so as not to affect existing foundation in the vicinity. It makes use of a suction pump above, while casing acts as the pumpriser. P L U M B I N G

  29. Water Supply and DistributionSystem PUMPS A pump is a device used to move fluids, such as liquidsor slurries. A pump displaces a volume by physical or mechanicalaction. P L U M B I N G CLASSIFICATION OFPUMPS RECIPROCATINGPUMP Pump having a plunger that move back and forth within a cylinder equipped with check valves. The cylinder is best located near or below the ground level.

  30. Water Supply and DistributionSystem CENTRIFUGALPUMP P L U M B I N G It contains an impeller mounted on a rotating shaft. The rotating impeller increases the water velocity while forcing the water into a casing thus converting the water’s velocity into higherpressure.

  31. Water Supply and DistributionSystem TURBINEPUMP P L U M B I N G A turbine pump has a vertical turbine located below groundwater levels and a driving motor located atground

  32. Water Supply and DistributionSystem SUBMERSIBLEPUMP P L U M B I N G Is basically a centrifugal pump complete with electric motors which are positioned underwater in a suitable bored hole that delivers the water to thesurface

  33. Water Supply and DistributionSystem JET (EJECTOR)PUMP P L U M B I N G Jet pumps are centrifugal pumps typically used for drawing water up from awell.

  34. Water Supply and DistributionSystem PISTONPUMP P L U M B I N G Is a positive displacement reciprocating pump in which a plunger is driven backwards and forwards, or up and down by a mechanical workinghead. Water is sucked into a sealed vacuum by use of apiston.

  35. Water Supply and DistributionSystem SUMPPUMP P L U M B I N G Sump pumps are used in applications where excess water must be pumped away from a particulararea. a pumpused to remove water that has accumulated in awater collecting sumppit,

  36. Water Supply and DistributionSystem WATER STORAGE FOR DOMESTICUSE P L U M B I N G OVERHEAD TANK/ GRAVITY SUPPLYTANK Does not have any pressure concerns but relies on gravity to supply water to fixtures below. Use in overhead feedsystem COMPONENTS SupplyPipe Inlet OverflowPipe DripPan GateValves

  37. Water Supply and DistributionSystem CISTERN P L U M B I N G Usually builtof reinforcedconcrete underground and connected with apump. PNEUMATIC WATERTANK Used in the air pressure system and often used with apump. Makeuseof pressurerelievevalve to release excess pressure ifnecessary

  38. Water Supply and DistributionSystem HOT WATERTANK P L U M B I N G RangeBoiler Small hot water tank (30-60 cm diameter; 180cm maxlength) Made of galvanized steel sheet, copper or stainlesssteel Standard working pressure limit is 85 to 150psi StorageBoiler Large hot water tank (60-130cm in diameter; 5m maxlength) Made of heavy duty material sheets applied with rust proofpaint Standard working pressurelimit is 65 to 100psi.

  39. Water Supply and DistributionSystem VALVES ANDCONTROLS FUNCTION OFVALVES Control of the watersystem P L U M B I N G • Start or shut down asystem • Regulatepressure • Checkbackflow • Control the direction of water TYPES OFVALVES GATE VALVE (Full-wayValve) Used mainly to completely close completely open the water line (d not control flow ofwater). Wedge Shape or Tapered Disc Valve Double DiscValve or oes

  40. Water Supply and DistributionSystem GLOBEVALVE P L U M B I N G Controls the movable spindle. flow of water Can reduce with a water pressure(throttling). 3types Plug Type DiscValve Conventional DiscValve Composition DiscValve

  41. Water Supply and DistributionSystem CHECKVALVE Main function is to prevent reversal of flow (backflow) in theline. P L U M B I N G 4types Swing Check Valve Lift CheckValve Vertical CheckValve Horizontal Checkvalve

  42. Water Supply and DistributionSystem ANGLEVALVE Used to make a 90° turn in aline. P L U M B I N G FOOT VALVE Locatedat the lower endof the pump.Used mainly to prevent loss of priming of thepumps. SAFETY VALVE Used on water systems, heating systems, compressed air lines & other pipe lines with excessivepressure.

  43. Water Supply and DistributionSystem TYPES OF FAUCETS COMPRESSIONCOCK Operates by the compression of a soft packing upon a metalsheet. P L U M B I N G KEYCOCK Operates with a round tapering ground to fit a metalsheet. plug BALLFAUCET Constructed with a ball connected tothe handle. HOSEBIBB A waterfaucetmade for thethreaded attachment of ahose.

  44. Water Supply and DistributionSystem WATER DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM The water service pipe, water distribution pipes, and the necessary connecting pipes, fittings, control valves and all appurtenances in or adjacent to the structure orpremises. P L U M B I N G PARTS OF WATER DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM SERVICE PIPE The pipe from the water main or other source of potable water supply to the water distribution system of the buildingserved. WATERMETER Device used to measure in liters or gallons the amount of water that passes through the waterservice. DISTRIBUTION PIPE/ SUPPLYPIPE A pipe within the structure or on the premises which conveyswater from the water service pipe or meter to the point ofutilization.

  45. Water Supply and DistributionSystem P L U M B I N G RISER A water supply pipe that extends one full story or more to convey water to branches or to a group offixtures. FIXTUREBRANCH The water supply pipe between the fixture supplypipe & the water distributingpipe. FIXTURESUPPLY A water supply pipe connecting the fixture with the fixturebranch.

  46. Water Supply and DistributionSystem • COLD WATER DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM • TYPES OF WATERDISTRIBUTION • DIRECT(UPFEED) • INDIRECT • Down feed or GravitySystem • Hydro pneumatic System ( Air PressureSystem) • DIRECT(UPFEED) • Water is provided by the city water companies using normal pressure from public watermain P L U M B I N G

  47. Water Supply and DistributionSystem DOWNFEED or GRAVITYSYSTEM Water is pumped into a large tank on top of the building and is distributed to the fixtures by means of gravity. P L U M B I N G

  48. Water Supply and DistributionSystem HYDRO PNEUMATICSYSTEM/ AIR PRESSURESYSTEM P L U M B I N G When pressure supplied by city water supply is not strongenough Compressed air is used to raise and push water into thesystem

  49. Water Supply and DistributionSystem P L U M B I N G

  50. Water Supply and DistributionSystem P L U M B I N G

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