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The Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes: Exploring Mythology

Dive into the world of myths and legends, from the Age of Mythology to Classical Greek Mythology. Learn about gods, heroes, monsters, and the significance of oral tradition. Discover the importance of myths in shaping culture and art. Explore the epic battles and intriguing stories that have fascinated generations. Unravel the mysteries and lessons hidden within these ancient tales.

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The Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes: Exploring Mythology

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  1. The Age of Mythology • Timeless Tales of Heroes, Gods, and Monsters

  2. Mythology • Definition:a usually traditional story of events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon . Myths often involve divine, supernatural, and/or heroic characters. • Or in other words…

  3. Mythology • Definition #2:A collection of fictional stories involving the actions of gods, goddesses and other imaginary characters, intended to explain the unexplainable.

  4. Oral Tradition • Definition:the practice of passing along stories, tales, and folklore by word of mouth • Oral tradition is responsible for many of the “inconsistencies” of ancient mythology.

  5. Legends • Definition: fictional stories loosely based upon real/historical people and events. • Also known as “tall-tales” • Are rooted in facts, but stories have been changed through the years…WHY?

  6. Fables • Definition:A brief story, often containing animal characters that teaches a lesson or moral • Fables deal with “useful truth”

  7. Fantasy • Definition:highly imaginative writing that contains elements not found in real life • Many science fiction and fantasy books, movies and comic books are based upon the style and manner of myths.

  8. Classical Greek Mythology • Definition:A collection of stories about a set of gods, based upon oral tradition, as told and recorded by the ancient Greeks • Myths served as entertainment, a sense of national/regional pride, and religious education

  9. “The Classicists” • Greek mythology existed for hundreds of years before these stories were ever recorded with written words. • The scholars/poets who recorded the myths are known as “classicists.” • The major classicists of Greek Mythology include Virgil, Homer, and Ovid.

  10. Categories of Myths • Myths of creation:these explain the beginning of time, space, and man • Myths of explanation:these explain the great questions of the universe • Myths of morality: these teach lessons and reinforce cultural morality

  11. The Importance of Myths • Myths were critical to the Ancient Greeks • These stories touched all aspects of Greek life, including their art, music, architecture, military endeavors, religion, and education.

  12. Why Study Mythology? • Greek myths are the foundation for the arts as we know it, including: movies, television, commercial products, sports, music, and comic books. • A knowledge of Greek mythology enhances a person’s ability to understand and appreciate the world as a whole.

  13. Mythology: A Brief Timeline • The beginning: according to popular belief • Uranus was the “First One”, and he created the universe. • Uranus created and married Gaia, otherwise known as “Mother Earth.” • They lived on Mt. Olympus

  14. Uranus and Gaia had many children: • Some were human-like giants, called the “Titans” • Some were hideous, disfigured monsters • The Titans lived for many years under Uranus’s cruel reign • Uranus’s most powerful son would soon challenge his rule.

  15. Cronus killed his cruel father and assumed his role as “king of the Titans.” • Before Uranus died, he predicted that Cronus would be killed by one of his sons, just as he had been. • What is the logical solution to this problem?

  16. Cronus married his sister, Rhea, and had: • -Three daughters: Hestia, Demeter, Hera • -Three sons: Posiedon, Hades, and Zeus • These offspring were considered Titans, but would later become the gods and goddesses of Greek Mythology

  17. Because he feared his sons, Cronus ate his first two sons whole • Fed up with his baby-gobbling, Rhea gave birth to her third son in secret • Rhea dressed a boulder up as a baby and Cronus ate the rock unknowingly • Zeus was sent as an infant to be raised in secret by human shephards

  18. “Cronus Devours His Children”

  19. Zeusreturned to Mt. Olympus as a young man and poisonedCronus • Cronusvomited up brothersPoseidonandHades • Zeuswas celebrated as a hero • An epic battle ensues betweenCronus and his sons for the right to ruleMt. Olympusand the universe.

  20. The Great Battle! • Cronus is assisted in battle by his Titan brothers • Zeus and his brothers are assisted by the monsters Cronus had abused and tortured for years in captivity. • These monsters included the Cyclopes (3) and the Hundred-Handed Ones (3)

  21. Mythology and Classic Art • The Battle Between the Gods and the Titans by Wtewael Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

  22. Cronus is Defeated! • The three sons roll dice to divide Cronus’ kingdom • Poseidon wins, but elects to choose second, knowing that naïve Zeus would choose the empty sky. • Poseidon is correct, and Zeus chooses unwisely. • Hades is left to bitterly receive “leftovers.”

  23. Enter the Gods… • Magically and mysteriously, the children of Cronus become immortal, and become gods and goddesses. • Mythology offers no explanation for this important transformation!

  24. The Pantheon • There are many gods, goddesses, demi-gods (half-gods) and supernatural beings in Greek Mythology. • The twelve main gods and goddesses are known as the Pantheon.

  25. Zeus

  26. Zeus: • King of the gods, ruler of Mt. Olympus • Also god of lightning • Was a powerful and aggressive ruler • Struck Earth with lightning bolt when upset • Waged constant war with wife Hera • Cheated on wife countless times, and had numerous children with mortals, gods, and other creatures

  27. Zeus (continued) • Was a master of disguise, which aided him in his philandering • Was a complex character: capable of unspeakable acts of immorality and occasional acts of mercy

  28. Hera

  29. HERA • Queen of immortals, goddess of marriage and childbirth • Unhappy wife of Zeus • Disapproved of Zeus’ constant cheating • Held grudges against Zeus’ “children” • Often punished Zeus with childish pranks and vengeful schemes • Associated with the peacock

  30. Poseidon

  31. Poseidon • God of water • God of horses as well • Ruled over seas, oceans, rivers and all the sea creatures • Did not live in the lost city of Atlantis • Invented many of the fish and sea monsters of mythology • Created the horse for Demeter (*)

  32. Demeter

  33. Demeter • Goddess of the harvest, plants, farming • One of Zeus’ favorite females (also sister) • Poseidon also loved Demeter • Mother of Persephone • Responsible for the all-important growing season (most Greeks were farmers)

  34. Athena

  35. Athena • Goddess of wisdom and warfare • Zeus daughter out of wedlock • Mother was Metis, a Titaness • Zeus became paranoid that his child would harm him, so he eats her whole. • Zeus developed a splitting headache • Hephaestus split his head open with a chisel, and…

  36. The “Rebirth” of Athena • Athena jumped out of Zeus skull, full-grown and wearing battle armor. • Often associated with the owl • Carried a shield adorned with the head of Medusa, the Gorgon • One of the most popular and respected immortals • Athens, Greece is named for her

  37. Apollo

  38. APoll0 • God of the sun, art, music, math, moderation and poetry • Artemis’ twin brother • Was especially talented but arrogant • Often engaged in unfair competitions with mortals • Regarded as Zeus’ most powerful son • Known for his bloated self-esteem

  39. The Flaying of Marsyas

  40. Artemis

  41. Artemis • Goddess of hunting, sport, and the moon • Born of Zeus and Leto (a nymph) • Was Zeus’ favorite daughter • Zeus granted Artemis three wishes to show her his affection • Many of Zeus’ children were jealous of Artemis’ attention and gifts

  42. Artemis (continued) • Artemis wished for a silver hunting bow and arrow. • Artemis desired to be known by many nicknames. • Artemis desired to stay forever young. • *Artemis remains chaste for eternity. She endures countless advances, though.

  43. Hades

  44. HADES • God of the Underworld • Was an aggressive, moody and selfish god • Often depicted inaccurately as the “antagonist” of mythology • “Hades” refers to both the character and the region of the Underworld itself

  45. Hades (continued) • Ruled over the three regions of Underworld: • Tartarus: dark field bordered by hideous, animated trees, filled with lost souls • River Styx: raging river, often depicted as lava or blood, that marked the entrance to the Underworld. • Also called the “River of Souls”

  46. Hades (continued) • Elysian Fields: a barren wasteland where the good dead reside • (*) Isle of the Blessed: blissful paradise where only the most priviledged mortals went upon dying

  47. Hades (continued) • Lived with his kidnapped wife, Persephone • Cerberus (three-headed dog) guarded the entrance to the Underworld • Despite being an important mythological character, Hades only left the Underworld a handful of times.

  48. Hephaestus

  49. Hephaestus (Vulcan) • God of iron work, blacksmithing, mechanics and manual labor • Son of Zeus and Hera • Was born ugly and fitful • Hera kicked him from Mt. Olympus • Was reinstated by Hera for his masterful skill of jewelry-making • Was ugly, crippled and hideous

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