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B2DROP: Secure Data Exchange for Researchers

B2DROP is a trusted data exchange service for researchers, part of EUDAT offering 20GB storage, synchronization, and easy sharing of research data in various formats. Register for free at https://b2drop.eudat.eu.

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B2DROP: Secure Data Exchange for Researchers

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  1. B2DROP EUDAT’s Personal Cloud Storage Service This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence

  2. B2DROP is... B2DROP is a secure and trusted data exchange service for researchers and scientists to keep their research data synchronised and up-to-date and to exchange with other researchers.

  3. B2DROP is part of EUDAT... • a pan-European initiative building a sustainable cross-disciplinary and cross-national data infrastructure providing a set of shared services for accessing and preserving research data • supporting multiple research communities by working closely with them to deliver these technical services as part of the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI)

  4. A truly pan-European Infrastructure EUDAT offers common data services, supporting multiple research communities as well as individuals, through a geographically distributed, resilient network of 35 European organisations Our vision is to enable European researchers and practitioners from any research discipline to preserve, find, access, and process data in a trusted environment, as part of a Collaborative Data Infrastructure


  6. Where is B2DROP in the B2 Service suite? • B2DROP lets you transfer data stored on B2DROP to other B2 services

  7. An ideal solution for researchers and scientists to: • Store and exchange data with colleagues and team members, including research data not finalized for publishing • share data with fine-grained access controls • synchronize multiple versions of data across different devices Features: • 20GB storage per user • Living objects, so no PIDs • Versioning and offline use • Desktop synchronisation

  8. What can users do? • Users can • have access to 20GB of storage space for research data • access and manage files from any device and any location • define with whom to exchange data, for how long and how

  9. What type of data can I store? • Any kind of temporary research data • Primary data or processed data, data as the basis for a publication. • Both empirical and theoretical data • Any kind of format and file: papers, spreadsheets, audio­visual media, provided the data source or purpose of the data has a scientific background. • Data are uploaded from your local or departmental storage device as digital objects. Please read our service Terms of Use for further information. https://b2drop.eudat.eu/themes/b2drop/terms-of-use.html

  10. Register to use B2DROP • Easy and quick registration at https://b2drop.eudat.eu

  11. It’s simple to use • Intuitive and simple user interface • User-friendly interface and easy-to-use storage facilities • Drag or drop files for storage • Create new files and folders • Share data with others with one click

  12. Synchronise your files Synchronise B2DROP with your computer using ownClouddesktop clients by downloading the latest version of ownCloudDesktop Synchronization Client ownCloudWebsite. • MacOS • Linux Distributions • Windows After download and installation enter the URL of the B2DROP ownCloudserver https://b2drop.eudat.eu/ and enter your B2DROP username (e-mail address) and password. Note that using this client allows you to work on your files while offline, and synchronise when you reconnect to the network.

  13. Mount your folder • You can mount B2DROP as a drive to your desktop machines via WebDAV • Your B2DROP folder then appears in your file browser • You can work on files, which will synchronise automatically with the B2DROP server on save • Supported for • MacOS • Linux Distributions • Windows Note that mounting your folder through WebDAV only works while you are connected to the network.

  14. Mount your folder - MacOS Mount B2DROP in your "Finder": • Click on "Go" on the drop-down menu and then "Connect to server" • Enter https://b2drop.eudat.eu/remote.php/webdav/ when prompted • Login with your username (e-mail address) and password. You can also mount B2DROP with Cyberduck by providing the above-mentioned information to the client.

  15. Mount your folder - Linux You can mount B2DROP with NAUTILUS: • Select "Go to File Connect to server" • Type in: davs://b2drop.eudat.eu/remote.php/webdav • Login with your username (e-mail address) and password. Mounting via davfs is also possible, but it requires sudo access. Login with your username (e-mail address) and password To unmount use the following command: The instructions above have been tested on Ubuntu but they should work for every Linux distribution supporting the NAUTILUS or GNOME file system.

  16. Mount your folder - Windows Map B2DROP as network drive: • Enter https://b2drop.eudat.eu/remote.php/webdav/as a folder • Login with your username (e-mail address) and password. Note that you may need to set your computer to allow Basic Authentication; please follow the Microsoft instructions for this. Because B2DROP is available under https, Option "1 - Basic authentication enabled for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) shares only" should suffice for Windows Vista and later.

  17. B2DROP Supports versioning • Automatic file versioning • Access to the previous versions is straightforward on the web GUI and the desktop client • The latest file gets overwritten by the selected version, with other versions (including newer) retained. • To preserve disk space, B2DROP preserves a subset of the versions, progressively reducing the number of retained versions as time goes by. Note that B2DROP removes older saved versions and/or stops maintaining versions when the user exceeds 50% of their quota.

  18. How & Where are my data stored • B2DROP is hosted at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre • Daily backups of all files in B2DROP are taken and kept on tape. • Underlying technology is ownCloud 7

  19. For more info: https://eudat.eu/services/b2drop B2DROP User Documentation: https://eudat.eu/services/userdoc/b2drop

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