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Statistical Modelling & Survey Methods Tutorial: Correlation Coefficient & Regression Analysis

Learn about Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, testing significant positive correlation, regression models, demand-price analysis, and more in this informative tutorial. Understand hypothesis testing and interpretation of results. Visit www.pairach.com/teaching for more resources.

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Statistical Modelling & Survey Methods Tutorial: Correlation Coefficient & Regression Analysis

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  1. Tutorial 1 Inferential Statistics, Statistical Modelling & Survey Methods (BS2506) Pairach Piboonrungroj(Champ)me@pairach.com

  2. 1.(a) Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and test a significant positive correlation

  3. 1.(a) Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and test a significant positive correlation

  4. 1.(a) Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and test a significant positive correlation

  5. 1.(a) Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and test a significant positive correlation

  6. 1.a thus we reject H0

  7. 1(b)

  8. 1(c) Therefore do not reject the null hypothesis

  9. 2(a)

  10. 2(a)

  11. 2(a)

  12. 2(a)

  13. 2(a)

  14. 2(b) Reject H0. Therefore there is a significant correlation between the rankings.

  15. 3. Wine’s Demand & Price

  16. 3 (a)

  17. 3.b. Regression Model

  18. 3(b)

  19. 3(b)

  20. 3(b)

  21. 3 (b) (a) If y = 0, x = 4.9 (b) If y = 500, x = 3.7 b a

  22. 3(c) x = £3.50 then Estimated y = 2080-424(3.50)=596 C2.It is possiblebut NOT appropriate to use the above equation for a price of £1.99 because the sample data for this estimated linear regression equation included prices for £2.99 to £4.99.

  23. 3(d) ESS = 2,661,569 – (2,080)(4,097) – (-424)(14,123) = 127,961 TSS = 2,661,569 – 10(409.7)2 = 983,028 R2 = 1 – 127,961/983,028 = 0.87 87% of Variation in Demand (y) is Explained by Price (x).

  24. 3(e)

  25. 3(f) Thus we reject H0. There is a negative relationship between price & demand.

  26. 3(g) C.I.= -557 to -290

  27. 3(h) C.I. for the mean = 487 to 705

  28. 3(I) P.I. = 284 to 908

  29. Thank you www.pairach.com/teaching

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