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Systematic Inquiry Project: Impact of Reflection on Student Implementation of Study Aids

This systematic inquiry project examines the impact of requiring students to reflect on their implementation of study aids on their skill-building and frequency of use. Preliminary results suggest that regular reflection and implementation of strategies can positively influence students' scores on the skill or self-regulation components of the Learning and Study Skills Inventory (LASSI).

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Systematic Inquiry Project: Impact of Reflection on Student Implementation of Study Aids

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  1. Systematic Inquiry Project:Impact of Reflection on Student Implementation of Study Aids Melissa Book McAlexander, Ph.D. NDNU Certificate in College Teaching and Learning at HSIs

  2. The Context: Science Success Seminar • Entering Freshmen and some transfers • Introduces specific strategies students can use for taking notes, studying, time management, etc. CC BY 2.0 by Flickr User Todd

  3. Who is not learning? • Course presented lots of approaches to study skills • No way to know if students were implementing them beyond classwork

  4. Learning and Study Skills Inventory • Web-based • 80 questions • Respond to statements: “very typical of me” to “not at all typical of me” • Scores on 10 independent scales • Diagnostic – we used as pre/post assessment

  5. LASSI Scales • Skill: Info Processing, Selecting Main Ideas, Test Strategies • Will: Anxiety, Attitude, Motivation • Self-Regulation: Concentration, Self-Testing, Study Aids, Time Management

  6. Are my students learning what I intend them to learn? Preliminary LASSI results Number of students > 50th percentile 21 students in each section

  7. What needs to be studied? Does assigned, regular reflection on implementation of new study skills influence skill building and frequency of use? Flickr User AllieKF CC BY SA 2.0

  8. How will I measure impact of the change? • Assign one course section regular reflection about specific strategy they implemented (with evidence/example) • Other course section did not have assignment, but were verbally encouraged to implement strategies throughout the semester.

  9. My research question Can requiring implementation of strategies and regular reflection change students’ scores on the skill or self-regulation components of LASSI? Scales of interest Skill: Info Processing, Selecting Main Ideas, Test Strategies

  10. Information Processing (INP) • How well students create organizational schemes to foster understanding and recall Sample Statements • To help me remember new principles we are learning in class, I practice applying them. • I try to find relationships between what I am learning and what I already know.

  11. Information Processing

  12. INP – control group

  13. INP – experimental group

  14. My research question Can requiring implementation of strategies and regular reflection change students’ scores on the skill or self-regulation components of LASSI? Scales of interest Self-Regulation: Concentration, Self-Testing, Study Aids, Time Management

  15. Concentration (CON) Measure students’ abilities to concentrate and direct their attention to school and school-related tasks, including study activities. Sample Statements • My mind wanders a lot when I study. • If I get distracted during class, I am able to refocus my attention.

  16. LASSI: Concentration Scale

  17. On their own, few students had large change in CON score

  18. When required to implement strategies, student CON scores increased

  19. What does it all mean?

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