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State and Network Structures: Interaction or Rivalry?

Explore the dynamics of network adaptation in diplomacy, examining the relationship between states and international networks. This study analyzes the concept of "foreign policy" in a globalized network environment.

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State and Network Structures: Interaction or Rivalry?

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  1. Государство и сетевые структуры: взаимодействие или соперничество? Динамика сетевой адаптации на примере дипломатии Григорий Асмолов МГИМО, 16 ноября 2010

  2. Международные отношения: • МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ, -ая, -ое.1.Относящийся к внешней политике государства и отношениям между народами.2.Охватывающий многие народы или их представителей; интернациональный. • ИНОСТРАННЫЙ, -ая, -ое.1.Относящийся к иному государству, другой стране; принадлежащий им. И-ые подданные. 2.Относящийся к ведению внешней политики, связанный с нею. Министерство иностранных дел. Большой толковый словарь русского языка ТАМ ЗДЕСЬ Время Пространство

  3. Сетевая дипломатия: The very term "foreign policy" attempts to differentiate between "domestic" and "foreign" in ways that make less sense in a globalized network environment. In this environment, domestic activities have international implications, and participation in a network may be unchanged whether people are ten feet or ten thousand miles apart. Foreign policy is not foreign. It is global- both domestic and foreign simultaneously. "Foreign policy" also suggests that the state is in a position to make decisions and then translate those decisions into coherent "policy." While this is the case in some discreet areas, this term does not convey the fact that a state’s foreign policy is only one part of a broader "global engagement" between societies. Metzl J., Network Diplomacy, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Winter/Spring 2001, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id=681

  4. Парадигмы понимания сетей: Реализм Безопасность Либерализм Кооперация Конструктивизм Идентичность

  5. Сетевые угрозы безопасности: онлайн Повестка дня/фрейминг (идентичность) Кибер преступность (шпионаж, уничтожение) Офлайновые акции (террор, преступность, политические протесты) Манипуляции/атаки контента Сфера социальных сетей Саморганизующиеся субъекты Негосударственные субъекты Государства

  6. Мировые лидеры 16-ый векИспания 17-ый векНидерланды 18-ый векФранция 19-ый векВеликобритания 20-ый векСША и СССР 21-ый век ??? Ресурсы силы: Ресурсы Силы Золото, колонии, династ.связи Торговля, флот Территория, пехота, национализм Индустрия, флот, капитал Наука, атом, военные альянсы Информационные технологии Джозеф Най

  7. Actor Network Theory и роль ИКТ: Интерпретация + Сетевая активация (люди и вещи) = Сила определить Реальность

  8. Новый информационный режим: “If print capitalism gave rise to the nation-state of the 18th – 20th centuries, as Anderson describes, the microelectronic network of global flows of symbols, sights and sounds gives rise to a new form of international organization.” (Livingston,2010) Конфликт/ Баланс Между системами Внутри системы • Системный кризис национальных государств (M. Castells): • Кризис эффективности - управления в ситуации усложнения • системы • Кризис легитимности – доверие граждан • Кризис идентичности – фрагментация и глобализация • идентичностей

  9. Living together Reading together Acting together

  10. Типы легитимности власти: • Де юре • Де факто • Харизматическая • Экспертная • Моральная • Актанты: • State actors • IGOs • NGO’s • Networked structures • Individuals

  11. Новые институты

  12. Сrowdsourcing

  13. Governance without government:

  14. Роль «Карты помощи» Раскрытие потенциала взаимопомощи среди пользователей российского Интернета. Предоставление эффективного механизма взаимопомощи, который превращает инициативы в скоординированую практику. Формирование социальной ответственности среди пользователей Интернета. Превращение взаимопомощи в институт гражданского общества.

  15. “Especially in this time of globalization and the network revolution, behavior at the individual level is the key factor in shaping the evolution of the entire human species. Just a few particles can alter the macroscopic organization in nature.” Nobel Prize Laureate Ilya Prigozhin

  16. Epistemic communities:

  17. CNN Effect: Traditional media Decision makers Society/ Citizens

  18. #CNNfail effect Traditional media Social media E n g agement Decision makers Society/ Citizens Public Opinion

  19. Al Jazeera Effect:

  20. The Al Jazeera Initiative for Internet Freedom 1. Free ContentAl Jazeera will provide its content free of charge across a range of digital platforms to allow people around the world access to Al Jazeera content. 2. Protection of Online JournalistsAs part of the The Al Jazeera Initiative for Internet Freedom, Mr. Khanfar also announced a program aimed at supporting the rights of online journalists, bloggers, and other individuals who write and report online. 3. Supporting Marginalized CommunitiesAlso, in line with the Network’s mandate of providing a voice for the voiceless, Al Jazeera announced they will begin a project that will equip people in marginalized communities and remote parts of the world with resources to make themselves heard. This includes providing communications tools to allow people to document their own stories. 4. Training Online JournalistsTo support this, the Al Jazeera Training and Development Center will be launching a program to equip people with the necessary skills to cover news and to report from their own communities.

  21. Механизмы адаптации

  22. Сценарии отношений с сетями: • Соперничество/ • контроль/ доминирование • Сотрудничество/ • кооперация • Игнорирование

  23. Роль государства: Предложения о помощи добровольцы Внешняя помощь (Гаити) Кому звонить? государство

  24. Развитие сетевой мощи: Задача: Использование потенциала сетей для усиления мощи государства в рамках внутрисистемного и межсистемного конфликта как фактор выживания. Адаптация Трансформация Сетевая активация: Превращение сетевого потенциала в один из элементов достиженя поставленых целей. Кооперация Сотрудничество Менджмент Дирежирование Мобилизация Новые Институты Новая Политика Новые Технологии

  25. PUBLIC A MEDIA A Модели сетевой дипломатии: GOV A • США • Израиль • Россия Traditional diplomacy MEDIA C PUBLIC C GOV C FOREIGN POLICY C Traditional diplomacy GOV B PUBLIC B MEDIA B

  26. Модель прагматической сложности: Steven Corman A Message B Главное не «мессадж», а система интерпретации «мессаджа». Развитие отношений Message

  27. Модель развития сетевого лидерства: • Dynamic and interesting content • Balance between private and public • Multiplatform, multimedium and multilanguage outreach Content platforms: Flickr (photo) Youtube (video) Things Content • A framework for sustainable online presence • A motivation for development of relationship without offline references • Attractor to interaction Blogs, personal websites Identity Interaction Social networks • Development of network • Facilitation through interaction

  28. Развитие новой информационной дипломатии:

  29. Organizational System ‘s design Network Diplomacy INDEPENDENT VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLE Degree of system’s openness toward bottom up processes. Innovative actions + Conceptual change+ Structural change Political Leaders (Prime minister, ministers) • Operationalization: • Bottom up processes within organization: • place of forces that drive innovation in hierarchy of organization • what level the key actors/bottom up processes can reach. • Nature of relations with external actors • Private organizations (domestic/foreign) • Individuals (domestic/foreign) Middle level officials (Headquarters) Innovative actions + Conceptual change Field level officials Innovative actions. External actors Organizations Population No Innovative actions.

  30. Дипломатия как инновация:

  31. От «войны идей»... Ideological engagement - the war of ideas, as opposed to the war of bombs and bullets. I lead the government-wide effort on the war of ideas - which includes coordination with the Defense Department, the Intelligence Community, other agencies, and the private sector as well. Senator Joe Lieberman, in introducing me at my confirmation hearing, said I was the ‘supreme allied commander in the war of ideas.’ Jim Glassman Our mission today in the war of ideas is highly focused: it is to use the tools of ideological engagement - words, deeds, and images - to create an environment hostile to violent extremism.

  32. Отношения как индикатор сетевой мощи государства: America’s Edge: Power in the Networked Century, Foreign Policy, January-February 2009 “In this world, the measure of power is connectedness.” “Networked power flows from the ability to make the maximum number of valuable connections.” ”Now, where you are from means where you can, and do, go back to -and whom you know and trust enough to network with.” U.S. has, “a clear and sustainable edge”, in ability to reach audiences through network in the new information environment. “In a networked world, the United States has the potential to be the most connected country.” Anne Marie Slaughter

  33. К «гонке отношений»: “We are not the only ones who see the significance of increased engagement. Friends, competitors, and adversaries are moving quickly. The Chinese are building infrastructure and cultural centers across the world, developing long-term relationships in Africa, Latin America, and elsewhere. The Iranian public diplomacy network in the Middle East and beyond includes satellite television and radio networks in several languages, more than 100 newspapers and magazines, and thousands of web sites and blogs. And of course al-Qaeda and other extremists continue to engage aggressively using a range of new and old media. This is not a propaganda contest – it is a relationship race. And we have got to get back in the game.” Judith Mc Hale “The goal of this kind of person-to-person engagement has always been to form lasting relationships. This is now a foundation of our communications strategy as well. In a crowded media environment, relationships offer a way to break through the clutter. If we do this right, we can forge relationships that become part of people’s daily lives and endure long after the latest sound bites have faded away.”

  34. Участники «гонки отношений»:

  35. Развитие дигитального сетевого ресурса: In her remarks to the Forum for the Future, Secretary Clinton announced Civil Society 2.0, which will help grassroots organizations around the world use digital technology to tell their stories, build their memberships and support bases, and connect to their community of peers around the world.Building the capacity of grassroots civil society organizations will enable them to do the work that, in the past, Western NGOs and governments have done. With increased capacity, communities are better able to initiate, administer and sustain their own programs and solutions to shared problems.

  36. Речь о Свободе Интернета • Искусство дипломатии и государственного управления 21 века:«осваивание силы сетевых технологий и использование их в дипломатических целях». • Cтратегия, ориентированная на развитие сетевой мощи. • США как сетевой полюс. • В новой сетевой реальности увеличивается потенциал влияния одной личности как фактора, который способен вызвать цепную реакцию в глобальной сети. (Хилари Клинтон, Февраль,2010)

  37. Институционная трансформация:

  38. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: “This is an example of what we call 21st century statecraft and an opportunity to extend our engagement beyond the halls of government directly to the people of the world.” Developed by the State Department and Center for New Media, Berkeley’ University.

  39. Asper Institute for New Media Diplomacy, IDC Herzliya, 2008 Модель ситуационного центра по работе с Новыми Медиа: displays\ TV screens, GOOGLE EARTH ProducerVR Journet coordinator Content promoting Director Distribution center Journalist center Op. officer Tech. advisor SN campaigns coordinator population Monitoring Center Content Producer Distribution Graphic Journalists Social Net. Center User content coordinator SN Monitoring SN data Archive Censorship SN control soft

  40. Situation room (offline institualization)

  41. Webplatform: Online institualization

  42. Модель сетевой кооперации: Non-state State Global Civil Society Advocacy NGO Academic Institutions Tech. Experts Government Social networks Who? Распространение Содержание Координация Coordination (MMM) Monitoring Network expanding Tech. assistance Guiding Content editing Live status Writing blogs/ Twitter Social bookmarking Chain letters/ viral msg Balancing Creating content information footage What? message

  43. Лояльность сетей? Our main goal is to trigger permanent interaction between Israelis who are capable to understand cultures of other countries and people from these countries. I want you to talk with your friends abroad and I want your friends abroad to know that you are Israeli. I don’t care what your political opinion is. Most of Israelis are patriots and it doesn’t depend on political opinions. But I want, in case that something happens, that the first thing that these people abroad will do, is to ask you what’s happening, to ask your personal opinion. And it’s enough for me if this opinion will match the official position in 40% or even in 10%. Consequently, our goal is to have youth with high skills and capabilities to communicate in English. During the operation “Cast Lead” we saw that this concept worked great, the development of interaction proved itself and Israelis did things that we never could do. But we also should be aware that when we are invading to Gaza, were a paying with credit of our citizens.

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