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The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay. “Hard writing makes easy reading.”. Organize your essay to make it easier for the reader to follow your thoughts. Write On!. The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay. “Hard writing makes easy reading.”. Using a Creative Hook Grabber and Clincher. Write On!.
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay “Hard writing makes easy reading.” Organizeyour essay to make it easier for the reader to follow your thoughts. Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay “Hard writing makes easy reading.” Using a Creative Hook Grabber and Clincher Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay “Hard writing makes easy reading.” Paragraph 1 – Grabber Get your audience’s attention! Creative story or anecdote – hook the audience in so they will want to read more. Link hook to topic from prompt. Thesis statement with 3 reasons or an implied thesis. Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 1 Grabber Hook As I sauntered through the local mall, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. I was bogged down with heavy, multi-colored shopping bags from all of my favorite stores. Rounding a corner, I spotted a few faculty members from my school seated on a wooden bench. I stopped abruptly and shifted the bags in my hand. Suddenly, I remembered about the upcoming School Advisory meeting and the proposed changes for our school. I figured they were meeting here to discuss it. The School Advisory Committee should institute group work in the classroom because it will help develop cooperation, encourage higher achievement, and improve social skills. Link to prompt Thesis Statement Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 2 First Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the first reason from introduction! • Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea/first point in a natural way, without sounding “formulaic” Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 2 Transitional Phrase 1st reason from thesis Write On! Although some may disagree, the reality is that working with groups teaches students to be cooperative. This is because they will have to work together to complete the assignment. My science teacher always reminds us, “Two heads are better than one.”Therefore, two or more people helping each other on assignments in class can only be beneficial. Just think - students can work cooperatively to tackle an otherwise insufferable assignment. Clearly, changing all work in class to a group effort is an important and helpful idea. Quote Justifier sentence Justifier Transition Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 3 Second Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the second reason from introduction! Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea/second point in a natural way, without sounding “formulaic” Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 3 Transitional Phrase 2nd reason from thesis Write On! It is also important to note that working with partners will almost always mean higher grades. When a student is struggling in a class, his or her peers would be able to assist. A perfect example of this is at my friend’s school. Most of her teachers allow group participation on assignments. A school wide study showed a 43% increase in class averages after the group work rule was initiated. Furthermore, students learn when they work together because in almost all cases, one person will be stronger than the other and able to help his or her partner.Obviously, completing work with multiple students will allow for improvement in all academic areas. Justifier Transition Statistic Justifier sentence
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 4 Third Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the third reason from introduction! Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea/third point in a natural way, without sounding “formulaic” Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 4 Transitional Phrase 3rd reason from thesis Write On! Another benefit is the fact that working in groups will help students socially. When a group assignment is issued, it forces students to interact, discuss, and learn together, which is of the utmost importance. For example, one of the school board’s missions is to help students develop life skills. This means allowing both academic and social skills to be taught in schools.Also, we don’t have enough free time as it is. Some children suffer and begin to dislike attending school because of the lack of interaction among their peers. Thus, partner work will initiate friendships, bonds, and social skills, which will all help a child’s future. Personal Example Justifier Transition Justifier sentence Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 5 – Clincher Let’s lock it up! Restate Thesis Statement in two separate sentences using a transition such as Also, Additionally, Furthermore, etc. to begin the second sentence Link back to story or anecdote from the beginning of the essay Lock it up! Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 5 Restate Thesis in 2 Sentences Overall, the School Advisory Committee should definitely consider changing the rules and allow multiple students to work together because it teaches them to get along. Also, children will most likely score higher and develop socially from the experience. Interested, I began to inch closer to my school’s faculty members. I was hoping to overhear their discussion and add some ideas of my own. I decided I should give them my input to help improve my school! Clincher - Lock it Up! Link back to story Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay “Hard writing makes easy reading.” Using a Quote Grabber and Clincher Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay “Hard writing makes easy reading.” Paragraph 1 – Grabber Get your audience’s attention! General Quote Transition and Explanation Write On! Link hook to topic from prompt. Thesis statement with 3 reasons or an implied thesis. Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 1 Grabber Significant Quote Write On! Transition & Explanation William James once said, “Act as though what you do makes a difference. It does.”Basically, people don’t realize that what they do effects everything. This cause/effect is also true about watching Reality TV. It can affect your mood, which can affect the mood of someone else who is around you. Watching Reality TV is like throwing a rock into a pond. The ripples spread out to the edges of the pond, just like what people do effects everyone until it reaches the end of the Earth. Audiences prefer Reality TV as opposed to other types of programs because it is humorous, unique, and has a sense of adventure. Link to prompt Thesis Statement Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 2 First Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the first reason from introduction! • Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea in a natural way, without sounding “formulaic” Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 2 Transitional Phrase 1st reason from thesis Write On! One of its highlights is the fact that reality TV is humorous. Who doesn’t like a good laugh once in a while? Everyone needs a stress reliever every few days so that they won’t end up like an old man yelling, “Hey, kids, get off my lawn!!”For instance, I once had a terrible day at school. I failed a test; I had a gigantic fight with my BFF, and I tripped in front of a cute guy. When I got home, I turned on the T.V. My favorite show, “Survivor,” was on; they were eating bugs to survive. I laughed so hard that I nearly cried. I forgot about all my troubles and relaxed. Clearly, reality TV makes your gut bust from laughing so much. PersonalExample Justifier sentence Justifier Transition
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 3 Second Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the second reason from introduction! Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea in a natural way, without sounding “formulaic” Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 3 Transitional Phrase 2nd reason from thesis Write On! Adding to its advantages,reality T.V. is definitely one of a kind. What other type of T.V. would have the crazy situations and unpredictable events that Reality T.V. has? It is not “memorized” like many shows, so it is always candid. Fights can break out and love can bloom on these types of shows. My mother always says, “Normal is overrated. Without unpredictability, life is too boring.” In other words, people want to see something that is unscripted. Thus, a one-in-a-million type of T.V. is Reality T.V. Quote Justifier sentence Justifier Transition Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 4 Third Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the third reason from introduction! Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea in a natural way, without sounding “formulaic” Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 4 Transitional Phrase Restate 3rd reason from thesis Write On! Another thrilling reason is that reality T.V. is adventurous. Who doesn’t like to watch other people do crazy and phenomenal stunts while sitting in the comfort of their own couch? It’s the adventure on the show that makes everyone keep watching. A recent survey in the Sun-Sentinel showed that four out of five people prefer action stories or shows, as opposed to comedy and drama. Obviously, the sense of adventure prominent in many reality T.V. shows is enjoyed by viewers everywhere Statistic Justifier Transition Justifier sentence Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 5 – Clincher Let’s lock it up! Restate Thesis Statement in two separate sentences using a transition such as Also, Additionally, Furthermore, etc. to begin the second sentence. Link back to quote from beginning of essay Lock it up! Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 5 RestateThesis Statement All in all, Reality T.V. is enjoyed by viewers because it is one of a kind television and completely hilarious to watch. Also, it is full of action. It is very tempting to watch other programs on television because some people do not like Reality T.V. Yet, we still watch the cast put their lives in danger anyway. And we love it!! William James hit the nail on the head with that quote. Everything you do, or watch, makes a difference! Clincher – Lock it Up! Link back to Grabber Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay “Hard writing makes easy reading.” Using a General Statement Grabber & Clincher Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay “Hard writing makes easy reading.” Paragraph 1 – Grabber Get your audience’s attention! General Statement – gives the audience a preview of what your essay will discuss. Three Detail Statements beginning withappropriate transitions – gives the audience the specific topics your essay will discuss. Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 1 Grabber General Statement Appropriate Transitions Having a curfew for all children under the age of sixteen which requires them to be inside their homes before 8:00 p.m. is a great idea. First, the mayor should keep the 8:00 p.m. curfew because it keeps children safe. Next, it give parents the reassurance that their kids are where they are supposed to be. Finally, it will stop problems caused by youngsters who are out at night. 3 Detail Statements Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 2 First Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the first reason from introduction! Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea in a natural way, without sounding formulaic Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 2 Restate 1st detail statement Transitional Phrase Although some may disagree, the curfew should be enacted because it will keep children safe. Studies show that the majority of fights and child abductions occur past 8:00 p.m. Many terrible people are out at night in search of children to harm. If a curfew is set for children that would not allow them to be out alone without parents, then a majority of the tragedies that happen to children will be obliterated. It also shows children that they will be okay at night, and they do not have to worry. Obviously, an 8:00 p.m. curfew will keep children safer at night. Write On! Statistic Justifier Transition Justifier sentence
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 3 Second Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the second reason from introduction! Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea in a natural way, without sounding “formulaic” Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 3 Transitional Phrase Restate 2nd detail Write On! It is also important to note that the curfew would let parents know their children are going to be okay.For example, if a child is not at home by 8:00 p.m., then the parent would know that something is definitely wrong. Giving them a curfew would also mean that they will be home earlier. Then the parents won’t have to commiserate when something happens to their beloved children. Clearly, the curfew will help parents not stress out at night waiting for their children to come home after they have been waiting long hours. Statistic Justifier Transition Justifier sentence
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 4 Third Point Begin with a transitional phrase and the third reason from introduction! Transitional Phrase: introduces your idea in a natural way, without sounding “formulaic” Follow up with a MINIMUM of 3 solid sentences to support your reason (the more detail, the better ) Use a quote, example, or statistic as support • End with a justifier sentence (restate paragraph’s main idea) • Use a justifier transition such as: Obviously, Clearly, Thus, • Indeed, Without a doubt, As you can see, • OR • Use a complex sentence beginning with a subordinate clause
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 4 Transitional Phrase Restate 3rd detail Write On! Most importantly, having a curfew will stop accidents and problems caused by youngsters at night. As my grandma always said, “Young kids don’t have any business running around late at night.”Giving young children a curfew will stop them from doing puerile or puckish acts they will regret for the rest of their lives. So many instances of adolescent crime are due to children being unsupervised in the evening. If the curfew was enacted, then the children would be at home where they belong, and they would not be as likely to act rashly. This could cut down tremendously on acts of vandalism and petty crime. Thus, having an 8:00 p.m. curfew will stop most of the poor decisions children make and keep the streets safer at night. Quote Justifier Transition Justifier sentence
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Paragraph 5 – Clincher Let’s lock it up! Thesis Statement (combine detail statements into a sentence Link back to a supporting detail (quote, example, statistic) from body of essay Lock it up! Write On!
The Basic 5-Paragraph Essay Example of Paragraph 5 Thesis Statement To conclude, the underage curfew should be enacted because it will keep children safe, let parents know where their children are, and will stop accidents caused by young drivers from occurring. I guess my grandma was right. Kids definitely should not be out too late.Having an 8:00 p.m. curfew is a great idea and should be used in every town in the world to keep kids safe! Link back to supporting detail Clincher – Lock it Up Write On!