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UgiALT Conference 4 th Edition

UgiALT.net Conference 4 th Edition. Thanks to. Everyone who helped in the organization. Thanks to.

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UgiALT Conference 4 th Edition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UgiALT.net Conference 4th Edition

  2. Thanksto Everyone who helped in the organization

  3. Thanks to... Diego Guidi, Claudio Maccari, Andrea Balducci, Simone Chiaretta, Massimo Oliviero, Riccardo Zanardini, Lorenzo Moretti, ciropalumbo, Gian Marco Gherardi, giuseppe carnevali, Filippo Corbo, marco ingegneri, Giancarlo Valente, Matteo Baglini, Marco Bonera, OmidEhsani, Andrea Angella, Massimiliano Mantione, Emanuele DelBono, Cristiano Rastelli, Stefano Benedetti, Daniela Panfili, Mauro Destro, Francesco Cattuto, Michele Capra, Daniele Armanasco, Valeria Leonardi, Manuel Spezzani, Luca Milan, Fabio Di Nisio, gianluigicalcaterra, Stefano Delpero, Martino Vallara, Fausto Scardovi, Alessandro Scardova, Andrea Cruciani, Raffaele Garofalo, Matteo Migliore, Gianluca Padovani, Mauro Bellati, Luigi Bozzo, RobetoSchiabel, marco meli, Nicolò Carandini, Ilias Bartolini, Michele Cantelli, DmitrijIvanov, Vincenzo Pandico, Gabriele Guerra, Lorenzo Bragaglia, Luca Dell'Anna, Stefano Ottaviani, Simone Malvassori, Roberto Sileoni, Alessandro Giorgetti, Mauro Servienti, Gian MAria Ricci, Tiziano Crisci, Paolo Perrotta, Raffaele Calabrese, Massimo Sacco, Alfredo Morresi, Maurizio Carli, Alberto Salvi, Marco Oldani, Simone Busoli, Andrea Turchi, Massimiliano Davoli, Lorenzo Massacci, Roberto Bettazzoni, michele finelli, Valerio Corazza, massimo di giulio, YuriValentini, Roberto Valenti, Daniele Balboni, Edoardo Cesari, Giovanni Tresoldi, Alessandro Melchiori, Paolo Burgio, Davide Bolcioni, Vico Biscotti, Antonio Bux, Enrico Sada, Sergio Berisso, emanuele bizzarri, Manuel Salvatore Martone, Andrea Dallera, Domenico Musto, Vito Arconzo, Jacopo Franzoi, Gualtiero Govoni, Marco Chinchio, luca barboni, Stefano Masini, Stefano Albertini, Roberto Govoni, Francesco Sinopoli, Surarit , Giorgio Parmeggiani, Luca Cavicchioli

  4. IntroducingALT.NET For the new people out there

  5. UgiALT.NET April 2007 - David Laribee forges the ALT.NET term October 2007 – UgiALT.NET goes live February 2008 – First mini-conf (11 people) June 2008 – Second medium-conf (~50 people) January 2009 – Third conference (50+ people) Today – Fourth conference (about 90 people)

  6. UgiALT.NET: What’s? • UgiALT.NET is a group of geeks that love the ALT.NET philosophy • A mailing list to discuss • A meeting every (about) sixmonths • Nothing else

  7. What’s the meaning of ALT ALT != Being Alternative ALT ==Having Alternatives

  8. Why ALT.NET • Traditional UserGroups are “about technology” • More important is: • OOP Base Principles • Development Processes and Methodologies • Alternative Tools • Enjoying our job

  9. ALT.NET Manifesto • You use what is best for your job, but always look for way to improve • You look at the World outside Microsoft to try and get what’s best from each World: Agile, Java, RoR, … • You seek for continuous improvements: code can be better, process can be better, tools can be better • You know that tools are important, but alone are not enough. Principles and knowledge are the real important factors. The best tools are the ones that help applying the principles.

  10. Today

  11. Interazione Non stiamo seduti ad ascoltare, dobbiamo essere attivi! Interrompiamo gli speaker, facciamo domande, discutiamo, proponiamo alternative, riportiamo la nostra esperienza.

  12. Agenda Mattina 09:30 - 10:00: Registrazione 10:00 - 10:15: Keynote - UGIALT.NET Team 10:15 - 11:15: Come progettare l'UX - Speaker: Daniela Panfili 11:30 - 12:45: A laparound Mono - Speaker: Massimiliano Mantione 12:45 - 14:00: Pranzo

  13. Agenda Pomeriggio 14:15 - 15:30: Componentizzazione e passaggio di dati tra controller e view nelle applicazioni MVC: come fare? - Moderatore: Simone Chiaretta 15:45 - 16:45: Code Metrics & RefactoringStrategy On Legacy Code - Moderatore: Roberto Valenti 17:00 - 18:15: UI Composition: Problemi e Soluzioni - Moderatore: Mauro Servienti

  14. Agenda sera 18:15: Chiusura - UGIALT.NET Team 18:45 - 19:15: Meeting UGIALT.NETboard 20:00: Cena

  15. Pranzo

  16. Premi • Abbiamo a disposizione alcuni “premi” per: • Chi terrà un’open space • Chi viene da lontano • E per chi si farà notare

  17. Premi • Una licenza di CodeRush • Una licenza di NHProfiler • Una licenza di Balsamiq • Due magliette CodeClimber • Alcuni libri: • Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 • Professional WPF • Professional CSS 2ed • ASP.NET MVC quickly

  18. Domani

  19. Più probabilmente Lunedì Form di feedback: Per favore, compilatelo!

  20. Open Space

  21. Cos’è? Chi non lo sa?

  22. Proposte Dalle 1400-1800 ContinuousIntegration – Claudio Maccari Il pattern MVVM – Mauro Servienti Black Box Testing di sistemi legacy/bizTalk – Gianluigi Calcaterra Team Building – Jacopo Franzoi

  23. Il mitico libro

  24. Let’s go…

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