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Cyanophora. Cyanophora. Cyanidioschyzon. Cyanidioschyzon. Cyanidium. Cyanidium. Gracilaria. Gracilaria. Porphyra. Porphyra. Emiliania. Emiliania. Guillardia_. Guillardia. Thalassiosira. Thalassiosira. Phaeodactylum. Phaeodactylum. Odontella. Odontella. Nephroselmis.

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  1. Cyanophora Cyanophora Cyanidioschyzon Cyanidioschyzon Cyanidium Cyanidium Gracilaria Gracilaria Porphyra Porphyra Emiliania Emiliania Guillardia_ Guillardia Thalassiosira Thalassiosira Phaeodactylum Phaeodactylum Odontella Odontella Nephroselmis Nephroselmis Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas Chlorella Chlorella Mesostigma Mesostigma Chaetosphaeridium Chaetosphaeridium Psilotum Psilotum Anthoceros Anthoceros Marchantia Marchantia Physcomitrella Physcomitrella Huperzia Huperzia Nicotiana Nicotiana Ginkgo Ginkgo 0.1 0.1 Figure S2: Branch lengths for the two partitions in the case of the plastid alignment of plants (3754 sites, 22 species).

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