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International Ice Charting Working Group IICWG V Data, Information & Customer Support Standing Committee Report. Co-Chairs Ari Seina & Florence Fetterer. Data, Information and Customer Support Carry Over Action Items.
International Ice Charting Working GroupIICWG VData, Information & Customer Support Standing Committee Report Co-Chairs Ari Seina & Florence Fetterer
Data, Information and Customer Support Carry Over Action Items Action Item CD 3.3: Common Training - Coordinate the development of the IICWG web page, coordinate development or collection of content for the page and make recommendations for the development of national training page if appropriate. Responsible: P. Seymour Status: Open. A draft IICWG Training Page ( posts Ice Analyst and Forecaster requirements from CIS and the Ice Analyst Qualification document from the NIC. Mr. Seymour proposes that the committee develop a set of virtual requirements for Ice Analysts similar to what we are doing for sea ice mapping systems. When we have a list of requirements that everyone supports, we can then start to address them with best practices.
Data, Information and Customer Support Carry Over Action Items Action Item CD 3.5: Establish mechanism for an early exchange of information regarding experience with Envisat data - experience with ordering, reception, processing, and validation. Responsible: M.Manore Status: Closed Early experience with Envisat in 2003 was very limited due to ongoing operational and order desk issues at ESA. Operational data started flowing in late 2003. A special session on Envisat has been organized as part of IICWG-5.
Data, Information and Customer Support Carry Over Action Items Action Item CD 3.6: Finalize SIGRID-3 format status and submit to JCOMM ETSI. Responsible: F. Fetterer Status: Closed. SIGRID-3 document description completed and available from http://nsidc.org/noaa/gdsidb/formats.html . Submitted to WMO JCOMM by V. Smolyanitsky in late 2003.
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items Action Item CD 4.1: Russian North Pole drifting station 32 will tentatively start functioning by the end of May and collect data from 9-12 months. The Standing Committee will work to identify means of NRT distribution of NP32 data for IICWG members. This committee work has four parts, to be coordinated by V. Smolyanitsky: CD 4.1.1. Distribute information on the experiment to members, so that members may make recommendations regarding data to be collected on the station. Responsible: V.Smolyanitsky. Status: Closed.Email from Vasily Smolyanitsky, Vladimir Smirnov and Vladimir Sokolov of 17 June 2003 summarized information. Vasily can provide more information if desired. http://www.aari.nw.ru/clgmi/np32/default_en.asp.
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items Action Item CD 4.1: (Con’t) CD 4.1.2. Propose a station data distribution mechanism. Responsible: V. Smolyanitsky. Status: Closed. Operations at NP-32 are now complete. Scientific summaries are in preparation. Data (daily ice drift, six hour meteorology) are made available at http://www.aari.nw.ru/clgmi/np32/default_en.asp.
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items Action Item CD 4.1: (Con’t) CD 4.1.3. Investigate distribution of Radarsat scenes collected for the drifting station. Responsible: M.Manore. Status: Open.Initial requests to ASF and Cdn Space Agency (CSA) indicated that no systematic plan for acquisitions was in place, as was previously thought. A request to provide a catalogue of archive coverage has been made to CSA, but so far without response. Will continue to pursue. CD 4.1.4. Archive and distribute other data collected in support of NP32. Responsible: Cheryl Bertoia. Status: Closed
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items Action Item CD 4.2: Ice Mapping Systems "Common system" may be too ambitious, but IICWG members can reduce development costs by a) sharing information and b) sharing software modules where possible. To accomplish this, IICWG members will: CD 4.2.1 Structure information exchange by identifying modules in an ice mapping system (e.g. input, processing, output). Responsible: H. Andersen Status: Closed. Dr. Andersen’s presentation on a virtual Ice Charting System, with suggested modules, is at http://nsidc.org/noaa/iicwg/comdata.html . Paul Seymour will be developing the IMS concept at IICWG V, and will present to IICWG V on Thursday, 22 April. Ice mapping system draft material is posted at http://nsidc.org/noaa/iicwg/comdata.html
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items Action Item CD 4.2: (con’t) CD 4.2.2 Inventory systems, especially software modules. CD 4.2.2.a CIS system - provide an early report to IICWG on performance benchmarking of ArcGIS, and list functionality. Responsible: J. Falkingham Status: Open. [? John ?] See http://nsidc.org/noaa/iicwg/comdata.html . Under “Requirements”, “IMS modules or utilities”, is a list of CIS IMS functions (Arc modules) that can be shared with other services CD 4.2.2.b NIC system - provide report to IICWG on Remote View, and list functionality. Responsible: P. Seymour Status: Closed. Under “Requirements”, “Draft IMS requirements from P. Seymour””, is a list of functions that the NIC system supports.
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items Action Item CD 4.2: (con’t) CD 4.2.2.c Post or link IICWG-3 and IICWG-4 Ice Mapping session ppt-presentations on IICWG web site. Responsible: F. Fetterer Status: Closed. See http://nsidc.org/noaa/iicwg/comdata.html as well as http://www.aari.nw.ru/projects/iicwg_iv/docs/ and http://doc.met.no/iicwg3/Agenda.htm
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items Action Item CD 4.2: (con’t) CD 4.2.3 A common desire is to include meteorology fields as a layer in GIS analysis. CD 4.2.3.a Provide information to IICWG on GRIB in Shapefile function in met.no system. Responsible: H. Tangen Status: Closed. Currently met.no is working on shifting from GIS Arcview to DIANA (developed in-house and run on Linux) as ice chart production tool. A demo version is due soon. (DIANA is today used by weather forecasters.) Numerical met fields are received in GRIB format, and then preprosessed before being put into DIANA. The products exported from DIANA in shapefields are lines (ice edge, SST etc.). In-house software is used in processing. The DIANA system allows observations, weather parameter fields, satellite images, radar info etc. in any combination on the screen. Images and information can be toggled on and off.
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items Action Item CD 4.2: (con’t) CD 4.2.3 A common desire is to include meteorology fields as a layer in GIS analysis. CD 4.2.3.b Share NIC "White Paper" on efforts in U.S. to convert GRIB or other met field formats to GIS. Responsible: C. Bertoia Status: Closed. The white paper Providing METOC Data in SIMS: A Capabilities/Feasibility Study Prepared for the U.S. National Ice Center is posted at http://nsidc.org/noaa/iicwg/comdata.html.
Data, Information and Customer Support IICWG IV Action Items • Questions? • GEO and GMES preparation Data utilization User requirements Cost benefit analysis • Breakout group topics • User requirements for GEO, and for GME • Cost-benefit analysis of our services • Ice Mapping Systems • SIGRID-3 tools