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Requirements for CEA/CNRS: Elliptical & spoke cryomodules, and RFQ

Guidelines for authors on structuring requirements for the ESS Accelerator, including access control and delivery details to CEA/CNRS. It outlines the product breakdown structure levels L1-L4 and involved systems.

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Requirements for CEA/CNRS: Elliptical & spoke cryomodules, and RFQ

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  1. Requirements for CEA/CNRS:Elliptical & spoke cryomodules, and RFQ Stephen Molloy On behalf of the Accelerator Lead Engineers www.europeanspallationsource.se 20 March 2015

  2. Contents • Requirements structure • Access and change-control • Requirements to be authored in Lund • Requirements to be delivered in CEA/CNRS

  3. Product Breakdown structure (PBS) Levels L1 – L4 for the ESS Accelerator ESS FACILITY L1 ICS – INTEGRATED CONTROL SYSTEMS ‘CONTROLS’ SI – SITE INFRASTRUCTURE ‘CONVENTIONAL FACILITIES’ NSS ‘INSTRUMENTS’ RMHF – RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS HANDLING FACILITY L2 ACC – LINEAR ACCELERATOR (LINAC) ‘ACCSYS’ TS – TARGET STATION ‘TARGET’ ESS SYSTEMS ‘PROJECTS’ DTL (DTL tanks) HBL (LWUs, CMs) MBL (LWUs, CMs) SPK (LWUs, CMs) Beam to Target ISrc MEBT A2T LEBT HEBT* RFQ L3 LINAC SECTIONS DmpL (inc. beam dump) CRYOGENICS DISTRIBUTION EMR EM Resonators (Bunchers, RFQ, DTL tanks, CMs) BMD Beam Magnets &, Deflectors (BM*) PWRC* PS*, HV Power Convertors* ISS* Ion Source Specialties PBI Proton Beam Instrumentation L4 SUPPLIED BY WP 3 SUPPLIED BY WP 2, 3, 6, 17 SUPPLIED BY WP 7 SUPPLIED BY WP 3,4,5 SUPPLIED BY WP 6, 17 Safety DISCIPLINE SYSTEMS (Mapping to WBS Work Packages shown) CNPW* Conventional Power WTRC Water Cooling CRYO Cryo Plant (ACCP) & Distribution (CDS*) VAC Vacuum RFS Radio Frequency Systems SUPPLIED BY WP 16 SUPPLIED BY WP 8 SUPPLIED BY WP 15 SUPPLIED BY WP 11 SUPPLIED BY WP 12 SUPPLIED BY WP 13 To Be Determined or To Be Agreed Upon *PBS definition CM =CryoModule HEBT=High Energy Beam Transport LWU=Linac Warm Unit Date: 5-December-2014 Prepared by: E.Tanke, ESS-ACCSYS CHESS#: ESS-0008904 R3

  4. Product Breakdown structure (PBS) Levels L4 - L5 for the ESS Accelerator EMR EM Resonators (Bunchers, RFQ, DTL tanks, CMs) BMD Beam Magnets &, Deflectors (BM*) PWRC* Power Convertors* ISS* Ion Source Specialties PBI Proton Beam Instrumentation L4 DISCIPLINE SYSTEMS (Mapping to WBS Work Packages shown) SUPPLIED BY WP 3 SUPPLIED BY WP 2, 3, 6, 17 SUPPLIED BY WP 7 SUPPLIED BY WP 3,4,5 SUPPLIED BY WP 6, 17 Mechanical Supports Mechanical Supports Technical Labs Technical Labs Mechanical Supports Technical Labs HVPC WP17 PS WP 6, 17 BLM BCM L5 ‘COMPONENTS’ (includes WP contracted products & services) BPM EM SC Cavities SPK SC Cavities MBL FC ID (Insertable Dump) SC Cavities HBL BSM PM (invasive) NPM (non-invas.) Technical Labs TD (Target Diagn.) CNPW* Conventional Power WTRC Water Cooling CRYO Cryo Plant (ACCP) & Distribution (CDS*) VAC Vacuum RFS Radio Frequency Systems L4 DISCIPLINE SYSTEMS (Mapping to WBS Work Packages shown) SUPPLIED BY WP 16 SUPPLIED BY WP 8 SUPPLIED BY WP 15 SUPPLIED BY WP 11 SUPPLIED BY WP 12 Collimators & Gamma Blockers LLRF WP8 RFRL WP8 Technical Labs Mechanical Supports Technical Labs L5 ‘COMPONENTS’ (includes WP contracted products & services) CIC WP8 RFMOWP8 Beam Pipes SUPPLIED BY WP 6 FE Collimators WP3 Linac Dump WP?? AMPL WP8 AMPH WP8 Technical Labs RFDS WP8 *PBS definition CM =CryoModule HEBT=High Energy Beam Transport LWU=Linac Warm Unit Date: 5-December-2014 Prepared by: E.Tanke, ESS-ACCSYS CHESS#: ESS-0008904 R3

  5. Access to Requirements • Requirements are stored in DOORs • http://doors1.esss.lu.se:8080/dwa/welcome/welcome.jsp • Necessary logins should have already been distributed • Please contact me if this is not the case! • For ESS DOORS is the only source of truth • Spreadsheets, Word docs., etc., have been used in the past but should no longer be trusted • Contracts will refer to well-defined baselines • So hardcopies of those baselines can be distributed with contracts

  6. Commenting & modifying requirements • The DOORS interface allows commenting on individual requirements • Start a new thread for discussion of a particular point • Continue a discussion on an existing thread • Modification permissions are tightly controlled: • Level 1: Jim Yeck • Level 2: Mats & CCB • Level 3: David McGinnis & Lead Engineers • Level 4: Lead Engineers • Modification requests should be made via the local deputy Work Package Leader • Proposals for additional requirements should also be made via the local contact person

  7. Workflow for changing baselines

  8. Two types of requirements • Top-down: • These are those that are derived from a higher level requirement • i.e., L1  L2  L3  L4 • Described according to the PBS • Interface: • Those that one system imposes on another • i.e., RFQ requires a certain water flow • Described from system to system across the PBS

  9. Responsibility for authoring of requirements • Top-down: • Accelerator Integration Group (AIG) • i.e., the Lead Engineers • Interface: • The interfacing Work Packages • In the case of IK contributions, this means the contracted institution • Thus: • Top-down requirements will be authored in Lund • For delivery to CEA/CNRS for agreement • Interface requirements will be authored by CEA/CNRS and appropriate WP’s • For delivery to AIG in Lund

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