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gl. Grand Large INRIA. ACI Masse de données Data Grid Explorer. Franck Cappello, Christophe Cérin, Pascale Primet, Olivier Richard, Pierre Sens. Franck Cappello, Christophe Cérin, Pascale Primet, Olivier Richard, Pierre Sens. ACI Masse de données Data Grid Explorer.
gl Grand Large INRIA ACI Masse de données Data Grid Explorer Franck Cappello, Christophe Cérin, Pascale Primet, Olivier Richard, Pierre Sens. Franck Cappello, Christophe Cérin, Pascale Primet, Olivier Richard, Pierre Sens. ACI Masse de données Data Grid Explorer GdX first meeting
ACI MD Data Grid Explorer Meeting 1: Building 41, second floor, room 203, September 16 2003, Jussieu This first meeting aims at presenting the different partners of the Data Grid Explorer project. 09h00 Welcome address: Franck Cappello (LRI, Inria Grand-Large), 30 min. 09h30 TT1 "Emulation" session. Chair: Pierre Sens -Overall presentation of the Emulation topic: Pierre Sens (Lip6, Inria Regal), 20 min. -GDS: Grid Data Service: Gabriel Antoniu (IRISA), 30 min. -Scheduling Strategy for Large Scale Dist. Scheduling: S. Petiton (LILF, Inria Grand-Large), 30 min. 10h50 Break 11h10 TT1 "Emulation" session. Chair: Pierre Sens (Cont.) -A simulation tool for large scale nearest neighbor sched.: T. Herault (LRI, Inria Grand-Large), 30 min. -Experience with Dummynet, A. Jebali (Inria Ragal), 30 min. 12h10 Lunch at your own 13h40 TT2 "Infrastructure" session. Chair: Olivier Richard -Overall presentation of the Infrastructure topic: Olivier Richard (ID IMAG), 20 min. -Network Trace collection for emulation: Kave Salamatian (Lip6), 30 min -Large Scale Emulation with Proactive: Christian Delbe (INRIA Sophia), 30 min. 15h00 Break 15h10 TT3 "Network" session. Chair: Pascale Primet -Overall presentation of the Infrastructure topic: Pascale Primet (LIP, Inria Reso), 20 min. -Metrology, simulation, emulation limits and needs, Philippe Owersarski (LAAS, Olc), 30 min. 16h00 TT4 "Application" session. Chair Christophe Cerin -Overall presentation of the Infrastructure topic: Christophe Cerin (Laria), 20 min. -Molecular Biology a the Genome Scale, Christophe Blanchet (IBCP), 30 min. 16h50 Break 17h00 General discussion -organization of the first WP: platform hardware definition -next meeting date and topic -Web site/slide copies, etc. 18h00 Closing GdX first meeting
Open issues in Grid/P2P • Security (GSI, CAS) • Data Storage/consultation/movement • Multi users/ Multi applications scheduling • Coordination (virtual, ephemeral infrastructure) • Programming • Fault Tolerance! • Scalability • Performance! • Easy/efficient deployment techniques • Application characterization techniques • Etc. GdX first meeting
Netbed (Emulab) Like « Modelnet » • Topology description => NS script • Uses Dummynet • Mapping tools logic routers => actual hardware • NSE simulator (ns emulation) • External Client nodes (40 DSL) 3 Sites GdX first meeting
Grid eXplorer A tool set for conducting experiments & measurements, result analysis An experimental conditions database or generation An experimental hardware platform GdX first meeting
Grid eXplorer : an instrument for understanding GRID and P2P systems A set of sensors A set of tools for analysis A Hardware platform : Emulation Simulation An experimental Conditions data base Validation on Real life testbed GdX first meeting
Grid eXplorer (GdX) platform for eXperiments • “Mettre en œuvre, pour la communauté des chercheurs en informatique une plate-forme d’émulation des systèmes à grande échelle de type GRID, P2P ou des systèmes répartis en général : Data Grid Explorer. B) Réaliser des expériences utilisant la plate-forme sur les systèmes à grande échelle en étudiant notamment la problématique des données massives (sécurité, fiabilité, performance). “ • 1K CPU clusters, configurable network and OS • For Grid/P2P and Network research studies • For Science and Application (not production!) • Multi-users (batch, interactive, partition, etc.) • Located/managed by IDRIS GdX first meeting GdX first meeting
Grid eXplorer inside Grid 5000 Grid 5000 Grid eXplorer GdX first meeting
Laboratories involved in GdX GdX first meeting
Kavé Salamatian (LIP6), Lamine Aouad (LIFL, GrandLarge, INRIA Futur) Laurent Baduel, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Laurent Dairaine, (LAAS) Luc Bougé, (IRISA/ENS Cachan Antenne de Bretagne), Luciana Arantes (LIP6), Ludovic Mé, (Supélec Rennes) Luis Angelo Estefanel, (ID-IMAG) Marin Bertier (LIP6), Mathieu Goutelle, (KIP) Mathieu Jan, (IRISA) Michel Diaz, (LAAS-ENSICA), Michel Koskas (Amiens, Laria) Nicolas Lacorne, (IBCP) Nicolas Larrieu (LAAS-ENSICA), Nicolas Viovy (CEA-DSM-LSCE) Oleg Lodygensky, (LRI) Olivier Richard (ID-IMAG), Olivier Soyez, (LaRIA) Pascal Berthou, (LAAS-ENSICA), Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, (INRIA LIP RESO), Patrick Sénac, (LAAS-ENSICA), Philippe d'Anfray (CEA-DTI/SISC), Philippe Gauron, (LRI) Philippe Owezarski (LAAS) Pierre Fraigniaud, (LRI) Pierre Lemarini, (LRI) Pierre Sens (LIP6 / INRIA), Pierre-André Wacrenier, (LaBRI), Raymond Namyst, (LaBRI), Samir Djilali, (LRI) Sébastien Tixeuil (LRI) Serge Petiton, (LIFL, GrandLarge INRIA Futur) Stéphane Vialle (Supélec) Tanguy Pérennou (LAAS) Thierry Gayraud, (LAAS-ENSICA), Thierry Priol, (IRISA) Thomas Hérault, (LRI) Timur Friedman (LIP6) Vincent Danjean, (LaBRI), Vincent Néri (LRI) Alain Lecluse (IBCP), Alexandre Genoud, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Antoine Vernois, (IBCP) Arnaud Contes, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Aurélien Bouteiller, (LRI), Bénedicte Legrand (LIP6) Brice Goglin (doctorant), (INRIA LIP RESO), Brigitte Rozoy (LRI) Cécile Germain (LRI) Christophe Blanchet, (IBCP) Christophe Cérin, (Amiens, Laria) Christophe Chassot, (LAAS-ENSICA), Colette Johnen (LRI) CongDuc Pham, (LIP) Cyril Randriamaro, (LaRIA) Denis Caromel, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Eddy Caron, (LIP/ENS Lyon), Emmanuel Jeannot, (Loria) Eric Totel (Supélec Rennes) Fabrice Huet, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Faycal Bouhaf (DEA)(INRIA LIP RESO), Franck Cappello, (LRI) Françoise Baude, (Projet OASIS, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Frédéric Desprez, (LIP/INRIA Rhône-Alpes), Frédéric Magniette, (LRI) Gabriel Antoniu, (IRISA/INRIA Rennes), George Bosilca, (LRI) Georges Da Costa, (ID-IMAG), Olivier Gluck (Inria Reso) Géraud Krawezik (LRI) Gil Utard, (LaRIA) Gilles Fedak, (LRI) Grégory Mounié (ID-IMAG) Guillaume Auriol, (LAAS-ENSICA), Guillaume Mercier, (LaBRI), Guy Bergère, (LIFL, GrandLarge INRIA Futur) Haiwu He, (LIFL, GrandLarge INRIA Futur) Isaac Scherson, (LIFL, GrandLarge, INRIA Futur) Jens Gustedt (LORIA & INRIA Lorraine) Joffroy Beauquier (LRI) Johanne Cohen, (Loria) GdX first meeting
4 Research Topics The 4 research topics and their leaders: -Infrastructure (Hardware + system), Olivier Richard (ID-IMAG) -Emulation, Pierre Sens (LIP6) -Network, Pascale Primet (LIP, Inria RESO) -Applications. Christophe Cérin (Laria) GdX first meeting
Etudes liées à l’instrument I.1 Grid Explorer : définition de la plate-forme matérielle et logicielle I.2 VGrid : Un émulateur de systèmes à grande échelle I.3 GRIGrid : Gestion des Ressources Internes à la Grid I.4 Étude de la complémentarité des approches d'évaluation par simulation et émulation I.5 Construction d’un émulateur « nuage réseau » de grille et calibrage des outils de mesures de performance réseau. I.6 Émulation de l’hétérogénéité pour la gestion des ressources I.7 Etudes des communications à grande échelle I.8 Un émulateur réaliste de l’Internet utilisant des informations de métrologie GdX first meeting
Etudes utilisant l’instrument II.1 Mécanismes, protocoles et ingénierie des systèmes à grande échelle II.2 Protocoles de localisation d'objets mobiles dans les systèmes à grande échelle II.3 Gestion des fautes dans les systèmes à large échelle II.4 Tables de hachage réparties pour les systèmes pair-à-pair II.5 Bases de données II.6 Mise au point et évaluation de stratégies d’ordonnancement pour le calcul grande échelle pair à pair II.7 Compilation de communications volatiles pair à pair II.8 Service de partage de données modifiables pour le calcul sur grille II.9 Evaluation de protocoles pour le transport unicast et multicast de grandes masses de données II.10 Automates cellulaires étendus et leurs simulations transparentes sur la grille II.11 Bioinformatique moléculaire à l’échelle des Génomes : évaluation sur émulateur de très grands systèmes II.12 Evaluation de stratégies de placement et de communication pour le stockage pair à pair II.13 Fiabilité dans les systèmes à large échelle I.14 Sécurité dans les systèmes à large échelle II.15 Architectures protocolaires pour l’Internet nouvelle génération multi-domaines et multi-réseaux II.16 Grands Systèmes Couplés Dynamiques en Simulation Numérique GdX first meeting
A Software architecture forstudying the impact of Large Scalein Distributed Syst. and Networks. Visualization tools Parameters 2D 3D Result generators One shot Batch Dynamic Experiment Engine Testbed Emulator Simulator Actual traces Actual conditions Workload/trafic Generator GdX first meeting
Experimental conditions: Sensors/DB! A study made by IMAG for “GRID Explorer” More 4373 users User characteristics of French ADSL One week of the ADSL as seen by Lagrenouille noon 2PM Number of connected users Accumulated number of users Classification considering User connection vector + hamming distance of 1 Between user conn. Vect (508 classes) Sunday Date Class number # connections increases during daytime up to a maximum Users are behaving differently (if we consider a vector of hours (1 if connected,0 if not), the 4373 users of Jan 7 belong to 1710 different classes !!!) GdX first meeting
Observing large scale phenomenon: 3D visualisation/traces, etc. Task negotiation (red)/distrib. (Green) GdX first meeting
Web site www.lri.fr/~fci/GdX GdX first meeting
"Enabling Grid'5000" Action Specifique du RTP 8 du CNRS Meeting 1: September 17 2003, CNRS, Room Frederic Joliot, 3 Rue Michel Ange, Paris This first meeting will present: a) the Grid'5000 effort, b) experience of an early Grid project, and a first mini-workshop on Security. The central issue of the workshop is to investigate how we can setup the security of a Grid runtime environment which should allow the test of Grid middleware such as Globus, Legion, XtremWeb, etc. 09h30 Welcome address + some info about other Grid experimental platforms 10h15 Grid'5000 call for proposal : Michel Cosnard 11h00 Break 11h15 e-toile experience : Pascal Primet, ENS Lyon 12h00 Lunch at your own 13h30 Security : the INRIA VPN : Claude Inglebert, INRIA Futurs 14h15 Security at the LRI : Jean-Claude Barbet, LRI 14h45 Security and Certificats : J.-L. Archimbaud, UREC (tentative) 15h15 Break 15h30 General discussion (1) -which objective(s) for the AS? -discussion groups & leaders ? 16h30 Break 16h45 General discussion (2) -which Grid center(s) to visit? -next meeting date and topic 17h45 Closing GdX first meeting
General discussion -Deliverables A big? Report + developed software + publications + presentations (invited or not) + grants deriving from GdX + etc. First important milestone: platform definition Mailing list(open on September 22 week) -Next meeting date and topic: Platform definition: December 12, Lyon, organized by Olivier Richard (mid term meeting: October 15) Meeting Frequency: 4 meetings per year (should be validated by the ACI MD director and Scientific committee) -Cooperation with Emulab/netbed??? (running their software) -Web site/slide copies, etc 1 Web site @ LRI gathering all info (privileged access for the Topic leaders -Publications/presentations: Please mention ACI MD (acknowledgments), use the future ACI MD logo -GdX @ BIG conferences (poster at the INRIA booth of SuperComputing 2003?) GdX first meeting