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Improving the quality of teaching in the Ebacc subjects

Implementing teaching plans, metacognition strategies, and curriculum developments to raise Ebacc subjects' profile. Engage students through European languages, cultural activities, and interdisciplinary projects.

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Improving the quality of teaching in the Ebacc subjects

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  1. Improving the quality of teaching in the Ebacc subjects KS3 Teaching and Learning Plans

  2. Raising the profile of Ebacc subjects on lower site • European day of Languages • Board in dining hall on lower site visible to all students and for open evenings. KS3 Teaching and Learning

  3. Roll out of metacognition at KS3 in History, Geography, Languages, Science, Maths and English. • Initial meeting with subject staff. • Assembly for year 8 students. • Workshop on Metacognition techniques. Teaching and Learning developments – Year 8

  4. Around the World in 40 days – project/competition for all KS3 students to be launched after half term. • Geography, History, MFL and RE to be the involved in promoting this through homestudy activities, talks to support project etc. • Develop independent study skills. • Close gaps in curriculum knowledge – covering elements not on the curriculum and strengthening links between subjects. Curriculum developments

  5. European day of Languages

  6. Form time - sporting celebrities speaking different languages to be followed up in PE lessons (Y7 - 11). • Year 7 Assembly - students that have English as an additional language to read prayers in their mother tongue. • Maths Year 10 - Activity looking at demographics of European countries. • Music - Year 7 to learn a song in another language. • Poster competition - Textiles/Art promoted - Deadline 31/12/19. • Treasure hunt for year 7 - relating to finding out which teachers speak different languages etc. • Kitchen offering a European themed menu on both sites. • Year 7 MFL lessons all classes completing a language challenge booklet/activities on Thursday and Friday. • Geography - Developing memory skills through European countries - flags/capital cities activity (or similar). • English Department - information on the Story of Writing presented in classes where appropriate. • Posters on both sites promoting European Day of Languages and flag bunting. Programme of activities

  7. On Tuesday 24th September Year 8 and 9 students had an Arabic Taster Class delivered by a Language Ambassador from SOAS.  During the sessions the Language Ambassador talked about the importance of learning languages and her experiences of languages at university. Afterwards students had the opportunity to learn some key phrases in Arabic.  The students also learned some interesting facts, for example, there are 10 different words in Arabic for camel and there are 22 countries where Arabic is spoken. MFL Activities – Arabic taster session

  8. Language Challenge Home study (students spent 10-15 minutes discussing in pairs how they would complete the tasks). • Worksheet distributed and students given one week to complete the tasks. They submitted a folder/booklet of evidence to prove that they had completed the tasks. • Teachers supported them by giving suggestions on the types of evidence to be included e.g. photos/written lists/synopsis of film watched. MFL Activities

  9. Powerpoint with quiz questions. Celebrities speaking languages. https://edl.ecml.at/Facts/Celebritiesspeakinglanguages/tabid/3113/language/Default.aspx0Say the name of the celebrity and students tell you what languages they think they speak. Then project information about the celebrity (e.g. Sandra Bullock, Will Smith, Jennifer Aniston, Ben Afleck, David Beckham, Bradley Cooper, JK Rowling, Shakira, Arnold Schwarzenegger). Language trivia Facts. The class pick a language and then learn some interesting facts about the language. https://edl.ecml.at/Facts/LanguageTrivia/tabid/3129/Default.aspxe.g. Around 1% of English words are of Dutch origin: e.g. boss, coleslaw, cookie, dam, dock, easel, frolic, gas, landscape, luck, Santa Claus (from Sinterklaas), skates, snoop, splinter, spook, stove, waffle, walrus. Which Language is it? https://edl.ecml.at/Games/Whichlanguageisit/tabid/3202/Default.aspx Students listen to people speaking in a language and have to guess the language spoken Palindrones (words/sentences that read the same backwards are forwards) in different languages with their translations https://edl.ecml.at/Fun/Palindromes/tabid/3104/language/Default.aspx Really long words in different languages https://edl.ecml.at/Fun/Longestwords/tabid/3114/language/Default.aspx Equivalent Idioms from around the world with their English translations https://edl.ecml.at/Fun/Longestwords/tabid/3114/language/Default.aspx e.g. Czech equivalent of 'Raining cats and dogs' is 'It's raining wheelbarrows

  10. Languages Quiz

  11. Year 7 students very engaged with this activity.

  12. European Language Day! MUSIC

  13. Depending on whether pupils were studying French or Spanish, we used the appropriate 3 sentences. Pupils had to speak these short phrases to a rhythm, and then we overlapped them to create a short polyrhythm piece.

  14. We looked at a type of pyroclastic flow called nueesardentes and deciphered the translation with the students who had studied GCSE French and then all looked at the literal translation of 'burning cloud' to apply that to the context of our vulcanity work. We also watched a clip of the pyroclastic flow at Mnt St Helens. Geography KS5

  15. A presentation was shown on the history of writing. “Each writing system has developed in its own way, and there are different stories behind each – but the basic idea is the same – a way of preserving the spoken word and allowing it to cross the distances of time and space.” English

  16. Form/PE

  17. PE - Classes either said hello and said their name in a different language - in one class peers taught a group of students how to do this in a new language e.g. Portuguese, Polish etc. • One class learnt to say Konichiwa in light of the Rugby World Cup. PE Activities

  18. Science activities KS4

  19. The Power of Prayer Year 7 Assembly Students read their prayers In their home language

  20. Swedish Meatballs • Margarita Pizza • Focaccia • Apple strudel Upper site canteen offer

  21. Mathematics activities KS4

  22. Deadline date for submission is the end of December so students still have time to work on this though it needs promoting by Technology and Art departments.

  23. “I enjoyed the prayers as it was nice to know the other countries of my classmates. I was impressed as I was very surprised at how many prayers in different languages are known in year 7” • “ We had a competition where you had to fill in what teachers can speak different languages. I spent a lot of time on that, it was a lot of fun.” • “What I enjoyed about European Language Day was when we did the register, we got to say good morning in a different language.” • “I think it is important to learn another language because you can get a better job when you are older!” • “I enjoyed the food on international language day – the food was delicious.” • “I enjoyed the flags that were put up around the school as it represented the different languages that students speak.” Student Feedback – Year 7

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