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The University of Malta

The University of Malta. History. Faculties and institutions. Faculty of Arts ( Fakultà tal-Arti ) Faculty of the Built Environment ( Fakultà tal-Ambjent mibni ) Faculty of Dental Surgery ( Fakultà tad-Dentisterija )

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The University of Malta

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  1. The University of Malta

  2. History

  3. Facultiesandinstitutions FacultyofArts (Fakultàtal-Arti) FacultyoftheBuiltEnvironment (Fakultàtal-Ambjentmibni) FacultyofDentalSurgery (Fakultàtad-Dentisterija) FacultyofEconomics, Management & Accountancy (Fakultàtal-Ekonomija, ManagementuAccountancy) FacultyofEducation (Fakultàtal-Edukazzjoni) FacultyofEngineering (Fakultàtal-Inġinerija) FacultyofLaws (Fakultàtal-Liġi) FacultyofMedicine & Surgery (Fakultàtal-Mediċinaul-Kirurġija) FacultyofScience (Fakultàtax-Xjenza) FacultyofTheology (Fakultàtat-Teoloġija) FacultyofInformation & CommunicationTechnology (Fakultàtat-Teknoloġijatal-Informatikaul-Komunikazzjoni)

  4. Library of the University of Malta

  5. Faculty Associations Arts Student Association (ASA) Society of Architecture and Civil Engineering Students (SACES) MaltaAssociation for Dental Students (MADS)Association of Student of Commercial Studies (ASCS) University Student Teachers Association (USTA) Psychology Students Association – BetaPsi University Engineering Student Association (UESA) Għaqda Studenti tal-Ligi (GħSL) MaltaMedical Students Association (MMSA) Malta Pharmaceutical Students Association (MPSA) Science Students' Society (S3) GħaqdaStudenti tat-Teologija (GħST) ICT Student Association (ICTSA)

  6. Notable graduates Dr George Borg Olivier - first Prime Minister post-Independence Dom Mintoff – Architect and Civil Engineer. Dr Edward de Bono - Psychologist and physician, founder of lateral thinking Dr Edward Fenech-Adami - former President of Malta, attorney-at-law and former Prime Minister Dr Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici - attorney-at-law and former (ninth) Prime Minister of Malta Prof. Guido de Marco - former President of Malta, former Malta Nationalist Party politician, former Deputy Prime Minister and former President of the United Nations General Assembly Dr Alfred Sant - ex-leader of the Malta Labour Party and former Prime Minister of Malta Dr Lawrence Gonzi - Malta Nationalist Party leader and Prime Minister of Malta Dr George Abela - President of Malta and former Malta Labour Party politician Mario Azzopardi - film director Kim Jong-il - learned English at this university.

  7. Thankyouforyourattention

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