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Welcome to the International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Seventh COLLNET Meeting 10-12 May, 2006 INIST-LORIA-Nancy.
Welcome to the International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Seventh COLLNET Meeting 10-12 May, 2006 INIST-LORIA-Nancy
The main mission of LORIA is the fundamental and supplied research in the field of information and communication technologies. LORIA plays also a strategic role in the training of young researchers, in partnership with Universities and in the technology transfer via partnerships with industry and support in the creation of start-up companies The institute for Scientific and Technical Information (INIST) is a service unit of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Its mission is to collect, analyze and disseminate the results and findings of worldwide research in science, technology, medicine, humanities, economics and social sciences.
Program Chairs: Proceedings 479 pages Jean-Charles Lamirel, France Hildrun Kretschmer, Germany E-LIS Claire Francois, France E-prints in Library Jacque Duclois, France and Information Science Organizing secretary: Journal of Patricia Gautier, INIST, France Information Sabah Khalfa, LORIA, France Management and Jean-Charles Lamirel, LORIA, France Scientometrics (Incorporating Programme Committee: the COLLNET Journal) COLLNET members
62 Submitted abstracts plus 6 invited talks from 23 Countries: Europe (12): Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, UK, Ukraine Asia (8): China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam America/Africa (3): Mexico, South Africa, USA More than 50% of the abstracts are from China, India and Iran (Sum=32). Because of financial problemsin the developing countriesnot all of the authors were able to come to Nancy.
6 Invited Plenary Talks: Donald DeB Beaver (USA) Peter Ingwersen (Denmark) Liu Zeyuan (China) Michel Zitt (France) Mike Thelwall (UK) COLLNET Round Table Ed Noyons (The Netherlands) 10 Sessions plus poster session plus tutorial 1. Medicine and Biology related studies 2. Studieson Scientometrics journal 3.Indicators 4. Webometrics 5.+6. Large and middle scale analyses 7. Advanced techniques 8. Vizuallization techniques 9. National oriented analyses (India and Asia) 10. National oriented analyses (Africa and Europe)
COLLNET The outstanding works of Donald deB Beaver, Derek John de Solla Price and others on the theme of collaboration in science have been inspiring many over several decades to devote themselves to research in this area. Welcome to Donald deB. Beaver: First Invited Plenary Talk
COLLNET is a global interdisciplinary research network under the Title „Collaboration in Science and in Technology“ Since foundation in 2000 six COLLNET Meetingswere already held in conjunction with international conferences or workshops on science studies. COLLNET cordially thanks INIST and LORIA for invitation to organize the 7th COLLNET Meeting here in the beautiful Nancy! Why in Nancy? Decision at the 5th COLLNET Meeting in Roorkee, India
The focus of COLLNET is to examine the phenomena of collaboration in science, its effect on productivity, innovation and quality, and the benefits and outcomes accruing to individuals, institutions and nations of collaborative work and co-authorship in science. On account of the diversity of these issues it is possible to obtain promising results only against the backdrop of an interdisciplinary approach and from an interculturalviewpoint including both developing and developed countries. COLLNET was founded in 2000 in Berlin by three scientists from China, India and Germany. In 2006 there are about 80 members from more than 20 countries of all continents (about 30% are ISSI members).
Web site: www.collnet.de Journal since 2004: Journal of Information Management and Scientometrics (Incorporating the COLLNET Journal) COLLNET Meetings (2000-2006): - First COLLNET Meeting, September 2000, Berlin, Germany - Second COLLNET Meeting, February 2001, New Delhi, India - Third COLLNET Meeting, July 2001, Sydney, Australia - Fourth COLLNET Meeting, August 2003, Beijing, China - Fifth COLLNET Meeting, March 2004, Roorkee, India - Sixth COLLNET Meeting, July 2005, Stockholm, Sweden - Seventh COLLNET Meeting, May 2006, Nancy, France Papers in Co-authorship between COLLNET Members: 223 co-authored papers in 2003 (lifetime, starting before official foundation of COLLNET)
Collaboration until 1997 Collaboration until 1999 Collaboration until 2001 Collaboration until 2003.
Publications about Development of COLLNET Kretschmer, H., L. Liang, R. Kundra: Foundation of a global interdisciplinary research network (COLLNET) with Berlin as the virtual centre. Scientometrics. Vol. 52. No.3 (2001)531-537 Kretschmer, H., L. Liang, R. Kundra: Chinese-Indian-German collaboration results that provided the impetus for the foundation of COLLNET. Scientometrics. Vol. 52. No. 3 (2001) 445-456 Kretschmer, H. & I.F. Aguillo: Visibility of collaboration on the Web. Scientometrics. Vol. 61, No. 3, (2004), 405-426. Kretschmer, H. & I.F. Aguillo: New Indicators for Gender Studies in Web Networks. Information Processing & Management. Volume 41, Issue 6, December 2005, 1481-1494 Yin, Li-chun, H. Kretschmer, R. A. Hanneman & Z. Liu: Connection and Stratification in Research Collaboration: An Analysis of the COLLNET Network. Information Processing & Management (in press) Kretschmer, H.& T. Kretschmer: A New Centrality Measure for Social Network Analysis Applicable to Bibliometric and Webometric Data. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 7th COLLNET Meeting, 10-12 May 2006, Nancy, France. SRDI-INIST-CNRS, 323-332
COLLNET Round Table: • Announcement of the 8th COLLNET Meeting, 2007 • by Ramesh Kundra • -EU-project: • „Global Interdisciplinary Research Network for the Study of Aspects of Collaboration in Science and in Technology“ • by Ülle Must • -JIMS - Journal of Information Management and Scientometrics (Incorporating the COLLNET Journal) • -WISE LAB (Webometrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics and Econometrics Lab): www.wiselab.cn • by Liu Zeyuan • -Collaboration with Mexico • by Macias-Chapula
Hildrun Kretschmer (Contributions) - Program Chair together with Jean-Charles Lamirel, Claire Francois and Jaque Ducloy - Conference opening to gether with Jean-Charles Lamirel - COLLNET round table: upcoming projects (Chair) Oral Presentations - Kretschmer, H.& T. Kretschmer: A New Centrality Measure for Social Network Analysis Applicable to Bibliometric and Webometric Data - Hou, H. (China); Kretschmer, H. (Germany); Liu Z. (China): The Structure of Scientific Collaboration Networks in Scientometrics: - Yin, L.C. (China); Kretschmer, H. (Germany); Hanneman, R. (Germany); Liu, Z. (China): The evolution of a citation network topology: The development of the journal Scientometrics
A New Centrality Measure for Social Network Analysis Applicable to Bibliometric and Webometric Data Kretschmer, H.& T. Kretschmer: In the literature there are a large number of publications in sociology, in computer science or in information sciences, as well as in studies of collaboration in science describing the studies of social networks with unweighted ties because measures involving unweighted ties are easier to calculate. It is not surprising that there are few studies on networks with weighted ties since they not only need more complex formulas but need a process of quantification when quantitative empirical data are not directly available. However quantitative empirical data are directly available under the condition of using bibliometric or webometric data. In conclusion new complex measures of the degree centrality are introduced including weighted ties possible for use of the analysis of co-authorship or citation networks. Both co-authorship relations and citations are well quantified data (weighted ties). These new measures are applied to a co-authorship network as an example.
TheComplex Measure of Degree Centrality CDCA of a node A is equal to the geometric mean of the “number” of nodes to which this node is connected and the total strength of the ties. The “number” is calculated as the transformed entropy of the weights. The Complex Group Degree Centralization measure is proposed describing the dispersion in a connected graph.
Dynamic evolution of Citation network topology: The development of Scientometrics Journal YIN Li-chun 1,2 Hildrun Kretschmer 1,3 Robert A. Hanneman4 LIU Ze-yuan 1,2 1. WISE LAB, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116023, China E-mail: yinliuxing1290@yahoo.com.cn; 2. Institute of Science Studies and Management of Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116023, China; 3. Department of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-University Berlin, Dorotheenstr. 26, D-10099 Berlin, Germany; 4. Department of Sociology, University of California - Riverside, USA Abstract By mapping the electronic database containing all publications in Scientometrics for a 26-year period (1978-2004), we uncover the topological measures that characterize the network as a whole, as well as the time evolution of these quantities. The results indicate that the network is scale-free with exponent αcite=1.9977, and shows small-world feature with mean geodesic distance less than 4.