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Love One Another (1)

Explore the profound concept of love as a fundamental quality through scriptural teachings and reflections on the command to love one another. Discover how love, described in various passages, fulfills spiritual duties and exemplifies faith in action. Embrace the new commandment to love like Christ, illustrating selflessness and genuine care for others. Let's embody this transformative love and enrich our lives with its enduring power.

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Love One Another (1)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Love One Another (1)

  2. Love, a fundamental quality • Love, “the characteristic word of Christianity” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary) • Caring enough to sacrifice for what is best • 1 Corinthians 13 • Matthew 22:37-39

  3. Love one another,A command • John 13:34-35 • A new commandment – new motivation, greater intensity • “As I have loved you” (15:12-13) • A testament to the world.They have the right to judge us based upon this love!

  4. Love one another,A command • 1 Peter 1:22, with a pure heart • Romans 13:8-10, owe nothing except to love one another. This fulfills the law

  5. Love described • 1 John 3:11 (10-23)Keep loving one another • Vs. 10, he who does not practice righteousness, nor love his brother is not of God • Vs. 14, we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren

  6. Love described • 1 John 3:11 (10-23) • Vs. 14, he who does not love his brother abides in death • Vs. 16, are we willing to lay down our lives for one another? As Jesus laid down His life for us?

  7. Love described • 1 John 3:11 (10-23) • Vs. 17-18, are we (even) willing to help each other? • Vs. 19-21, a quality of the genuine heart

  8. Love described • 1 John 3:11 (10-23) • Vs. 22-23, do we want our prayers answered? • Keep His commandments • Do those things pleasing to Him • Believe on His name • Love one another

  9. Love described • 1 John 4:7-21 • Vs. 7, Beloved, let us love one another. This is MORE than a suggestion. We cannot ignore this! • Vs. 7, this love is of God. Originates with Him. Is this a quality by which we are created in His image? (Gen. 1:26) • Vs. 8, God is love

  10. Love described • 1 John 4:7-21 • Vs. 7-8, love demonstrates that we know God, as we understand love • Vs. 9-10, God demonstrates His love

  11. Love described • 1 John 4:7-21 • Vs. 11, His love motivates us to love one another (cf. Romans 5:6-10), even when they are not as “loveable”

  12. Love described • 1 John 4:7-21 • Vs. 12, necessary, if we want God to abide in us (vs. 16) • Vs. 12, as we love one another, His love is perfected (fully accomplished) in us • Vs. 17-19, we love Him because He first loved us

  13. Love described • 1 John 4:7-21 • Vs. 20, contradiction when one professes to love God, yet he hates his brother. Hating our brethren demonstrates we don’t understand love • Vs. 21, this commandment we have from Him – we must (should) love our brother!

  14. Let this love increase… • 1 Thessalonians 3:12 • 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10, even though we love, let it increase more and more

  15. Is there any question that we must love one another? In these troubling times, need each other so much!

  16. Let us resolve that we will learn this love and keep it in our lives!

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