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2 Seas Thematic Capitalisation The thematic cluster initiative

This thematic cluster initiative focuses on consolidating project achievements and fostering strategic cooperation for future development in the 2 Seas Programme. Discover the thematic scope, partnership principles, and cluster life-cycle to maximize impact.

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2 Seas Thematic Capitalisation The thematic cluster initiative

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  1. 2 Seas Thematic CapitalisationThe thematic cluster initiative

  2. Summary: • What is a thematic cluster in the 2 Seas Programme? • Launch of the Call for Clusters • How to develop a cluster? Tools at your disposal • Focus on your theme of interest: JTS analysis

  3. What is a thematic cluster in the 2 Seas Programme?

  4. Why develop a thematic cluster initiative? • After 5 years of implementation, the Programme has supported 86 projects that have started to deliver their results. • In order to strengthen and enlarge the impact of the Programmefor the benefit of the 2 Seas territories, the Programme wishes to develop a thematic cluster initiative. • This “thematic cluster initiative” aims at creating strategic cooperation between approved projects and between potential relevant organisations outside 2 Seas projects.

  5. What for? • A 2 Seas thematic cluster aims at:  Consolidating, valorising and disseminating the achievements of the projects/networks in the current programming period  Supporting “development activities” to prepare for the future (e.g. Pilot actions, tools etc.) This is the “distinctiveness” of the 2 Seas thematic capitalisation: the actions to be developed should first of all valorise the existing and, whenever possible, build on their achievements to take a step forward and inform the future.

  6. Thematic scope of the cluster initiative (1) • The Programme authorities have decided to particularly focus the thematic clusters on four main themes: • Applied research, Innovation, and business support • Accessibility of the area • Social inclusion • Risk management in the framework of Integrated Coastal Zone Management • Nevertheless, the 2 Seas capitalisation is open to the 16 relevant themes as implemented in the 2 Seas Programme

  7. Thematic scope of the cluster initiative (2)

  8. Thematic cluster life-cycle Cluster maximum duration: 18 months • 2 mandatorydeliverables: • Cluster event • Cluster publication Phase 2 maximum duration: 12 months Phase 1 maximum duration: 12 months See JTS guidances for these two deliverables

  9. Thematic cluster life-cycle Preparationactivity: Gettogether and build up your cluster proposal. Phase 1: Valorise and disseminate the resultsachieved in yourcrossborderprojects(Mandatory phase): During this phase you should consolidate the results of the 2 Seas and other relevant projects in a given theme, develop communication actions (including two mandatory deliverables) and prepare for Phase 2. Phase 2: Future developments (Optional phase) During this phase you should build on your achievements and shape your future by taking a step forward from where you are now. Although Phase 2 isoptional, itisrecommendedthat a cluster proposalsubmitted to the Programme contains a detailed Phase 2.

  10. Partnership: main principles • Lead Partner principlestillapplies to clusters • Minimum 3 partnersfrom 3 Member States, one of which must be a UK partner. • Tworecommendations: • No more than 10 formalpartners • Involvepartnersfrom the 4 MS • At least 2 approvedprojectsmust berepresented in the cluster, each by a distinct organisation • Two types of partners: • Formalpartners • Associatedpartners

  11. Partnership: main principles • “Formal partners” (mandatory) are strongly involved in the project and are the only beneficiaries receiving ERDF. • “Associated partners”: any relevant organisation competent on the theme willing to be involved, share knowledge/results and undertake communication and dissemination for the cluster. • Associated partners will not receive ERDF from the Programme, but their travel and accommodation costs can be directly paid or reimbursed by the formal partners who will be entitled to claim them in the progress reports.

  12. Who can take part in a cluster? Formalpartners and/or Associatedpartners • Any organisation partner of a 2 Seas approved project under priority 1, 2, 3 or 4. • Any other organisation not partner of a 2 Seas approved project and located in the Programme area (eligible and adjacent) as defined for priority 1, 2 and 3. • Any other organisation located outside the Programme area (as defined above). Associatedpartners ONLY

  13. Example of a cluster partnership:

  14. Example of a cluster partnership:

  15. Example of a cluster partnership: Flemishassociatedpartner French associatedpartner DutchAssociatedpartner: involved in project C English Associatedpartner: involved in project B

  16. Example of a cluster partnership: Flemishassociatedpartner French associatedpartner: involved in project D Dutchassociatedpartner: involved in project C Associatedpartnercomingfromoutside the eligible area

  17. Example of ineligible partnership: • At least twodifferentpartnersfromtwodifferent 2 Seas projectsmust beinvolved in a 2 Seas cluster. • (Formal or associated) partnersfromat least 3 MS must berepresented in a cluster partnership. A UK partnerismandatory! French associatedpartner(s) INELIGIBLE Flemishassociatedpartner(s)

  18. Cluster budget • (a) An indicative maximum budget of 300.000 € should be allocated to phase 1. • (b) An indicative maximum budget of 300.000 € should be allocated to phase 2. • The thresholds indicated under point (a) and (b) above can be exceeded if justified by the size of the cluster and the types and scope of the actions to be implemented • The ERDF rate will be 100%. • The cluster initiatives cannot include costs falling under BL2 (administrative costs) and BL6 (investments). • No shared costs and in-kind costs are allowed • For budget construction, please refer to the Terms of Reference and to Technical Assistance (Territorial Facilitators). • All detailed information about eligibility of costsisprovided in the Programme Manual(see in particular, Annex 14 on Clusters)

  19. Cluster vs ‘classical’ projects (1)

  20. Cluster vs ‘classical’ projects (2) • A cluster isNOT a follow-on project: i.e. activitiescarried out by a cluster should not be the exact continuation of the activitiesimplemented in the ‘classical’ 2 Seas projects. • The outcome of a cluster’s Phase 2 cannotbethe Application Form of an INTERREG V project. A cluster is not the preparation phase for a future project.

  21. 2 Seas Call for Clusters

  22. Launch of the Call for Clusters • The 2 Seas Call for Clusters willbeongoingfrom the 15th of March 2013 to the 15th of November 2013,withfour submission deadlines: • 17th of May • 12th of July • 13th of September • 15th of November • This calendarissubject to availability of ERDF funds. Depending on the degree of success of the call within the first deadlines, the Programme might decide to close the call earlier than foreseen.

  23. Cluster Application Pack • A full cluster application will have to include: • A cluster Application formincluding a full description of the cluster and the actions, deliverables and budget required for Phase 1. For Phase 2, a description of intended actions, deliverables and budget is expected. • A letter of support from each formal partner • An associated partner declaration(for each associated partner) explaining the reason of their involvement in the cluster and their contribution to the cluster activities. • A De minimis declaration(in the case of an entity undertaking an economic activity) • You can download the full Application pack from the Programme website: www.interreg4a-2mers.eu

  24. Programme guidance on cluster available on Programme website • Terms of Reference for the 2 Seas cluster initiative: the reference document to betterunderstand the requirements of the cluster initiative. • Programme Manual: the key guidance on eligibility and management. See in particular, Annex 14 on Clusters • Guidance on cluster event and guidance on cluster publication: help youbetterunderstandwhatisexpected for thesetwodeliverables

  25. How to develop a cluster?Tools at your disposal

  26. Who can help you? The Territorial Facilitation Network 7 territorial facilitators: 3 UK, 3 FR, 1 BE and 1 NL Nienke Ensing Michelle Armstrong Séverine Ernest Oliver Raud Dries Debruyne Anita Bungaroo Caroline Gauthier Antoine Surget

  27. Tools at your disposal: Cluster corner You can: • Submit expressions of interest and cluster ideas • See expressions of interest and cluster ideas of other organisations

  28. Tools at your disposal: Database of approved projects

  29. Tools at your disposal: JTS analysis for four themes The JTS has carried out an analysis to investigate the possible hypotheses of clusters under these four themes. This document intends to provide project partners with the outcomes of this desk-research in order to help them in the process of developing clusters. This analysis does not pretend to be exhaustive nor binding.

  30. Focus on “Applied Research, Innovation and Business Support” in the 2 Seas Programme

  31. Why this theme is important?For the current Operational Programme  The 2 Seas Operational Programme states: An important element of the regions economy is the capacity to bring forward innovation and support infrastructures for research and cooperation between universities, knowledge institutes and enterprises.These aspects of the regional economy are important building-blocks for the development of the knowledge economy in the area and they will benefit significantly from cross-border cooperation. • Priority 1 of the Operational Programme acknowledges this fact by setting out one specific operational objective: • Support innovation, research and cooperation between universities, knowledge institutes and businesses

  32. Why this theme is important?For the next Programming period • The Smart growth pillar of the EU 2020 strategy has three flagship initiatives, one of which is the "Innovation Union" which aims at strengthening every link in the innovation chain, from 'blue sky' research to commercialisation • The 1st investmentpriority (strengthening research, technological development and innovation) of the draft ETC regulations for 2014 – 2020 isclearlyrelated to this Smart Growthpillar: • enhancing research and innovation infrastructure (R&I) • promoting business R&I investment, product and service development, technology transfer, etc. (c) supporting technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validation actions, etc.

  33. JTS analysis: context and methodology • In October 2012, 2 Seas Programme authoritiesdecided to focus the thematic cluster initiative on 4 themes: • Risk management in the context of ICZM • Accessibility of the area • Social Inclusion • AppliedResearch, Innovation and Business support • Sincethen, the JTS has undertaken an analysis on the 2 Seas projectsapprovedunderthese 4 themes in order to propose ideas of potential clusters. • This analysis has been carried out with the followingapproach: • 1/ Analysis of the 2 Seas projects (both approved and rejected) • 2/ Partners analysis • 3/ Formulate hypotheses of possible clusters

  34. Analysis of 2 Seas projects The Triple Helix Model of “University-Industry-Government” relations has gained a prominent position in the study of the role higher education organisations play in the so-called knowledge-based economy. That is why we have used this model (applying it to the regional context: “Higher Education Institutes – Private Sector (mainly SMEs in the 2 Seas Programme context) – Institutional stakeholders”) to analyse the type of interactions between the regional innovation actors involved in 2 Seas projects. Further to this analysis on the interactions between the types of actors, a sectoral analysis has also been carried out to see any potential sectoral capitalisation between projects.

  35. Model used for analysis Institutional stakeholders Private Sector (mainly SMEs in the 2 Seas Programme context) Higher Education Institutes

  36. Partners analysis 116 partners are involved in the 20 approved projects from which 89 individual organizations. • Business Support Kent is involved in 4 projects (FUSION, 2ST, BPPE and ECO-MIND) • The 4 organisations involved in three projects are: • Kamer van KoophandelOost-Vlaanderen (BPPE, 2ST and FUSION) • ProvincialeOntwikkelingsmaatschappij West-Vlaanderen(2ST, TEN and Cura-B) • University of Kent (CLEANTECH, SYSIASS and FUSION) • Université de Lille 1 – Sciences et Technologies (IDEA, MultiDES and i-MOCCA)

  37. Hypotheses of possible clusters! Indicative and not binding ! • Lookingat the Triple Helix: • LinkingHigher Education Institutes and PrivateSector: CLEANTECH, BioCare, IDEA, SCODECE, i-MOCCA, meCagrO2, ECO-MIND (+ 3 rejected) • LinkingHEIs and Healthcare institutions: SYSIASS, SHIVA • FUSION • Lookingatsectors: • Healthcare: MultiDES, BioCare, IDEA, Cura-B, SHIVA, SYSIASS • Food: meCagrO2, Fish & Chips, 2ST • Automation: SCODECE, i-MOCCA

  38. Who is here today? Where do you come from? • 75 participants of which: • 41 are involved in a 2 Seas project • 16 are interested organisations • 12 are Programme partners • 4 MS represented: • 29 Flemish • 10 UK • 21 French • 15 Dutch

  39. What are the projects represented today? • 30 projectsare represented in this room:

  40. Cluster ideas and expressions of interest • Two cluster ideas have already been submitted in the ‘Cluster Corner’. • Technologies and ethics for disabled people enhancement: • Building on the SYSIASS and Dignity In Care projects… • i-MOSYDE (intelligent MOdern SYstem Design) • Building on three 2 Seas projects: i-MOCCA, SCODECE and SYSIASS

  41. Cluster ideas and expressions of interest • Many expressions of interest from: • Higher Education Institutes (8): HOWEST, University for the Creative Arts, KAHO Sint-Lieven, University of Sussex, Breda University of Applied Sciences, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Hautes Etudes d’Ingenieur, Bournemouth University • Institutional stakeholders (4): Provincie West-Vlaanderen, Medway Council, Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB, REWIN • Private sector representation (1): Voka - Chamber of Commerce of East-Flanders

  42. And now … • Use all this information during the free networking session that follows to: • Meet your thematic counterparts in the different networking spaces • Discuss opportunities for further exchanges and capitalisation actions  The Joint Technical Secretariat and the Territorial Facilitators are at your disposal should you have any question or need any advice.

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