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L’évaluation des interfaces utilisateurs. N.B.: Dans ces diapos, « BGBG » réfère à la 2e édition du livre « Human -Computer Interaction » de Baecker , Grudin , Buxton et Greenberg (1995). Formative vs Summative Evaluation. Formative evaluation ( Évaluation formative )
L’évaluation des interfaces utilisateurs N.B.: Dans ces diapos, « BGBG » réfère à la 2e édition du livre « Human-Computer Interaction » de Baecker, Grudin, Buxton et Greenberg (1995)
Formative vs Summative Evaluation Formative evaluation (Évaluation formative) • Happens throughout the design process • Can evaluate scenarios, sketches, models, prototypes Summative evaluation (Évaluation sommative/récapitulative) • Typically happens at the end • Assesses system andinterface design quality,i.e., how well have we done?
Analytic vs Empirical Evaluations (BGBG pp. 228-229) • Analytic Evaluations (Évaluations analytiques) • Do not involve actual users • Focus is on why things happen the way they do,and on the components of the system • Produce interpretations and suggestions, not “solid facts” • Better for formative evaluation than summative evaluation • Can be used early in design process,before any high-fidelity prototype exists • Examples: heuristic evaluation, walkthrough, claims analysis • Empirical Evaluations (Évaluations empiriques) • Involve actual users • Focus is on what actually happens in practice • Produce factual measurements and observations • Good for summative evaluation,but may not clearly point to what changes to make • Can produce a lot of data that is laborious to analyze • Examples: experiments, usability testing, field studies
Empirical Evaluation:Naturalistic Observation vs True Experiments(Example: Ray and Ravizza 1985)
Empirical Evaluation: User Testing • Design and implement scenario or prototype • Record user behaviour • Typical usage, or critical incidents • Keystroke and mouse event recording • Thinking aloud protocols • Audio or video recording • Collect subjective impressions(questionnaire, interview) • Analyze recordings of user behaviour
Typical Steps in User Testing (Gomoll, in Laurel, 85-90) • Set up the observation • Describe the purpose of the study, and how the data collected will be used • Tell the user (verbally and on paper) that it's OK to quit at any time • Ask participant if they are willing to sign form to give their permission to begin • Pre-questionnaire (name, age, handedness, background, education, experience with computers, etc.) • Talk about and demonstrate the equipment • Explain how to “think aloud” • Explain that you will not provide help • Describe the task and introduce the system • Ask if there are questions before you start; then begin observation • Post-questionnaire and/or interview to solicit opinions, impressions, etc. • Conclude the observation and debrief participants • Transcribe, tabulate the data and results • Analyze, interpret the results
User Testing (BGBG, Fig. 2.8, p. 85, adapted from Neilsen, 1992) • Practical study design • Reflect on the participants’ backgrounds and how they might affect the study • Be aware of problems that arise when experimenters know the users personally • Prepare for the study carefully (avoid last minute panic) • Select the tasks carefully to be representative and to fit the allotted time • In general, start with an easier (but not frivolous) task • Write down features of system not being tested as well as those that are! • Define the start-up state for the study precisely • Define precise rules for when and how users can be helped during the study • Plan timing and cut-off procedure (if subject gets stuck) for each part of study • Include provisions for data collection (e.g., audio, video, or keystroke capture) • Plan data analysis techniques in advance • Carry out an initial pilot study to test your protocol • Written materials • Participant release (permission) form • Pre-questionnaire covering prior experience etc. • Introduction to the study for users, including scenario of use,and description of tasks • Checklist for experimenters, and paper for note-taking • Post-questionnaire or survey
User Testing (BGBG, Fig. 2.8, p. 85, adapted from Neilsen, 1992) • Carrying out the study • Let users know that complete anonymity will be preserved • Let them know that they may quit at any time • Stress that the system is being tested, not the participant • Note: “participant” is the more modern term for “subjet” • Indicate that you are only interested in their thoughts relevant to the system • Demonstrate the thinking-aloud method by acting it out for a simple task, e.g., figuring out how to load a stapler • Hand out instructions for each part of the study individually, not all at once • Maintain a relaxed environment free of interruptions • Occasionally encourage users to talk if they grow silent • If users ask questions, try to get them to talk (e.g., “What do you think is going on?” and follow predefined rules on when to help or interrupt to help. • Debrief each user after the experiment
Thinking Aloud • Attempt to elicit thought processes of participant, thereby yielding valuable insights (although process is slowed down and may be changed) • Participant talking while they are doing • Problems they are having • Solutions they are considering • Why they are having trouble • Insights that they have • Wishes that they have • Co-Discovery: Pairs of participants conversing (Co-Discovery Learning, Kennedy paper in BGBG, pp. 182-185)
Data Capture and Analysis • Keystroke+mouse logging • Record precise user behaviour • Record times to carry out actions • Record user errors • Observation and note taking by observers,especially of user problems and critical incidents • Best if note taking done by a 2nd observer • Audio and video recordings • Can't observe and record all behaviour in real-time • Preserve behaviour for review (even non-verbal behaviour) • Can produce a lot of data
Asking Users in Addition to Observing Them Methods • (Post-) Questionnaire design • Formulating & asking questions, & analyzing answers • Hard to avoid bias in the phrasing of questions • Therefore requires pre-testing (“pilot testing”) • Surveys (Sondages) — (possibly large-scale) administration of questionnaires to appropriate samples of individuals chosen from a population • Administration of questions through interviews
Ethical Issues • Basic principles • Do no harm • Voluntary participation • Informed consent • Right to privacy • Use of research protocols and consent forms • Explanation of study and purpose • Anonymity • Ability to withdraw at any time • For example, see p. 256 of Rosson & Carroll
Taxonomie de McGrath (intrus, dérangeant) (discret)
Quadrant 1 — Field Strategies • Study systems in real use on real tasks in real work environments, i.e., observe under settings with conditions as natural as possible • Field studies — Study systems in situ, disturbing as little as possible, e.g., with ethnography, contextual inquiry • Field experiments — Observe impact of changing (ideally) one aspect of a work environment, e.g., in beta testing, studies of technological change and new technology introduction
Quadrant 2 — Experimental Strategies • Study systems in a lab under controlled conditions, i.e., conditions concocted for research purposes • Laboratory experiments — Carry out controlled experiments studying impacts of (ideally) one (or two) interface parameter(s) • Experimental simulations — Create in lab for experimental purposes a real system that is used by real users on (usually) artificially simplified tasks, e.g., user testing, usability engineering
Quadrant 3 — Respondent Strategies • Ask informants to tell us something about themselves and/or their work or about an interface, i.e., where the setting in which questions are asked plays no role • Judgment studies — Ask respondents about an interface, e.g., in a demonstration, or with usability inspection • Sample surveys — Ask respondents about themselves and/or their work, e.g., with questionnaires, surveys, interviews
Usability Inspection (a Respodant strategy) • Methods • Heuristic evaluation — Judgments by a panel of evaluators (e.g, 3 to 5) of the degree to which an interface satisfies a set of usability guidelines, followed by discussion and analysis • Cognitive walkthroughs • Roles • Evaluation without users (contrast to usability tests, etc.) • Elicit expert opinions about the user’s model, functionality, look & feel, etc.
Usability Inspection (cont’d) • Advantages • Structured method of using accumulated wisdom of experts • Disadvantages • Doesn’t take advantage of real insights from real users • Example — Heuristic evaluation with 10 usability guidelines (Nielsen, BGBG, Fig. 2.7, p. 83) • Visibility of system status • Match between system and the real world • User control and freedom • Consistency and standards • Error prevention • Recognition rather than recall • Flexibility and efficiency of ue • Aesthetic and minimalist design • Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors • Help and documentation
Demonstrations (a Respodant strategy) • Demonstrate system to: • Any random person • Management, potential investors, journalists • Potential customers • Potential users • Potential business partners • Take detailed notes • Elicit reactions to user's model, functionality, interface • Advantages • Get feedback early in prototype or system construction • You're going to have to give demos anyway — why not learn from them? • Disadvantages • System still rough, which introduces noise into process
Quadrant 4 — Theoretical Strategies • Ask a theory to tell us something about people's work and/or about an interface, i.e., no observation of behaviour, experiments, or questions are required • Formal theory — Use a qualitative theory or some equations, e.g., behavioural theory, such as colour vision or Fitts’ Law • Computer simulation — Use and run a computer model, e.g., human information processing theory
Résumé des techniques d’évaluation • Stratégiessur le terrain (Field Strategies) • Étudessur le terrain (Field Studies) • Observer processusin situ, en changeant le système le moins possible • Exemples: étudesethnographiques, enquêtescontextuelles (contextual inquiry) (BGBG pages 42, 46) (pas nécessaire à savoir pour l’examen) • Expérimentationssur le terrain (Field Experiments) • Changer un aspect de l’environnement et observer les effets • Stratégiesexpérimentales (Experimental Strategies) • Expérimentations de laboratoire (Laboratory Experiments / Controlled Experiments) • Varieroumanipuler, de façonprécise, uneouplusieurs variables indépendentes • Mesurer de façonprécise, uneouplusieurs variables dépendentes • Essayer de contrôlersoigneusement les conditions • Simulation expérimentale • Créer un systèmeréel, dans un laboratoire, pour des utilisateursréels • Exemples: • Tests d’utilisabilité / tests d’utilisateurs • Emploisouvent un protocol e de “penser à haute voix” et/ouune phase de découverteoùl’utilisateur explore l’interface; emploisouventaussi des questionnaires et/ouentrevues • Génied’utilisabilité (“Usability engineering”) • Plus formelque les tests d’utilisabilité • Mesuresquantitatives de performance (métriques)
Résume des techniques d’évaluation (2) • Stratégies de répondants (Respondant Strategies) • Études de jugement • Exemple: inspection d’utilisabilité (usability inspection) ou “expert review” • Fait par des experts ouconcepteurs, sans utilisateurs • Exemples: évaluationheuristique (heuristic evaluation) • Utilise un ensemble de directives de conceptions ou de règles (heuristiques) (exemple: les heuristique de Nielsen) • Exemple: cognitive walkthrough • Exemple: démonstrations • Sondages (Surveys) • Exemples: questionnaires, entrevues • Stratégisethéoriques (Theoretical Strategies) • Théoriesformelles • Involves a model of the user, the system, and interaction between the two • Exemples: loi de Fitts, loi de Hick-Hyman, KLM, GOMS, etc. • Simulations à l’ordinateur • Simuler un modèle
Compromis (“Tradeoffs”) A: Généralizable (validité externe)B: Précis (validité interne (?))C: Réaliste (validité écologique)
Controlled Experiments • Method • Manipulate independent variables, system characteristics • Control for other variables (hold them constant) • Measure dependent variables, user behaviour • Roles • Understanding factors influencing interface quality • Determining which conditions or which interface is best
Controlled Experiments • Advantages • Strong statements about causality (good internal validity) • Many experimental designs suitable for varying situations • Disadvantages • Requires time, planning, may be expensive • Complex designs (more than 3 or 4 independent variables) are often difficult to interpret • Often lack external validity and especially ecological validity
Examples • Of 3 interfaces, A, B, C, which enables fastest performance at a given task? • Does prozac have an effect on performance at tying shoe laces? • How does frequency of advertisements on television affect voting behaivour? • Can casting a spell on a pair of dice affect what numbers appear on them?
Elements of an Experiment • Population • Set of all possible subjects / observations • Sample • Subset of the population chosen for study; a set of subjects / observations • Subjects • People/users under study. The more politically correct term within HCI is “participants”. • Observations / Dependent variable(s) • Individual data points that are measured/collected/recorded • E.g. time to complete a task, errors, etc. • Condition / Treatment / Independent variables(s) • Something done to the samples that distinguishes them(e.g. giving a drug vs placebo, or using interface A vs B) • Goal of experiment is often to determine whether the conditions have an effect on observations, and what the effect is
Tasks to Design and Run an Experiment • Design • Choose independent variables • Choose dependent variables • Develop hypothesis • Choose design paradigm • Choose control procedures • Choose a sample size • Pilot experiment • Often more exploratory, varying a greater number of variables to get a “feel” for where the effect(s) might be • Run experiment • Focuses in on the suspected effect; tries to gather lots of data under key or optimal conditions to result in a strong conclusion • Analyze data • Using statistical tests such as ANOVA • Interpret results
The Problem: Effectiveness of New Method of Source Code Presentation • Source code appearance makes inadequate use of capabilities of digital typography • Potential to make code more readable, more comprehensible with new and “enhanced” presentation format • See book by Baecker and Marcus, Human Factors and Typography for More Readable Programs, Addison-Wesley, 1990 • On following slides, bullet points that refer to an experimental study of our new presentation format indicated by **
Independent Variables • The variable manipulated by the experimenter • Also known as factor or treatment • Experiment may involve one or many independent variables • Each independent variable … • Has 2 or more levels (i.e. values) • May be metric (continuous, like the length of a menu) or categorical (discrete, like mouse vs. trackball, or a Likert scale) • ** In our example: just one independent variable, with two levels: — new typesetting format or traditional presentation format
Dependent Variables • Definition • Variable measured by experimenter • Variable which may “depend” on the independent variables • Relationship is not necessarily causal; e.g. may only be correlated • Examples • Accuracy, or number of errors • Number of subtasks completed in a given time period • Time to complete each task • ** In our example, ability to comprehend program as measured by # of questions answered in given time
Hypotheses • Statement, to be tested, of relationship between independent and dependent variables • The null hypothesis is that the independent variables have no effect on the dependent variables • ** Hypothesis in our example: reading comprehension as defined above is improved by new method of source code presentation
Experimental Design Paradigms • Between subjects or within subjects manipulation(entre participants vs à travers tous les participants) • Example: designs with one independent variable • Between subjects (randomized group) design • One independent variable with 2 or more levels • Subjects randomly assigned to groups • Each subject tested under only 1 condition • Within subject (repeated measures) design • One independent variable with 2 or more levels • Each subject tested under all conditions • Order of conditions randomized or counterbalanced (why?) • **In our example, within subjects chosen with two conditions, i.e., two sample programs
Control Procedures • Goal is to eliminate confound hypothesis, i.e., that there are alternative explanation(s) for the observed effect(s) • To do this: Make sure there are no systematic differences between conditions other than the independent variable • ** In our example, ensure that two sample programs are “identical” in length, complexity, difficulty
What To Control • Subject characteristics • Gender, handedness, etc. • Ability • Experience • Task variables • Instructions • Materials used • Environmental variables • Setting • Noise, light, etc. • Order effects • Practice • Fatigue
How to Control • Hold constant • ** Use males only, or students from same class only • ** Novices only • Randomize • ** Subjects to groups • Counterbalance • ** Half (chosen randomly) get new presentation format first
Sample Size Selection • More subjects --> more confidence in results. i.e., greater statistical significance • But this can be very expensive • Many methods to reduce the required number of subjects • Most HCI experiments: 4 to 25 subjects per group • ** In our example, 44 subjects chosen from an 3rd year programming course
Designing and Running the Experiment and Collecting the Data • Run pilot studies • Check experimental design • Test and improve: • Task definition • Experimental materials (often the most difficult) • Instructions • Practice tasks • Develop experimenter skills • Identify and deal with special problems • Run actual experiment • Record data • Observe behaviour
** The Presentation Format Experiment • Within-subjects design, 44 subjects from 3rd year programming course • Two “similar” short C programs, roughly 200 lines of code, 4 to 5 pages • 40 minutes to skim first program and attempt to answer 18 questions, half in familiar format and half in new format • Then each group given other program in other format
Data Analysis and Hypothesis Testing • Describe data • Descriptive statistics (means, medians, standard deviations) • Graphs and tables • Perform statistical analysis of results • Are results due to chance? (That is, with what probability) • **In our example, mean percentage of correct answers with new format = 44%, with conventional format = 35% • **Analysis of variance showed that effect of presentation format in increasing “program readability” was significant, F(1,42)=18.25, p<0.0001.
ANOVA • “Analysis of Variance” • A statistical test that compares the distributions of multiple samples, and determines the probability that differences in the distributions are due to chance • In other words, it determines the probability that the null hypothesis is correct • If probability is below 0.05 (i.e. 5 %), then we reject the null hypothesis, and we say that we have a (statistically) significant result • Why 0.05 ? Dangers of using this value ?
Techniques for Making Experiment more “Powerful” (i.e. able to detect effects) • Reduce noise (i.e. reduce variance) • Increase sample size • Control for confounding variables • E.g. psychologists often use in-bred rats for experiments ! • Increase the magnitude of the effect • E.g. give a larger dosage of the drug
Uses of Controlled Experiments within HCI • Evaluate or compare existing systems/features/interfaces • Discover and test useful scientific principles • Examples ? • Establish benchmarks/standards/guidelines • Examples ?