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New You Body Sculpting is a weight loss program that combines the best technology with the best nutrition and detox to get you real results. With our technology, we are able to target the areas of the body you want to target. Our nutrition and detox help to nourish the body, so that you don’t experience the cravings for junk food. <br><br>Our success program allows you to : <br>Stay on the products that helped you decrease the cravings and nourish your body.<br>Have 1 to 2 light sessions per month to continue your success<br>Have access to unlimited whole body vibration<br>Have 100 minutes of infrared sauna per month.<br><br>ADDRESS <br>Location 1<br>New You Body Sculpting<br>106 S. 14th Street <br>Murphysboro Il 62966 <br>Phone : 618-684-3344 <br>WEBSITE : http://murphysborochiropractic.com/<br>http://murphysborochiropractic.com/book-appointment-locations/
Non-surgical liposuction techniques- murphysborochiropractic.com W E L C O M E T O O U R H E A L T H S H O W
N E W Y O U B O D Y S C U L P T I N G Non-surgical Liposuction Techniques I n t r o d u c t I o n The ultrasound waves increase kinetic energy of molecular motion thus resulting in heat. Therefore, when the heat induced by the ultrasonic means exceeds that normal to the body, loss off cell function occurs and protein denaturation occurs. The cavitation process is induced by a sound frequency of 40kHz, which drives adipocytes, the so-called fat cells, to break. 90%
N E W Y O U B O D Y S C U L P T I N G Non-surgical Liposuction Techniques Of The Spot Fat Reduction Techniques There Are Three Contenders. • Laser Lipolysis, • Ultrasonic Cavitation • CryoLipolysis or 'Coolsculpting' 70%
Non Surgical Liposuction and Mesotherapy Non-surgical Liposuction Techniques • Mesotherapy is a popular method of non-surgical liposuction in Europe and South America. • It offers patients many of the same results as traditional liposuction. • It is well-known for its ability to remove fat and reduce cellulite, making it very popular among women. 50%
- - P R O C E D U R E - - Non-surgical Liposuction Techniques The procedure itself involves injecting a mixture of medications and other ingredients, such as amino acids and other holistic ingredients, to dissolve fat that underlies the skin. The body then absorbs the liquid fat and eliminates it through the body's natural waste products. The needles utilized in mesotherapy are quite thin. This makes the procedure virtually painless. 40%
M E T H O D Non-surgical Liposuction Techniques Of The Spot Fat Reduction Techniques There Are Three Contenders. • Laser Fat Reduction • Ultrasound Fat Reduction • Cool Sculpting • Radio-frequency • Exilis 20%
N E W Y O U B O D Y S C U L P T I N G Non-surgical Liposuction Techniques New You Body Sculpting is a weight loss program that combines the best technology with the best nutrition and detox to get you real results. With our Technology, we are able to target the areas of the body you want to target. Our nutrition and detoxhelp to nourish the body, so that you don’t experience the cravings for junk food. 70%
N E W Y O U B O D Y S C U L P T I N G Non-surgical Liposuction Techniques • Phone : 6618-684-3344 | 618-998-9333 • email-id : newyoubodysculptingsoil@gmail.com • drbobbie@weightlossmurphysboroil.com • VISIT : murphysborochiropractic.com 10%
Non-surgical Liposuction Techniques N E W Y O U B O D Y S C U L P T I N G THANKS FOR WATCHING