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Learn how UBC integrates sustainability in campus operations through SEEDS projects, impacting change in decision-making and behaviors. Discover real-world student learning opportunities and practical ideas for classroom solutions.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOCIALECOLOGICALECONOMICDEVELOPMENTSTUDIES Presented by: Brenda Sawada and Liska Richer, SEEDS Coordinators UBC Campus Sustainability Office May 31, 2010

  2. How Did UBC Get Involved? 1990: Talloires Declaration signed 1997: Sustainable Development Policy implemented 1998: UBC Campus Sustainability Office (CSO) opened 2006-2010: Inspirations and Aspirations 2009: Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

  3. Place & Promise: The UBC Plan “As one of the world’s leading universities, UBC creates an exceptional learning environment that fosters global citizenship, advances a civil and sustainable society, and supports outstanding research to serve the people of British Columbia, Canada and the world.” UBC is committed to exploring and exemplifying sustainability in campus operations.

  4. UBC’s Sustainability Initiatives

  5. UBC’s Sustainability Initiatives

  6. UBC’s Sustainability Initiatives

  7. UBC’s Sustainability Initiatives

  8. SEEDS Coordinates Applied Sustainability Projects: • involve collaboration between students, faculty and staff • contribute to academic credit for students • involve real-life sustainability issues in campus operations • Sustainability is fundamentally about change management • Changing decision making and behaviours • of individuals and organizations

  9. SEEDS Projects • Business Plans for UBC’s Research Forest • Stormwater Management for Fairview Square • UBC Food System Project • Applied Science Sustainability Project

  10. SEEDS Impacts on Sustainability • 20% of UBC plant operations vehicles use biodiesel • Pesticide-free campus • Campus gardens • Sustainable food service operations • & More!

  11. SEEDS and YOU You will: Integrate real-world projectsinto your classrooms Contribute to UBC’s leadership in sustainability! Your students’ efforts will be: Published on our website Shared with staff stakeholdersandideally implemented and/or affect decision-making “Rather than being takers of knowledge, we were allowed the opportunity to be givers of knowledge”

  12. Activity: Objectives To provide you with the opportunity to: 1) Develop and share practical ideas regarding how classrooms can provide solutions to challenges of incorporating sustainability best practices into campus operations 2) Provide valuable real-world student learning opportunities By the end of the session you will be: • Know how to to integrate real-world campus sustainability projects (such as SEEDS) into curriculum.

  13. Activity: Instructions Tasks: 1) Group Brainstorming Activity (15 mins) • Each group member suggests 1 class project idea to address a sustainability issue in 1-2 of the following campus operations areas 2) Groups Report to Plenary (10 minutes)

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