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The Harmony Project: Trilateral Classification Harmonisation

The Harmony Project: Trilateral Classification Harmonisation. Status January 2008. Why Harmonisation?. Increase in published documents currently in EPO > 500,000 docs/year further increase expected Reduce classification effort collaborate in classification avoid to classify twice

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The Harmony Project: Trilateral Classification Harmonisation

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  1. The Harmony Project:Trilateral Classification Harmonisation Status January 2008

  2. Why Harmonisation? • Increase in published documents • currently in EPO > 500,000 docs/year • further increase expected • Reduce classification effort • collaborate in classification • avoid to classify twice • Increase search quality • harmonise search practice • Prepare and test IPC revision

  3. OBJECTIVES • Common classification schemes in selected areas ECLAFIUSPC . EPtitle1 . JPtitle1 . UStitle1 . . EPtitle2 . . JPtitle2 . UStitle2 . . EPtitle3 . . JPtitle3 . UStitle3 . . . JPtitle4

  4. HARMONY . JPtitle1 . UStitle1. . New title1 . . EPtitle2 . . . New title2 . . JPtitle3

  5. Reformed IPC ECLA USPC FI-FT 2. Integrate common scheme in the IPC H A R M O N Y Advanced level extension 20k + 50k + 70k Advanced level 20k + 50k Core level 20k

  6. MEANS 1. Informal: Promote direct interaction between examiners

  7. ... by openingvarious informalcommunication channels E - mail Video-Conference or Telephone Trilateral Wiki (hosted by WIPO) Trilateral Examiner Exchange Trilateral Harmony Visit Meetings

  8. The Trilateral Harmony Visit programme • Launched in 2005 • Face-to-face meetings of examiners of the Trilateral Offices • Duration: one week • Specific objectives • start new project • finalize / make progress in existing project Effective and flexible tool to push projects forward

  9. Programme in 2007:

  10. MEANS (continued) 2. Formal: For each subproject: • project plan • target dates for each step • record of project history 1. Informal: Promote direct interaction between examiners +

  11. ... on an official electronic platform (hosted by WIPO): Trilateral E-forum www.wipo.int/ipc-tef

  12. Steering Committee: Trilateral Working Group on Classification • Overall Project management: • Harmony Project Manager appointed in each Trilateral Office • Harmony Project Coordinators (EPO: Classification Board members)Coordination for a group of subprojects

  13. STATUS • over 50 active projects • all technical areas (T002-T074)

  14. 2007 Seven new Harmony projects created:

  15. Eight Harmony projects forwarded to the IPC:

  16. Four Advanced Level revision projects adopted for introduction into the IPC

  17. Thank you for your attention!

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