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Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka . 1833-1924. Biographical details. Born in Prague in 1883. At that time Prague was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire His family lived under the growing threat of anti- semitism His Father verbally abused Franz

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Franz Kafka

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  1. Franz Kafka 1833-1924

  2. Biographical details • Born in Prague in 1883. At that time Prague was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire • His family lived under the growing threat of anti-semitism • His Father verbally abused Franz • He was the eldest of six children; his two youngest brothers died when they were young. His three sisters were sent to Jewish ghettos and concentration camps in their adult lives. They died there.

  3. Biographical details, cont’d. • “The situation for Jews in Bohemia at the turn of  the century seems to have been one of  somewhat suspicious tolerance most of the time, with exceptions such as the 1899 anti-Semitic riots in Prague, which wiped out many stores owned by Jewish shopkeepers.   Kafka's  father, who himself owned a shop, had registered his family as Czech nationals, and so escaped destruction” (http://www.kafka-franz.com/kafka-and-judaism.htm).

  4. Health issues • He suffered from depression, social anxiety, hypochondria • In 1917, Kafka began suffering from tuberculosis, a disease of the lungs • He died from this disease in 1924

  5. Adult life • He lived with his parents; he did not have a good relationship with his father • He developed intense relationships with women. One almost resulted in marriage, but he called it off.

  6. Writing style • The adjective “kafka-esque” is used when describing situations or writing that is nightmarish, surreal, pointless or overly complex

  7. Major works • The Trial • The Castle • Metamorphosis • Amerika • All published after he died

  8. To read more… • www.Kafka.org • http://www.tameri.com/csw/exist/kafka.shtml • http://www.kafka-franz.com/kafka-Biography.htm • http://www.themodernword.com/kafka/kafka_biography.html

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