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Right to Know

Right to Know. NUECES COUNTY Risk Management Department. Training Contents. Understanding MSDS’s Labeling Physical Hazards Health Hazards Protecting yourself Bloodborne Pathogens. What is MSDS?. M aterial S afety D ata S heet.

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Right to Know

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Right to Know NUECES COUNTY Risk Management Department

  2. Training Contents Understanding MSDS’s Labeling Physical Hazards Health Hazards Protecting yourself Bloodborne Pathogens

  3. What is MSDS? Material Safety Data Sheet They provide pertinent information to employees about hazardous materials and chemicals in the workplace.

  4. What information does a MSDS show? Manufacturer information Chemical synonyms Physical and/or chemical properties Spill response Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Acute and Chronic effects of exposure

  5. RTK law requires that…. MSDS’s be readily available in the work areas where potentially hazardous chemicals are used.

  6. Labeling A manufacturer’s label (on a container) is the first place to look for information.

  7. Basic Chemical Container Labels Chemical labels are not a substitute for a MSDS. Some chemicals pose little danger, others are deadly. Remember - Hazardous chemicals are everywhere!

  8. Basic Labels High Voltage Acid Irritant ToxicChemicals BioHazard Harmful

  9. Chemical container labels information includes… Health hazards Specific chemicals in product How to protect yourself Manufacturer’s name and contact information

  10. Color Coded Labels Many chemical manufacturers use color coded labels so that incompatible materials and chemicals with different hazard characteristics can be properly segregated from each other.

  11. NFPA Color-Coded Labeling System • Developed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) • Higher the number the greater the risk

  12. Color-code System explained Fire Hazard Health Hazard Reactivity Hazard Specific Hazard Water, oxidizing

  13. Specific Labels Corrosive = destroys living tissue on contact Toxic = hazardous to your health Flammable = readily catch fire Reactives = react violent with materials in otherwise stable situations

  14. Labeling Requirements • All hazardous chemicals introduced into the workplace need to be in labeled containers that meet the requirements of OSHA • Two types of containers and labels: • Primary label • Secondary label

  15. Primary Container and Label • Prepared by the manufacturer of the chemical • Affixed to all containers before shipped to buyers • Label must include: • Identity of chemical • Appropriate hazard warnings • Name & address of the manufacturer, distributor, or responsible party

  16. Secondary Container & Label This should be labeled. • May only be used in that facility • Labels include: • Identity of chemical • Appropriate hazard warning

  17. Hazard Warnings • Chronic Hazards (Long-Term) • Cancer • Birth defects • Targets organs • Body systems affected Acute Hazards(Immediate) • Flammability • Reactivity • Oxidizer • Explosive • Corrosive

  18. Physical vs. Health Hazards Physical Hazards are • Flammable • Oxidizers • Explosive • Compressed gas Health Hazards are • Health issues • Corrosive • Poison • Biological • Radioactive

  19. Hazard Potential 2 things to consider: Dose is the amount of exposure. Toxicity is the degree to which a chemical is harmful.

  20. Health Hazards - Dosage • Toxic effects increase as exposure increases. • ALL CHEMICALS EXHIBIT A TOXIC EFFECT WITH A LARGE ENOUGH DOSE!

  21. Potential Routes of Entry Absorption (touching) Ingestion (eating or dirty hands) Inhalation (breathing) Injection (Poke or stick)

  22. Types of Health Hazard Effects ACUTE EFFECTS • Quick onset • Health effects that occur after a single exposure • Usually reversible CHRONIC EFFECTS • Takes a long time to start • Health problems occur after repeated or long exposure • Usually can not be reversed

  23. Protection Methods • Product substitution • Use a less or non-hazardous material • Safe Work Practices • Proper chemical storage • Refer to MSDS’s • Work in pairs • Engineering Controls • Chemical fume hoods or enclosures • Personal Protective Equipment • Respirators, aprons, safety glasses

  24. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Eye and face protection Respiratory protection Body protection Hand protections

  25. Employer Requirements Have MSDS’s available Train employees annually Have a poster of who to contact for information

  26. Employees Rights You have the right to know what chemicals/materials are being used in your school building. You have the right to refuse to work with a product if your employer cannot provide information about its safety. You have the right to requests a copy of a MSDS for a chemical/material.

  27. Questions Contact the Risk Manager or Emergency Risk Management Specialist: lance.esswein@co.nueces.tx.us martha.sanchez@co.nueces.tx.us 361-888-0401 Office 361-888-0403 FAX

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