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Approaching Public Mental Health in Norway

Approaching Public Mental Health in Norway. Brussels May 19/ 2015 , irene.prestoy.lie@helsedir.no. Public Mental Health: The Norwegian Context. 2012: Public Health Act. The Working Environment Act. Changing focus in Public Health - T he social model of health.

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Approaching Public Mental Health in Norway

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Approaching Public Mental Health in Norway Brussels May 19/ 2015, irene.prestoy.lie@helsedir.no

  2. Public Mental Health: The Norwegian Context 2012: Public Health Act The Working Environment Act

  3. Changingfocus in Public Health - The socialmodel of health

  4. Public Mental Health: Startingpointinequity • Inequity in mental healthoutcomes • Social determinants of mental health • Psychosocialmechanisms play a significantrole

  5. Social determinants of mental health • Environmental: • social support • social integration • perceived control • social capital • being active/ overall participation (work, school, democratic etc) • + environmental factors in kindergartens schools , workplaces and communities • Individual: • experience of mastery and control • temperament

  6. Chapter on mental healthPublic Health whitepaper Ministryof Labour and SocialAffairs MinistryofChildren, Equalities and SocialInclusion Directorate for Labour and Welfare MinistryofEducation and Research DirectorateofEducation Directorate for Children, Youth and Families Ministry ofClimate and Environ-ment Ministry ofCulture Ministry ofHealth

  7. Worklifeonthewellbeing agenda • AdressPsychosocialfactorsinfluencing health and wellbeing at work, butalsointerventionspreventexclusion for peoplewith metal health problems and inclusion for thosewho have beenoutofjobs • Window of opportunity: The Cooperation Agreement on a More Inclusive Working Life (The IA-agreement) • To improve the working environment • Enhance presence at work • Prevent and reduce sick leave and prevent exclusion and withdrawalfrom working life.

  8. Indicator system Monitoringfactorsthataffect health and well being Collaboration withothersectors Includesindicatorsonfactorsthataffect mental health and well being at thework place

  9. Work place interventionpreventingriskyuseofalcohol and sickleave Ongoing RCT-study of early intervention tools to reduce risky drinking among employers Evaluation oftheimplementationprocess Cost/benefitanalysis

  10. Thankyou for theattention!

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