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You don't need a huge living room to enjoy the space. In fact, a smaller living room might actually feel less cluttered than one with lots of furniture taking up space. You want to be able to sit down on the sofa, eat at your dining table, and watch TV or read on your media console. And while we're talking about all things homey and cozy: you should also have some nice storage options so that you can keep clutter off your coffee table and other surfaces.
ABOUTUS Mum's Place Furniture is a premier home furnishings retailer that carries over 50 top furniture brands, including American Leather, Palecek, Charleston Forge, Canadel, Uttermost,LeeIndustries,Flexsteel,Rowe,andmanymore.Thecompanyoffersawide rangeoflivingroom,bedroom,workplace,anddiningroomfurnitureinSanFrancisco. mumsfurniture.com
You don't need a huge living room to enjoy the space. In fact, a smaller livingroommightactuallyfeellessclutteredthanonewithlotsoffurniture takingupspace.Youwanttobeabletositdownonthesofa,eatatyour diningtable,andwatchTVorreadonyourmediaconsole.Andwhilewe're talkingaboutallthingshomeyandcozy:youshouldalsohavesomenice storage options so that you can keep clutter off your coffee table and othersurfaces. So,whenyouareplanningtodeckupyourlivingroom,whatfurnitureitems areamust-havetobeboughtwhenyouvisitafurniturestoreinSalinas,or whereveryoulive?Welistdownbelow: Asofa-Asofaisthemostimportantpieceoffurnitureinalivingroom.It can also be one of the most expensive, so it's important to choose wisely.Sofascomeinallshapesandsizesandaremadefromdifferent materials. Acoffeetable-Thecoffeetableisamust-haveinanylivingroom.It's the perfect place to set drinks, snacks, and magazines while you're relaxing on the sofa. If you've got kids running around, it can also be usedasafootrestorevenasaplacetoputyourfeetup. Adiningtableset-Adiningtablesetisamust-haveforanylivingroom. Your dining table should be large enough to accommodate all of your guests,butnotsobigthatittakesuptoomuchspaceintheroom.Agood ruleofthumbisthatifyoucan'tfitatleastsixchairsarounditcomfortably, thenit'stoosmall.
You'llalsowanttomakesurethatyourdiningtablehassturdylegsanddoesn't wobble when someone bumps into one of its edges or sits down heavily on a chair seat (a common occurrence when children eat at the table). When choosingchairsforthisspace,lookforoneswithcushionsthatarecomfortable butnotoverlyplush--youdon'twantthemtakinguptoomuchroomontopof eachother. Astoragecabinetorbookshelf-Astoragecabinetorbookshelfisa must-havefurnitureiteminyourlivingroom.Itcanbeusedtostoreitems, likebooksandmagazines;itcanalsobeusedfordecorationpurposes.If youhaveaTVsetinyourlivingroom,thisisanidealplacetostoreitwhen not in use so that it doesn't take up valuable space on the floor or table surface. Ifyou'relookingforsomethingmoredecorativethatwon'ttakeupmuchfloor space(anddoesn'tcosttoomuch),considerbuyingoneofthesepieces.They come in many different styles and colors so there's bound to be something suitableforeveryone'stastebuds. Anaccentchair-Anaccentchairisapieceoffurniturethatyoucanuse toaddsomecolororstyletotheroom.It'snotjustforsitting,butalsofor adding some extra seating in a small space. For example, if you have a livingroomwithonlyonesofaandwantsomemoreseatswithouthaving tobuyanothersofa,thenanaccentchairwouldbeperfect.
ATVstandormediaconsole-ATVstandormediaconsoleisapieceof furniture that holds your television and other accessories. They are available in many different styles, sizes, and colors. A TV stand can store DVDs,Blu-rays,andCDs;whilesomemediaconsoleshavestoragespace fortheseitemsaswellasvideogameconsoles. Therearemanypiecesoffurniturethatyoucanchoose from Therearemanypiecesoffurniturethatyoucanchoosefromtomakealiving room,butthesearesomeofthemostcommonones. The sofa is the main piece of furniture in your living room and it's where everyone sits down to relax or watch TV. Sofas come in all shapes and sizes, so it's important to get one that fits with your space and style preferences.Ifyouwantsomethingmoremodernoreclectic,trychoosing asectionalsofainstead. A coffee table is another must-have for any home because it provides extrasurfacespacefordrinksorsnackswhilealsoaddingvisualinterest with its design element (if applicable). You'll also need somewhere on whichtoplaceallthosemagazineslyingaround--thiscouldbeanother coffeetableorevenjustanendtablewithdrawersunderneathifspace isn'tanissue.
Dining tables are set up nicely when paired with chairs around them; however, there are also dining benches available if needed instead of havingmultiplechairsaroundonetablewhichwouldtakeupmorespace thannecessaryifonlyusedoccasionallybyguestswhoaren'tstayinglong enoughformealsanyway. Conclusion: Now that you know the types of furniture that are most common in living rooms,itshouldbeeasierforyoutomakeachoice.Rememberthatthese arejustsuggestionsandnotrules--ifthere'ssomethingelseinparticular that catches your eye, go ahead and buy it! The most important thing is having fun decorating your new home so it feels like home for everyone wholivesthere.Choiceoflivingroomfurniturealsodependsonyourstyle theme, like if you are going with coastal furniture style, then you should pickfurnitureparticulartothattheme.
CONTACTUS 831.372.6250 info@mumsfurniture.com 246ForestAve.,PacificGrove,CA93950