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This study discusses the growth model for the Heavenly Tribal Messiah Community, focusing on the perspectives, proposed model, suggestions, and conclusion. The research aims to fulfill the Heavenly Tribal Messiah mission and develop practical models for its achievement. It also explores the criteria, important points, and methods of applying the model.
A Study on the Growth Model for Heavenly Tribal Messiah Community: Work-In-Progress • A Special Research Project by FFWPU International Headquarters 신종족메시아공동체성장모형 연구 – 중간보고 세계평화통일가정연합세계본부연구과제 2015 Asian HTM Workshop FFWPUInternational Headquarters Education Support Department Presentation Date: Aug 27th 2015 Presenter: Do-Young Yoon, Professor at Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Perspectives– Analytical Framework to Discuss the Growth of the Tribal Unit 3. A Proposed Model– “The Growth Model for Heavenly Tribal Messiah Community” 4. Suggestions 5. Conclusion 1. 서 론(序論) • 2. 관점 – 종족공동체 성장을 위한 분석틀 (觀點: 宗族共同體成長の 分析) • 3. 모형 제안 – “신종족메시아공동체성장모형” (模型 提案 神氏族 メシア 共同體 成長 模型) 4. 제 언 (提言) 5. 결 론(結論) Presenter’s Profile Do-Young Yoon 1. Professor of CIG Management Studies, Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology Contact:(cell) 010-2292-4717, (office)031-589-1536 Email:ydy123@naver.com
1. Introduction 서 론(序論) 1.1 Research Background 연구배경硏究背景 1.2 Research Purposes and Methods 연구목적과 방법 硏究目的· 方法
1.1 Research Background 연구배경(1) • True Father stated in his last words 참부모님의마지막 유언 • Worldwide Completion standard for the Heavenly Tribal Messiah Activities. 신종족메시아사명완수세계기준 • “how to accomplish the task of the heavenly tribal messiah activities” 당위성 →방법론 • to accomplish the goals of the 430 families in 3 generations. 3代圈 430家庭 Reason to Do? 당위성 當爲性 How to Do? 방법론 方法論
1.1 Research Background (2) • communities share their practices and methods in order to encourage each other. • by trying and failing can deduce and experience the cases and systemizing those cases into a method and establishing a pattern which can be applied. Those particular achievements can be considered in establishing a model pattern which should be again provided to the members. • gather different methods and activities of how to fulfill the external goal of 430 families and summarize the content about the methods of solving this issue. Furthermore we are to come with a modeling pattern. Sharing the methods 方法 共有 Reducing the trial&error 施行錯誤 減少效果 Building the standard model (活動)標準模型 開發
1.2 Research Purposes and Methods The Research has the following purposes • First, to discuss what criteria do we need in order to fulfill the Heavenly Tribal Messiah’ mission • Second, to discuss on the most important points in the achievement process • Third, summarize different cases and come up with a practical model • Forth, to discuss how this model can be applied • Fifth, to discuss on the overall method and policy of the Heavenly Tribal Messiahship The research will be conducted through the following procedures • Research on the Word: research on the restoration of the blessed families • Research on the life course: Research on True Parents of the eight steps on the restoration of the Blessed Family • Research on the Korean culture and tradition: Korean families meeting, the culture of relationships and relatives references • Business: leadership and Organization reference
2. Perspectives- Analytical Framework to Discuss the Growth of the Tribal Unit 종족공동체 성장 논의를 위한 분석틀 2.1 Growth and Restoration 성장과 복귀의 단계 2.2 Meaning of 3 generations 3대의 의미 2.3 Tribe as Extension of Family 가정의 확장=종족 2.4 Roles of Parents and Children in the Tribe 종족내부모자녀관계 2.5 Siblings Relationship 종족내형제관계 2.6 Community Growth 공동체 성장 2.7 Meaning of the completion of 430 family with 3 generations 3대권430의 의미 2.8 Course of True Parents and Course Tribal Messiah 참부모님 노정과 종족메시아 노정
2.1 Growth and Restoration (1) three-staged growth (1) All things need a period of growth. They develop through a 3 stages growing period 모든 피조물의 성장에는 기간이 필요하다. 3단계의 성장기간을 가진다. (2) The words about the restoration in 3 stages: the mind and body unity, husband and wife unity, the dominion over the natural world. 가정복귀의3단계는 영육통일-부부통일-부자통일의 順이다. “The entire humanity should grow though the completion of the 3 stages growth period. Furthermore, the tribal family as well should attain mind and body unity, the unity of husband and wife and the dominion over the natural world.” 가정의 확대된 형이 종족이므로 종족도 3단계를 통해서 성장한다고 제안하고자 한다. 나아가, 종족의 성장은 가정과 마찬가지로 종족구성원의영육통일, 부부통일, 부자통일이라고 가설화하고자 한다. in the tribe 종족 Unity of mind-body 靈肉統一 Unity of husband-wife 夫婦統一 Unity of parent-child 父子統一
2.1 Growth and Restoration (2) eight-staged restoration (3) Fallen people’ 8 stages of restoration through the Messiah. 메시아에 의해서 타락인간은8단계로 복귀된다. -There are 8 stages of the vertical restoration (individual, family, tribe, clan, nation, world, heaven, God) and 8 stages of the horizontal restoration (servant of servant, servant, adopted child, child, first son, couple, parent, grandparent). 종적 복귀의 8단계 (개인, 가정, 종족, 민족, 국가, 세계, 천주, 하나님), 횡적 복귀의 8단계 (종의 종, 종, 서자, 양자, 장자, 부부, 부모, 조부모)이 있다. -The vertical and horizontal restoration is made centered on the family. (4)We need to observe the horizontal 8 stages of the horizontal restoration in the course of Messiah for the vertical restoration. 종족복귀를 위한 종족메시아노정에서는횡적복귀의8단계를 관찰할 필요가 있다.
2.2 Meaning of 3 generations: 3-generational structure and generational inheritance • The horizontal expansion of the family is the tribe -the family is formed by parents and children -since all things need 3 points in order to stay firm, the family needs also 3 generations for its stability. In other words from the parents of parents the generation succession is starting -once the family is formed of three generations, the tribe expands horizontally giving birth/ forming the society unit - therefore, similar with the family unit, the tribal unit also is formed of grandparents, parents and children -the result of vertical parenthood and the horizontal relationship between siblings is the parent child relationship. (1) 가정의 확대형은 종족이다. - 가정은 부모와 자녀로 구성 - 모든 존재물이3수로 이루어져 있듯이 가정도 3대로 구성되어야 안정화된다. 다시 말하면, 부모의 부모인 조부모의 개념으로부터 계대 전승(generation succession)의 개념이 탄생한다. - 가정이 3대권으로 구성되면서 비로소 가정의 확대형인 종족이라는 사회단위가 탄생하게 되는 것이다. - 따라서, 종족공동체도가족공동체와 마찬가지로 조부모, 부모, 자녀로 구성된다. - 종적인 부모관계(parenthood), 횡적인 형제관계(siblings)은 결국 부모-자녀의 관계를 기본으로 하고 있다.
2.2 Meaning of 3 generations: 3-generational structure and generational inheritance (2) The vertical extension of the family is made through the horizontal extension - vertical extension or the growth by generations. In other words, the children related through blood lineage give birth to new generation bringing the expansion of the family -horizontal extension or the growth by adoption. In other words , those who are not related through blood lineage they are adopted as children possessing the blood lineage bringing the expansion of the family (2) 종족은 가정의 종적확대와횡적확대를 통해서 구성된다. - 가정의 종적 확대(vertical extension) 혹은 종적 성장은 세대를 통한 성장(growth by generations)을 말한다. 다시 말하면, 혈연적 인연의 직계자녀를 낳아 세대를 이어가면서성장 - 가정의 횡적 확대(horizontal extension) 혹은 횡적 성장은 입양을 통한 성장(growth by adoption) 다시 말하면, 혈연적 인연이 아닌 양자를 입양하여 자녀화 함으로서 가족구성원을확대
2.3 Tribe as Extension of Family: Natural Growth and Intentional Growth (1)Through the vertical and horizontal expansion of the family there can be vertical progress -the family growth or expansion means multiplication. It is the same for the vertical expansion -We say the vertical expansion or the growth by generations. In other words, those of direct lineage give birth to new generations bringing the family expansion. Through the direct blood lineage the succession of generations is made in a natural way. (1) 가정의 종적확대와횡적확대를 통해서 종족으로 나아갈 수 있다. - 가족의 성장이란 가족구성원의숫적증가를 말한다. 종족의 성장도 같다. - 가정의 종적 확대(vertical extension) 혹은 종적 성장은 세대를 통한 성장(growth by generations)을 말한다. 다시 말하면, 혈연적 인연의 직계자녀를 낳아 세대를 이어가면서 성장하는 것이다. 혈연적 인연을 통해서 계대를이어가는 것은 지극히 자연스러운 현상이다.
2.3 Tribe as Extension of Family: Natural Growth and Intentional Growth (2) The adoption is one of the fast ways for the expansion of the family -we call the horizontal extension or the horizontal growth through the multiplication of children. In the situation with more than 2 children, the succession of the generations will bring multiplication. In the case where there are no children in the family, they can adopt children from another family. Since the growth by adoption results into expansion of children, the growth through adoption can be considered as a method of development. In other words those who are not from direct lineage can bring the expansion of the family through adoption. Excepting the cases of families without children, the growth through adoption is an unnatural method which practically can lead to many social problems. (2) 입양을 통한 성장은 빠른 종족편성을 위한 하나의 방법이다 - 가정의 횡적 확대(horizontal extension) 혹은 횡적 성장은 자녀의 숫자가 늘어가면서가족구성원이 증가하는 것을 말한다. 자녀가 2명 이상인 경우 가족구성원이 세대를 통하여 증가하게 된다. 자녀가 없는 경우 다른 가족으로부터 자녀를 입양을 할 수 있다. 입양을 통한 성장(growth by adoption)도 결국 자녀의 숫자가 늘어나기 때문에 횡적성장의 한 방법이 된다. 다시 말하면, 혈연적 인연이 아닌 양자를 입양하여 자녀화 함으로서 가족구성원을 확대하는 것이다. 입양을 통한 성장은 예외적인 현상으로서 자녀가 없는 경우에 실행하는 부자연스운 방법으로 많은 사회적 문제를 야기 한다.
2.3 Tribe as Extension of Family: Natural Growth and Intentional Growth (3) For the Messiah the intentional organization of children might be inevitable -The intentional intervention leads to side effects. But at the level of restoration in special situations the intentional growth is necessary. -in the place of the parents who have received the mission (Messiah), the intentional organization of children might be an unavoidable process . (3) 메시아에게 의도적 자녀편성은 필연이다 - 의도적인 개입은 부작용을 초래한다. 하지만 섭리적 목적 등 특별한 경우에 의도적 성장이 필요하다. - 사명을 받은 부모의 입장(메시아)에서 자신의 자녀를 편성하기 위해서는 의도적인 자녀편성의 과정을 피할 수 없을 것으로 본다.
2.4 Roles of Parents and Children in the Tribe: Parents(Blessing, Nurturance,Protection) and Children(Obedience and the way of Filial Piety) • The two roles of the parents and children in the vertical expansion results in the relationship among siblings - all the tribal members are engaged in a vertical network of parents or children and siblings assuming multi roles. -the separation of these multi-roles among the vertical and family levels is essential. -different from the family, in the vertical network the couple becomes a single unit. (1) 종족구성원의 두 가지 기본 역할은 부모의 역할과 자녀의 역할이고 형제이다. - 모든 종족구성원는종족네트워크上에서 부모 혹은 자녀 그리고 형제자매의 다중적 역할을 한다(multi-roles). - 이 다중역할은 종족과 가정을 구분하는 결정적 차이가 된다. - 가정과 다르게 종족네트워크에서 부부는 하나의 단위로 취급된다.
2.4 Roles of Parents and Children in the Tribe: Parents(Blessing, Nurturance,Protection) and Children(Obedience and the way of Filial Piety) (2) The Heavenly Tribal Messiah stands in the position of parent for the tribe and as a member of the tribe is in the position of child 1. The responsibilities of HTM in the position of parent: “bear, nurture and protect” 2. The responsibilities of HTM in the position of child: “ follow and harmonize” The course of the HTM is similar to the relationship of the spiritual parents with their children. (Blessing-nurture-protect-manage) - the settlement of the central tribal Messiah families (the families of direct lineage) and the realm of the spiritual children should be realized in the same time. In this process, the cycles of nurturing the children of direct lineage, the blessing, the protection and management are becoming one. (2) 신종족메시아는 종족의 부모이고 종족구성원의자녀이다 ① 신종메의 역할은 부모역할: “낳고(bear), 기르며(nurture), 보호(protect)한다” ② 신종메 구성원의 역할은 자녀역할: “따르고(follow), 화합(harmonize)한다.” - 신종족메시아가믿음자녀를 대하는 노정은 곧 부모가 되는 노정 (축복 →양육 →보호·관리) - 신종메중심가정(직계가정)의 정착과 믿음자녀권의 정착은 동시에 진행되어야 한다. 이런 관점에서 직계자녀의 양육, 축복, 보호관리의 사이클은 동일하다.
2.5 Siblings Relationship: Harmony Between Direct Children and Spiritual Children • The children should become one horizontally -the harmony between the central family (of direct lineage) and the family of the spiritual children (adopted children): 3 family generations of direct lineage and three generations of spiritual children should become one. -As Abel type, the children of direct lineage should take the lead and show example through their sacrificial service -As Cain type, the spiritual children should attend and follow the children of direct lineage (1) 횡적으로 자녀는 하나되어야 한다 - 중심가정(직계)+믿음자녀가정(양자)의 조화: 3대권 직계가정과3대권 믿음자녀가정들이 조화되어야 한다. - 직계권이아벨형 자녀로서 솔선수범해야 하고 희생봉사의 리더십을 발휘해야 한다. - 믿음자녀권은가인형 자녀로서 직계자녀를 모시고 따라야 한다.
2.5 Siblings Relationship: Harmony Between Direct Children and Spiritual Children (2) When all the members of tribal Messiah and the HTM complete the 430 families , they become equal. -Cain and Abel lows are becoming the method but the role of the parents will be the same . (2) 모든 종족구성원이종족메시아로서 스스로의 430가정을 완성해야 한다는 점에서 모든 자녀는 근본적으로 평등하다. - 가인아벨의 법칙은 반복되지만 부모의 역할은 동일하다.
2.6 Community Growth: Harmony Between Quality Growth and Quantity Growth (1) The tribal community should seek a balance between the quantitative growth and the qualitative growth -the balance of quantitative growth and qualitative growth: the quantitative growth refers to the number of the spiritual children while the qualitative growth refers to the level of organizing and maturity of faith. -in order to accomplish 430 families the number of the spiritual children of the members of HTM has to increase and in the same time it must become the culture of the members of the HTM , which is the culture of faith (1) 종족공동체는 양적 성장과 질적 성장의 균형을 추구해야 한다. - 양적 성장과 질적 성장의 균형: 양적성장은믿음자녀의 수(number of spiritual children)를 말하고 질적성장은믿음자녀의 구성(organizing) 및 신앙성숙의 정도(level of faith growth)를 말한다. - 430가정을 이루기 위해서 종족구성원의믿음자녀의 수가 늘어나야 하고 동시에 종족구성원으로서 문화화(cultured)되어야 하는데 이 문화는 신앙화(faithful)를 말한다.
2.7 Meaning of the Completion of 430 with three generations: generational witnessing (1)The completion of 430 families, the community of the HTM is by itself a nation, a microcosms. The citizens of Cheon Il Guk should invest 100% to make this goal reachable. -Since the management of True Parents’ words are difficult, 20-30 blessed families doing witnessing is a difficult thing. If they overpass the number of 20-30 families, they will not be able to manage themselves and therefore a leader is needed. Or, one from the position of grandparent establish the spiritual children in the position of parents and through this do the generational witnessing. -430 is a representative number in the Providence of Restoration being associated with 43 is the number through which one can experience True Parents’ course. (1) 430수를 완성한 신종메공동체는 그 자체로 국가요, 소우주이다. 천일국 백성이 해야할 일을 100% 투입해야 도달가능한 것이다. - 참부모님 말씀에 의하면 실제로 관리가 어렵기 때문이 축복가정이20~30가정 이상 전도하기 어렵다고 말씀하셨다. 20~30가정 이상이 되면 스스로 관리하지 못하고 중간지도자가 필요하게 된다. 즉, 본인은 조부모의 위치로 올라가고 믿음자녀를 부모의 위치로 세우는 “계대적 전도(generational witnessing)”가 되어야 한다 - 430은 천주를 대표한 섭리적 숫자 43의 조합으로서 참부모님의 노정을 체휼하기 위한 섭리적 숫자이다.
3.8 Course of True Parents and Course of Tribal Messiahship: Small Messiahship • If you want to experience the heart of True Parents you need to follow their course - in trying to find the number of spiritual children, you can learn the Providence of Restoration and finally understand True Parents’ course thus becoming HTM -The HTM course in searching for 430 families is similar with the course of True Parents in searching for the blessed families and the course of 3 generations of tribal Messiah’s families of direct lineage to become one in heart is similar with the course of the True Family. (1) 참부모님을심정체휼을 위해서 참부모님의 노정을 답습한다 - (믿음자녀) 수를 찾아가면서 섭리를 배우고 결국 참부모님생애노정을 이해하며 종족메시아가 되어 간다. - 신종족메시아가430수를 찾는 노정은 참부모님께서축복가정을 찾아오신 노정과 유사하고, 신종족메시아가직계가정의3대권 심정일체를 이루는 노정은 참부모님 가정(참가정)의 노정과 유사하다.
3. A Proposed Model “Growth Model for Heavenly Tribal Messiah Community” 모형제안 “신종족메시아 공동체 성장모형” 3.1 Organization of the Model 모형의 구성 3.2 Specification세부화 3.3 Model1: Stages of Tribal Identity(Growth) 종족정체성의 단계(성장) 3.4 Model2: Stages of Tribal Identity(Restoration) 종족정체성의 단계 (복귀) 3.5 Model3: Stages of the Roles of Tribal Messiah 종족메시아 역할 의단계 3.6 Model4: Stages of the Tribal Messiah Family 종족메시아가정의단계 3.7 Model5: Stages of Tribal Community as Organization 종족공동체(조직)의 단계
3.1 Organization of the Model The key elements of the model are as follow: (1)The 3 steps of the growth’s perspective : the formation stage of the HTM, the growth stage of the HTP and the completion stage of the HTM (2) The 8 stages of Restoration - The 8 stages of the tribal restoration’s perspective: individual, family, tribe, clan, nation, world, God- tribal community - The 8 stages in the horizontal restoration: servant of servant, servant, adopted child, child, elder son, couple, parent, God- Tribal Messiah central family (3) The role of the parent perspective: bear(blessing), nurture(faith growth) and protect(organization) (4) The managing organizations perspective: leadership, culture, organization, finance, cooperation • 모형의 핵심요소는 다음과 같다. 1. 3단계 성장 관점: 소생기종족공동체, 장성기종족공동체, 완성기종족공동체 2. 8단계 복귀 관점 - 종적 복귀의 8단계: 개인, 가정, 종족, 민족, 국가, 세계, 천주, 하나님 → 종족공동체 - 횡적 복귀의 8단계: 종의 종, 종, 양자, 서자, 적자, 부부, 부모, 하나님 → 종족 중심가정 3. 부모 역할 관점: 출산(축복), 양육(신앙교육), 보호(조직) 4. 조직관리 관점: 리더십, 문화, 조직, 재정, 협력
3.2 Specification The perspective of the substantial model:
3.3 Model 1: Stages of Tribal Identity (Growth Perspective) • The categorization of the 3 growing periods of the tribal identity: formation stage, growing stage and completion stage. - in order to fulfill the required 430 families, the standard for the formation stage is 1-12 families, the growth stage 13-124 families and the completion stage is 125-430 families - in the formation stage, the members of the Tribal Messiahship under the motto unity of mind and body, the HTM and the representatives of the spiritual children should complete a community of faith, in the growing stage the members of the Tribal Messiahship under the motto of the unity between husband and wife the HTM and the representatives of the spiritual children should bring to completion the life in a community of faith and in the completion stage the members of the Tribal Messiahship under the motto of the unity between the parent and child should regain the sovereignty and complete a social movement in the community. - 430가정 완성요건을기준이로소생기는1가정~12가정, 장성기는13~124가정, 완성기는125가정~430가정으로 제안하였다. - 소생기에서는종족구성원의영육통일을 모토로 하여 종족메시아와믿음자녀대표12가정이 신앙공동체를 완성하고, 장성기에서는종족구성원의부부통일을 모토로 하여 종족메시아와믿음자녀124가정이 생활공동체를 완성하며, 완성기에서는종족구성원의부자통일을 모토로 하여 주권복귀를 향한 사회운동공동체를 완성한다.
3.3 Model 1: Stages of Tribal Identity (Growth Perspective) continued
3.4 Model 2: Stages of Tribal Identity (Restoration) • We tried to detailed the categorization of tribal identity into the eight stages of the restoration, based on the three growing stages . • Following the providence True parent came to the blessing family and sympathetic True parent’s heart and going together.
3.5 Model 3: Stages of the Roles of Tribal Messiah • The role of the tribal messiah is being the parent of the tribe. They bear(blessing), nurture(education of faith) and protect(life management) national restoration 國家復歸 Bearing (blessing) 出産(祝福) Nurturance (faith education) 養育(信仰敎育) Protection (organization) 保護關理(組織)
3.6 Model 4: Stages of the Tribal Messiah Family • Tribal central family means the tribal messiah couple and their direct linage family. • Tribal Messiah couple and their direct linage family is the example family to their spiritual children and is the root of the tribal and the symbol of the faith. • There is no tribal development without the tribal messiah family development. • Tribal messiah must first show the example of the maturity faith to the spiritual children. • The individuals of the tribal messiah first have to unify the mind and body, second is the unity of husband and wife, and the third is the unity of father and then succeed the solid family. Furthermore, the individual mission within the tribal should be settled. unity of mind-body (靈肉統一) unity of husband-wife (夫婦統一) unity of parent-child (父子統一) settlement of the role of family members (家族構成員役割定着)
3.6 Model 4: Stages of the Tribal Messiah Family continued tribal messiah family 종족메시아가정 unity of mind-body (靈肉統一) unity of husband-wife (夫婦統一) unity of parent-child (父子統一) settlement of the role of family members (家族構成員役割定着) families of spiritual children in the tribe 종족내믿음자녀가정 unity of mind-body (靈肉統一) unity of husband-wife (夫婦統一) unity of parent-child (父子統一) settlement of the role of family members (家族構成員役割定着)
3.7 Model 5: Stages of Tribal Community as Organization Growth of the tribal community may be similar to the growth of the organizations
4. Suggestions 4.1 Suggestions to FFWPU 4.2 Suggestions to Leaders 4.3 Suggestions to Blessed Families
4.1 Suggestions to FFWPU on HTM Activities First, the important point at the HTM activities is the process of achieving the goal. Our community have to unite and share the procession and investigate the remedy and try to standardize it with the collaborative effort. Second, There are many reference material for the HTM Activities but the most important is True Parent course. Also, we have to examine the course of True parent as the Messiah. Third, we consider the result as being more important than the process at this juncture providence environment until today. But, at Cheon II Guk age, which is the system of the state, the systemic process is more important because we have to advance the long term growth. The attention to the process will be the turning point at changing the church climate which always consider on the result. 첫째, 신종메 활동을 위해서 중요한 것은 목표를 이루는 과정에 있다. 우리 공동체가 합심하여 그 과정을 공유하고 개선책을 규명하며 정형화하는 공동의 노력을 해야 한다. 둘째, 신종메 활동을 위해서 많은 참고자료가 있겠지만 가장 중요한 것은 참부모님의 노정이다. 또한 참부모님의 메시아로서의 노정을 보다 살펴봐야 할 것이다. 셋째, 우리는 지금까지 중차대한 섭리적 환경 속에서 과정보다는 결과를 중요시 해 왔다. 그러나 국가체제를중심한천일국시대에 있어서는 장기적인 성장을 도모해야 하기 때문에 과정의 체계성(systemic process)이 보다 중요하다. 과정에 대한 관심은 결과지상주의의교회풍토를 변혁시키는 중요한 전환점이 될 것으로 예상한다.
4.2 Suggestions to Leaders on HTM Activities First, there should be a regular change at the church organizational system for the providence of the church member’s tribal formation. Second, in the individual church, the minister is the HTM and the coordinator. The tribal messiah must centralize managing and promote for the tribal messiah formation. Third, the suggestion of the mission and the alternative of HTM should be reported actively in the field first. 첫째, 식구의 종족편성을 위한 섭리는 교회의 조직체제에 일정한 변화가 요구된다. 식구 독립적으로 이룩하기 이럽기 때문에 목회자의 관심과 적극적인 개입이 필요하다. 둘째, 개교회에서 목회자는 신종메섭리의 지휘자이자 조정자이다. 종족메시아들이종족편성을 위한 노력을 집중관리·육성해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 현장에서 먼저 신종메섭리에 대한 과제와 대안에 대한 제안이 활발히 보고되어야 할 것으로 본다.
4.3 Suggestions to Blessed Families First, The Tribal Messiah itself need the vision and conviction about the tribal ministry and tribal community. Second, Tribal Messiah truly have to love, nurturing, and protecting their tribal members(direct lineage, spiritual children) Third, blessing family must look back their method and learn from the success case and furthermore try to systematize their own way. Fourth, Tribal Messiah itself should be the expert of the witnessing and learn each other’s case. 첫째, 종족메시아 스스로 종족목회 및 종족공동체에 대한 비젼과 확신 필요하다. 둘째, 종족메시아는 자신의 종족구성원(직계자녀, 믿음자녀)을 진심으로 사랑하고 육성· 보호해야 한다. 셋째, 축복가정 본인의 방법을 돌아보고 다른 성공사례로부터 배우며 나아가 스스로 자신의 방법을 체계화하려는 노력이 필요하다. 넷째, 종족메시아 스스로 전도의 전문가가 되어 서로의 사례를 학습해야 한다.
5. Conclusion 5.1 Summary of research 5.2 Research Limitations & Follow-up Research Orientations
5.1 Summary of Findings • Through this research, I suggested the schematization model, the process about the tribal messiah achieving 430 families. • The first viewpoint which is used in this model, is the course that True parent came to the blessing families. At the second viewpoint, I utilize the process about the tribal messiah bearing the children, nurturing, and protecting, as parent. The last viewpoint is about prospecting the develop of the Heavenly Tribal Messiah from the church development view. • This research is the proposed model. Therefore the theology must be stable through the further theological research and the model detailed items should be fixed through the case study. • 본 연구를 통해서 종족메시아가430가정을 달성하기 위한 과정을 도식화한 모형을 제안, • 모형에 활용된 주요 관점은 첫째, 참부모님께서축복가정을 찾아오신 노정에 있다. 두 번째 관점은 종족메시아가 부모로서 자녀들을 낳고(bear), 양육하고(nurture), 보호(protect)하는 과정을 활용하였다. 세 번째 관점은 교회성장의 관점에서 신종족메시아공동체이 성장을 조망하였다. • 본 연구는 제안된 모형(proposed model)이므로 향후 신학적 연구를 통해서 이론적으로 안정되고 사례연구를 통해서 모형의 세부사항 등이 수정되어야 할 것
5.2 Research Limits and Follow-up Research • Research Limits • The understanding of the notion and the practicality of the model that is introduced in this research, has the intervention about the researcher’s subjective idea. • The research couldn't explore more literature, for the limit research period. • Follow-up Research Orientation • This research is suggesting about the necessity of the notion research about the Inter-religious HTM. • There should be various detailed research to form the tribal community of the HTM. • 연구한계 - 본 연구에 소개된 개념의 이해 및 모형의 실용성에 대한 관점에는 연구자의 주관적 의견의 개입되었다. - 본 연구는 제한된 연구기간으로 인해 보다 더 넓은 문헌탐색을 실시하지 못하였다. • 후속연구의 방향 - 본 연구에서 제안된 바, 초종교신종족메시아에 대한 개념연구가 필요하다. - 신종족메시아의종족공동체 형성에 필요한 다양한 세부적 연구들이 필요하다.
Thank you! I report this humble research to True parent. I wish you a long healthy life,