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Introduction to

Introduction to. Entrepreneurship. Class SOPs. Participate actively & positively in class activities (discussions, group work, group interactions, etc.) Submit assigned work and projects on time Ask questions when clarifications or expanded discussions are needed

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Introduction to

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  1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship

  2. Class SOPs • Participate actively & positively in class activities (discussions, group work, group interactions, etc.) • Submit assigned work and projects on time • Ask questions when clarifications or expanded discussions are needed • Communicate with respect and consideration • Refrain from using mobile phones in class (unless needed) Contact details: tonie.trt@gmail.com icareabouteducation.wordpress.com - to download notes, materials, rubrics, etc.

  3. Semestral Course Outline (Midterm) MIDTERM TOPICS • Introduction to Entrepreneurship • The Concept of Entrepreneurship • The Entrepreneurial Mindset & Competencies • Introduction to business start-ups & concepts • Understanding the market (*) WRITTEN TASKS 2-3 quizzes 2-3 group tasks PERFORMANCE TASK reflection paper* case critique/ Analysis Business Concept Presentation

  4. Grade Components Written Work 25% Performance Tasks 45% Qrtly. Assessment 30% TOTAL 100%

  5. LESSON 1 (4-6 hours): The Nature of Entrepreneurship • Analyze Entrepreneurship in the Philippine context by breaking down existing entrepreneurial framework conditions (EFCs) • Explain how the concepts/ principles are visible in actual enterprise through diverse sample/ model analysis • Develop and create one’s own Entrepreneurship model


  7. ENTREPRENEURSHIPWhat comes to mind?

  8. What ”ROLE” do entrepreneurs play?

  9. ”WHERE” do entrepreneurs play? • The ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEM • The local and global flow of talent, information, and resources to address each stage from ideation and launch to growth and scaling. • The relationships and interactions among and within systems that make enterprise possible

  10. Entrepreneurship in Philippine Context

  11. Entrepreneurship in Philippine Context Source: 2018 Global Entrepreneurship Index

  12. Entrepreneurship in Philippine Context Birth of new businesses in 2016 Source: 2018 World Bank - Entrepreneurial Ecosystem What do these stats imply about entrepreneurship in the Philippines?

  13. Groupwork 1 (appx 30 minutes): Work together in groups of ___ Fill in the handouts with your names, grade and section Read through the handout and analyze the 2016 Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (EFCs) identified by DLSU’s report Provide potential implications or reasons why these conditions exist in the Philippines’ entrepreneurial ecosystem If you disagree with any of the EFCs, explain why. Choose 2 EFCs that you feel are most relevant and assign 1 person in the group to share your analysis with the class.

  14. EFCs of the Philippine Entrepreneurial Ecosystem • more females start businesses than males • entrepreneurial education is present in basic education and higher education levels • growing movement of overseas Filipino workers from the Philippines to other countries and vice versa continuously bringing innovative products and services from abroad • introduction of more training and programs that encourage business development by government and private sectors • Strong exposure of Filipinos to global trends due to their being active users of the internet and social media

  15. EFCs of the Philippine Entrepreneurial Ecosystem • resources used by businesses in the country are mostly affordable and accessible • lack of dissemination of information regarding laws and programs in the country that support entrepreneurship • inconsistent implementation of laws and controls on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) • existing laws encourage business start-ups, but in the long-run, do not support their growth and expansion

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