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CBCGB-WSF 週三姐妹會 啟示錄 2:12-17 基督書簡 ( 三 ) 達於 別迦摩教會 2011/10/12 陳一萍. 參考書目. 1.Sir William M. Ramsay (1851-1939), The Letters to the Seven Churches , Peabody: Hendrickson, 1994 2. 楊牧谷 , 《 基督書簡 ﹕ 啟示錄的七教會書信 》, 臺北 ﹕ 校園書房出版社 ,1990,1992
CBCGB-WSF 週三姐妹會啟示錄2:12-17 基督書簡(三) 達於別迦摩教會2011/10/12 陳一萍
參考書目 1.Sir William M. Ramsay (1851-1939), The Letters to the Seven Churches, Peabody: Hendrickson, 1994 2. 楊牧谷, 《基督書簡﹕啟示錄的七教會書信》,臺北﹕校園書房出版社,1990,1992 3.Biblical Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation(土耳其聖經考古與啟示錄七教會) http://www.greatcommission.com/turkey/tour/TurkeyAndTheSevenChurchesOfRevelation_files/frame.htm (2006/2/12)
給七個教會的信 • 耶穌基督的教會 • 以弗所 • 士每拿 • 別迦摩 • 推雅推喇 • 撒狄 • 非拉鐵非 • 老底嘉
別迦摩(Πέργαμος, Pergamos) ﹕ • 位於小亞西亞之每西亞(Mysia)的希臘城市,大約距愛琴海15哩、以弗所85哩、士每拿55哩;屬羅馬帝國亞西亞巡環公路上的大站(第三大城,次於以弗所、士每拿)
Pergamum - City Built on a Hill 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum(Bergama) 3rd of 7 Churches Revelation 2:12-17 City as great as Ephesus “City on a hill cannot be hidden”– acropolis 1,000 feet above the valley King Attalus (Asia) Capital of Asia for 250 years – fertile Caicus River Temple of Trajan Temple of Athena was first museum and entrance to library Emperor Worship in Asia began here 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Difficult to conceive how much man labor it took to build all the structures, and we only see a few of them now Temple Supports
別迦摩是在啟示錄二至三章中七教會的第三個教會,它位於示每拿北方90公里(約55哩),它離愛琴海只有24公里(約15哩),今天這個地方仍然有別迦摩的遺址,是土耳其的一個小村莊。別迦摩是在啟示錄二至三章中七教會的第三個教會,它位於示每拿北方90公里(約55哩),它離愛琴海只有24公里(約15哩),今天這個地方仍然有別迦摩的遺址,是土耳其的一個小村莊。 別迦摩這個字的希臘文有「堡壘」或「堅固保障」的意思,這個城市蓋起來就像一個圓錐體,這個山丘最高離地面有三百公尺。羅馬城是整個羅馬帝國的首都,而別迦摩就是羅馬帝國在亞細亞的首都了。這個城座落在山丘高處,高坐在那裡好像一個寶座一樣。別迦摩城裡有一所大學而且有一座圖書館,藏書有二十萬卷羊皮卷,每一個羊皮卷都是人刻寫出來的。這個城也是發明羊皮紙的地方,這是從羊的皮所預備的。
Pergamum Altar Temple of Zeus - Berlin“Zeus the Savior” temple seen all over 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum Altar Temple of Zeus Berlin Model in Pergamom Museum 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum Altar Temple of Zeus – Berlin Altar in Pergamom Museum 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum Temple of Trajan Paul Passed Through - Acts 16:7-8 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Asclepion Healing Areas 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum Theatre Double Edged Sword - Power to Kill Typical Greek theatre with every seat in cavea following the steep acropolis rock and having an unbelievable view of the surrounding valley to sunset Throne of Satan on hill Temple of Dionysius 3 Christians thrown to the wild animals here in 3rd Century No compromising 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum Altar Temple of Zeus – 160 BCBerlin Satan’s Throne, Sword of Authority 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum Library-Alexandria, Mark Anthony200,000 Scrolls-King hired librarian from Alexandria so he was thrown in prison and Egypt stopped selling Papyrus so King put out challenge (197 BC) that resulted in Parchments or “Pergamum-sheets” animal skin that introduced Codex—Olive Tree Wishes for “Good Luck” 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum Hippocrates AsclepionFirst Healing Center First healing center 300 BC Snake from Moses and Israelites healing Emperor Augustus visited twice Asia minor earthquake AD 17 Emperor Tiberius stopped taxes Emperor Hadrian gave money Emperor Caracalla treatment Parchment or vellum, which is from the skin of calves and lambs, came from Pergamum after Pharaoh banned export of papyrus to Pergamum. Much of the Bible was written with parchment. Asklepios symbol was the serpent and perhaps another symbol of the “throne of Satan” 2/12/2006
Asclepion - Lower Stadium 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Pergamum Church 不能妥協 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
3 4 5 2 6 1 7 米利都
亞歷 山 大 大 帝
亞歷山大死後帝國三分322BC a. 以馬其頓-希臘為中心的安提柯王朝 b. 亞細亞的別迦摩王國 c. 敘利亞的西流基王朝(北國) d.埃及的多利買王朝(南國)
基督 書簡﹕ 致三 教會 書信 之 比較