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Effective Management of Consumer Complaints in Regulatory Discipline Proceedings

Learn about the challenges in regulating professions, historical aspects of regulation, and best practices for managing consumer complaints effectively. Discover pivotal points in regulatory history, the importance of clear policies, and the key role of transparency in the process. Contact Donna H. Mooney, RN, MBA, Manager of Discipline Proceedings at the North Carolina Board of Nursing for more information.

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Effective Management of Consumer Complaints in Regulatory Discipline Proceedings

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  1. Donna H. Mooney, RN, MBA Manager- Discipline Proceedings BOC Athletic Trainer Regulatory Conference July 12, 2013 www.bocatc.org Effective Management of Consumer Complaints

  2. Introduction One of the most difficult jobs for a regulatory body is the role of policing their own: • The Public does not understand what we do • The Public does not understand those things over which we have jurisdiction and those that we don’t • The Public expects immediate action

  3. Difficult jobs – cont. 4. When the Public is wronged they could care less about “due process” for the licensee 5. The Public has a basic distrust of the fact we would really police our own and take appropriate action 6. It is a thankless job

  4. The History of Regulation- pivotal points The History of Regulation – pivotal points • Regulation was not originally about protection of the public • Began with the trades in medieval England – not the professions • Matter of barring entry into practice with the trades; and fee setting with the professions

  5. History – cont. In the modern era of regulation the issues changed: 1. Public protection became the reason for the existence of regulation 2. Tensions grew between the Regulatory Board and the Associations over defining scopes of practice 3. Introduction of Discipline (removal of license or certification) 4. Introduction of the Administrative Procedures Act and Due Process for licensees 5. Licensees were also identified as our customers

  6. Managing Complaints Managing Complaints 1. Must have a good intake process a. receipt b. tracking system c. complaint triage 2. Must have clear policies for handling complaints a. does everything need to be investigated?

  7. Managing complaints – cont. Managing Complaints – cont. b. need to determine who can evaluate and make decisions about case disposition c. need benchmarks to measure the flow of cases through your system d. need clear policies that allow staff to act and make decisions on non-disputed matters

  8. Managing complaints – cont. Managing Complaints – cont. e. assure you have well trained, ethical investigators that will ensure a quality, non-biased investigation f. clearly defined discipline policies that are evidence based g. good communication with the licensee and the complainant h. Transparency! Transparency! Transparency!

  9. Closing Closing The key to effective management of consumer complaints: a. Clear, evidence based policies and protocols b. Solid, well defined discipline process c. Communication with ALL parties d. Transparency of the process

  10. Donna H. Mooney, RN, MBA Manager – Discipline Proceedings North Carolina Board of Nursing 919-782- 3211 ext. 285 donna@ncbon.com

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