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Semantically -enabled Knowledge Discovery in Deep Carbon Observatory. Han Wang ( wangh17@rpi.edu ) , Yu Chen ( cheny 18 @ rpi.edu ) , Xiaogang Ma ( max 7 @ rpi.edu ), John Erickson ( erickj 4 @ rpi.edu ), Patrick West ( westp@rpi.edu ), and Peter Fox ( pfox@cs . rpi.edu )
Semantically-enabledKnowledgeDiscoveryinDeepCarbonObservatorySemantically-enabledKnowledgeDiscoveryinDeepCarbonObservatory Han Wang(wangh17@rpi.edu), YuChen(cheny18@rpi.edu), XiaogangMa(max7@rpi.edu), JohnErickson (erickj4@rpi.edu), PatrickWest(westp@rpi.edu),and PeterFox(pfox@cs.rpi.edu) TetherlessWorld Constellation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, United States The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) is a decadal effort aimed at transforming scientific and public understanding of carbon in the complex deep earth system from the perspectives of Deep Energy, Deep Life, Extreme Physics and Chemistry, and Reservoirs and Fluxes. Over the course of the decade,DCO scientific activities will generate a massive volume of data across a variety of disciplines, presenting significant challenges in terms of data integration, management, analysis and visualization, and ultimately limiting the ability of scientists to make insights and unlock new knowledge. The DCO Data Science (DCO-DS)Teamis applying Semantic Web methodologies to construct a knowledge representationofDCOcore concepts including researchers,organizations,publications,events,awards,grants,datasets,instruments,fieldwork,outreach,etc.The embodiment of this knowledge representation is the DCO-DS Infrastructure (DCO-VIVO, DCO-CKAN, DCO-Handle, and DCO-Drupal), in which entities, agents, and activities within the DCO domain and the relations between them are recognized and explicitly identified. The DCO-DS Infrastructure serves as a platform for more efficient and reliable searching, discovery, access, and publication of information and knowledge for the DCO community and beyond. Screenshot of theindexpageshowingvarioustypesofDCOentities, agents, and activitiescategorizedintosixgroups. Screenshot of theThebrowsingpagelistinginstancesof“Scientist”, aspecifictypeofDCOpeople. Screenshot of thesearchresultpageshowinginstancesfromdifferenttypescontainingthequerykeyword. Screenshot of theS2S facetbrowsingpage presentingDCOpublications, providingsevensearchcriteria. Glossary VIVO: VIVO is an open source semantic web application that enables the discovery of research and scholarship across disciplines and institutions. (DCO-VIVO: http://udco.tw.rpi.edu/vivo/) CKAN: CKAN is an open source data management system that makes data accessible by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data. (DCO-CKAN: http://udco.tw.rpi.edu/ckan/) Handle: Handle System is an open source infrastructure providing efficient, extensible, and secure services for unique and persistent identifiers of digital objects. Drupal: Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. (DCO-Drupal: http://deepcarbon.net) Getthisposter Visit DCO Data Portal