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Understanding Leptospirosis in Animals: Symptoms and Effects

Learn about leptospirosis, a bacterial disease that affects animals and humans, causing septicemia. Explore the pathogenesis, symptoms, and lesions associated with canine and bovine leptospirosis. Understand the macroscopic and microscopic pictures of liver and kidney involvement. Stay informed and protect your pets and livestock.

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Understanding Leptospirosis in Animals: Symptoms and Effects

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  1. leptospirosis

  2. Definition Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease related to genus Leptospirawhich cause septicemia, It is rare in cats but more common in dogs, cattle Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease (human). NB: In man: it causes Weil’s disease

  3. pathogenesis penetration fever Localized in lung liver jaundice kidney brain Uterus in pregnant animal abortion

  4. Septicemia septicemia leads to petechial hemorrhages and edema on serous membranes (pleura ) :may be seen in other organs as myocardium, adrenal glands, pancreas, gallbladder and lung

  5. Pulmonary hemorrhage

  6. A-Canine Leptospirosis: Pathognomonic Lesions: Acute leptospirosis: Liver: Macroscopic Picture : 1-The liver is enlarged and yellow in color. 2-Yellow m.m. due to icterus. 3-Peticheal hemorrhages on the pleura, pericardium and peritoneum.

  7. Icterus

  8. Microscopic Picture: 1- coagulative necrosis in hepatic cells. 2-Dissociation of the hepatic cells (individualization). 3-hemolytic jaundice with dilation of the bile canaliculi with yellow bile pigments. 4-Hemosiderosis are seen in the kupffer cells. .

  9. Organ : Liver. Stain : H&E. Micro : Dissociation and individualization hepatic cells.

  10. B- Bovine leptospirosis Subacute and Chronic leptospirosis: Macroscopic Picture: 1-The kidneys are enlarged & atrophied (chronic). 2-Grayish-white spots throughout the cortex (white spotted kidney) and the capsule is not easily detached. 3-Smooth or pitted surface with hemorrhage at the corticomedullary junction. .

  11. Microscopic Picture: 1-Agggregations of lymphocytes 2-Extenssive coagulative necrosis. 3-Fibrosis and cystic dilation of some renal tubules in chronic stage. 4-Cellular and hyaline casts

  12. Thank you

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