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Discover how to improve the happiness of seniors by spending more time with them and addressing their needs |
Group Five presentation How to help seniors to live a happier life PRESENTEDBY:Group Ⅴ
Before we start Personalplacement Teammember leader Team member Teammember The connection between teacher and group members. Divide the task into smaller parts and make the group run properly. Interviewerandthe tecnic expert of the group. Secretary and the brainpower ot the group. Stephen qian Ric pan Allen zhu Steven zhang Group Ⅴ
业务亮点 CONTENTS 2 4 5 1 3 PARTTWO PARTFOUR PARTONE PARTTHREE PARTFIVE Test & Finalsolution Nextstep & Existedquestion Research & Insight Motivation & Assumption HMWquestion & Roughsolution
PARTONE Motivation&Assumption
PARTONE MotivationandAssumption 01 As college students , we are guilty of not spending enough time with our grandparents. motivation 02 About one senior out of three feels lonely when they lives without their children datapack 03 Zhengqin pan’s granny told him that the only thing that will make them happier is seeing their children living a happy life. Granny’sword 04 The more time a healthy senior spends with his/her children the happier he/she will be. assumption Group Ⅴ
PARTTWO Research&Insight
PARTtwo:Research&Insight Desktopresearch Whytodoit We are eager to find what the seniors need and find the main problem that seniors are facing. Based on this desktop research , we think that it may be easier for us to find the way to make seniors happier How to do it We go through several professional websites which focus on the old. We tried to find out how do the old take care of themselves and how they get along with their children. Group Ⅴ
Desktop research Focus How tomeasuretheseniors’happiness Howtocompleteourquestionnaire Past,sleepquality,appetite,interests,relationship, Weconsider10questioninourpaper. How tomeasuretherelationshipbetweenseniorsandtheirchildren Time,mutualcareforothers. GroupⅤ
PARTtwo:research&Insight Field research Whytodoit We are eager to find if we enhance the time seniors spend with their children will add to their happiness. How to do it Two of us will go to the supermarket, and deliver our survey and gather enough data.Theothers will go to a estate and spend some time talking with the old for further data. Group V
PARTtwo:research&Insight Field research Steven&Allen’s result Theyarenotwillingtolivealongwiththeirchildreninordertoavoidconflicts(ineconomyordiet).Theyaremorelikelytotakecareofthemselvesindependentoftheirchildren. However,theyareeagertostaywiththeirchildrenbecauseofaffectionbetweenfamilymembers. Theoldpeoplestatethatthemainconflictslieinextravaganceoftheirchildrenandthelackofspiritualcommunication. Group Ⅴ
PARTtwo:Research&Insight Field research Stephen and Ric’s result The seniors who spend more time with their children are actually happier. Interestingly,those who live together with their children are eager to spend less time with their children while those who spend a little time together with their children are eager to spend more time with their children. Group Ⅴ
Fieldresearch Afterfieldresearch 01field research After the field research , we find several problems with our assumption after a long discussion we decide to reframe our assumption to make it more specific. 02data process 03discussion 04reframe Group Ⅴ
Fieldresearch Dataprocess Group V
Fieldresearch Dataprocess Group V
PARTtwo:Research&Insight Insight Insightsanddemand Spendingmoretimewiththeirchildrennotnecessarilyraisethehappinessofseniorcitizens. Theseniorswhospendrelativelylesstimewiththeirchildrenseekformoreaffectionwiththeirkidsandviceversa. Group Ⅴ
PARTTHREE HMWquestion&Roughsolution
HMWquestion Howmightwecreateaplacefortheseniorswho want to take care of themselveswithoutbothering their younger generation?
PARTthree:HMWquestion&Roughsolution Roughsolution How to choose We vote for the most doable solution in the twenty solutions we find. How to do it We spend a lot o f time brainstorming and find twenty solutions Group Ⅴ
PARTfour solution 01 Thenotion Anewseniorcommunity Agroup for sharing 02 Change the notion in the seniors’ mind , avoid the conflict between seniors and the younger generation. Build some seniorcommunities of new type which can offer seniors both convenience and freedom Let seniors share their own talent and kill the time. 03 Group Ⅴ
PARTfour solution 01 It is very hard to change a kind of concept buried in a person’s mind. We give up our first idea 02 we think it doable and we will try to make a rough plan and test. Can be a part of the seniorcommunity 03 Group Ⅴ
PARTfour solution Rough plan Weintendtoconstructabuildingfortheseniortoliveinwithfoodrelaystation,seniorcenterincludingpingpangandmajiangrooms,aninventoryofnecessitiesandthebuildingleadersystem. Group Ⅴ
PARTfour solution Rough plan(continued) Consideringtheeconomicfactor,theplaceisrequiredtoconstructinthesuburbs. Thepriceisabout3000¥ amonth. Group Ⅴ
Plantesting Webeginoursecondfieldresearchaftertheroughplan. 01 Ourpotentialcustomersarenotwillingtoliveinourcommunity. 02 Theysupportthefoodrelaystation. Theseniorintervieweddohavesomeculinaryproblems. 03 Group Ⅴ
Final solution Final edition
Finalsolution Webuildafoodrelaystationnearschool,letsomestudentvolunteerssendfoodfromschooltostation,thenthestaffwillsendfoodtotheseniors’home.
PARTfour solution Finalsolutiondetails Inordertomeettheseniors’taste,wesendmenustothem,andtheycanchooseacceptourserviceornot. Group V
PARTfour solution Testagainandconfirm Weaskstaffinourschoolcanteen, Group V
Future Thenextstep
PARTfour solution Thenextstep WewanttotestinShanghaitechUniversityandcommunitynearourschool.Afterthat,wewillrevisethesolutionandmakeitmorepopularifpossible. Group Ⅴ
PARTfour solution Existedquestion • Theseniors’tastemaybedifferent.It’sdifficulttomeetalloftheirtaste. • Studentsmaybetoobusytosendfoodtothestation. Group Ⅴ