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presents. www.databridge.it – oneway@databridge.it telefono 02 6111331. We Are. Since the 1986 Date Bridge Informatica is specialized in planning and realization of software solutions for the market of International Forwarders, developing in an open technology enviroment.
presents www.databridge.it – oneway@databridge.it telefono 02 6111331
We Are Since the 1986 Date Bridge Informatica is specialized in planning and realization of software solutions for the market of International Forwarders, developing in an open technology enviroment. These characteristics of independence and portability have allowed us to realize over 600 installations in all Europe with over 15000 users. . 2013 1986 15000 Users
OurPhilosophy to be WINNING! The winning philosophy adopted by our group, resides in the Personalized Service. Besides the constant search of the quality of our applications Software, the service of assistance and consultation it is at the base of the success of ours single installation. Fundamental importance is a suitable initial Consulting service, that assures the correct starting of the Procedure. The Choice of the correct hardware and software configuration, a personalized planning of users instruction, analysis and ad HOC software realization , are the winning philosophy of Data Bridge Informatica.
ONEWAY TOOLS & CHARACTERISTICS Our Products are characterized to be: Complete: they cover all the facets of any Company of the International Forwarders Market; Multilingual: our Applications are easily usable of any Company of the International Forwarders Market; Integrated: All the Applications are modular and at the same time integrated. This guarantees immediateness in the retrieval and in the Bookkeeping and Operational data management; Constantly Evolved: all the Products and the relative Procedures constantly come and punctually evolved. This with the purpose to have a s/w with qualitative standard of excellence; Simple and easy-to-use: the access to the various software functions and the use of the same, is easy by standard icons and mnemonics.
ONEWAY Complete Sopftware Solution: Air,Sea;Land Traffics, Invoicing, Accrued Costs, Customers Tariffs, Suppliers Tariffs, CRM Integrated, Statistics, Company Analysis Pickup and Delivery management, Barcoding, Accounting Section. Easy to Use: shipments data inserted in only one form, in a very easy way. Integrated: All the software applications are integrated to share all the information you need. Comunications: You are able to build free text as you need, send them by e-mail directly from the ONEWAY application, E.D.I. transmission integrated in our solution, Send Invoices by e-mail, send data where necessary. Lay Outs: Jasper report is our printing engine. All the layouts are automatically stored in the sistem so is very easy lookup ISSUED or RECEIVED documents .
From Aiti to Oneway Since 1986 with Thoroughbred BASIC, crossing to IDLE IV and Omnis Studio and FILEMAKER till ONEWAY solution! OurObjectives ? 4 1 2 3 To migrate all our solutions to the future To be independent from OS and Database To move 15000 users into the new environment To maintain and grow our leadership in the software applications for international forwarders market
In the world of the IT Solution nowOneway Our objective is to solve all the software application problems of our customers into all the different OS, Database, Hardware configuration.
Oneway for your Company CRM SOLUTION The Customers and Suppliers registry is a complete CRM where to find alla informations about Accounting/Business/Traffic/Tariffs/Spot quotations etc,etc….. by a simple QLICK SPOT QUOTATIONS The SPOT quotation is the most frequent commercial approach used by the clients today. ONEWAY will calculate automatically the costs, allow you to insert a MARKUP index to calculate the selling value The offers is ready to send. SHIPMENTS Total integration with the quotations SPOT and the business tariff system. Automatic proposals drawn by the history of the shipments of the customer. BUSINESS ANALYSIS. A jump in the future. Business analysis are not static but produced through your specific filters of searching and necessity of detail.. NOTHING is like before.
CRM Registry - 1 The registrysearchissinceimmediately an elegantselection. The semaphorespoint out you the quality of the administrative data, commercial, and traffic data.
CRM Registry- 2 The registry data are complete with the mostmodernvalues (Web, Mail, Facebook, Skype)
CRM Registry- 3 Schedules of the warehouse, comments to be brought on the Pickup and Delivery forms.
CRM Registry- 4 Different link Customer / Promoter depending on the traffictypology.Visit Report, Routing Orders and much more.
Spot Quotations - 1 All the SPOT quotationsalways are traceable , also by status (Accepted,Refused,Expired,To be Completed, Under investigation, Etc….)
Spot Quotations - 2 Automaticcalcule of the inland/foreigncosts .Analitycal or SyntethicOffer (Multi Items or ALL IN). Mono currency, Multi currency,Multilingual.
Spot Quotations - 3 Insertyour MARKUP ( alsodifferent on single cost item ). Calcule of sellingvalue , manualadjustment of the finalamount.
Spot Quotations - 4 Insertion of the General Condition , Multilingualpersonalizedfor typology of traffic,modifiable on line.
Spot Quotations - 5 Resume Panel of the Costs and Proceedswith evidence of the Profit / Loss
Spot Quotations - 6 Statisticevidence ON-LINE of the attitude of the customerrespectthe SPOT proposals.
Spot Quotations - 7 Evidence of motives of refusal of the SPOT proposal.
Spot Quotations - 8 Layout of the SPOT Proposal.
Shipments - 1 Search of the consignmentsby the mostusualattributes of identification. Insertion of WARNINGS atShipmentslevel.
Shipments - 2 All the customer’s SPOT quotationsalwaysproposals in automatic to the operationalpeople.
Shipments - 3 The data of the consignment in an onlyevidence
Shipments - 4 Insertion of the data directly on the basicdocument of the type of transport (CMR,B/L,HAWB,MAWB,etc…). Very easy to use and learning.
Shipments - 5 All the formats in native PDF
Shipments - 6 Everytraffichisformats.An alone sequence of masks for anytypology of traffic. Interchangeability of the users.
Shipments - 7 Great care of all layouts.
Shipments - 8 WORKFLOW personalizeddepending on the traffictypology. Semaphoresactivated in automatic from the system.
Shipments - 9 All the Received and Issueddocumentsdirectlyfiled inside the consignment (VIRTUAL FILE). Documentsselection and directdispach by mail.
Shipments - 10 Visualizationof an issueddocument.
Shipments - 11 Data Insertiondirectly on the document of transport.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 1 Immediate evaluation of the business courseputting to comparison with the precedingyear the mostusualindexes of investigation : Turn Over, Weight, Number of Shipments, Etc..AllInformations are dowloadable in Excel or printable.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 2 Evaluation of the business coursebased on the forecastcosts.Evaluationindexescompared to the bookkeepingindexes.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 3 Periodicbuisnesscourse for NATION
Traffic Lines Analysis - 4 PIVOT Tableexplaining the variations YEAR / YEAR for NATION, calculated on the most common evaluationindexes.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 5 Chart of Consolidations by NATION.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 6 Indicative histograms of the economiccourse for Nation.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 7 PIVOT Table of the situation of the TRAFFIC LINES in comparison with the precedingperiod.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 8 Company’s TOP TEN Customers, estimated on vartiousindexes of analysis
Traffic Lines Analysis - 9 PIVOT Table of the Customerscompared to the previousperiod.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 10 BublesGrafic with evidence of the Inactivecustomersfrm ‘N’ weeks. Possibility to filter the information for AGENT, TRAFFIC, INCOTERM, etc.
Traffic Lines Analysis - 11 Chart PIVOT of the new clients in the period
Traffic Lines Analysis - 12 Lost customers in the period.