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CS1104 Help Session I Memory Semester II 2001/02

CS1104 Help Session I Memory Semester II 2001/02. Colin Tan, S15-04-05, Ctank@comp.nus.edu.sg . Memory. Memory can be visualized as a stack of pigeon holes. Current computers have about 128,000,000 pigeon holes.

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CS1104 Help Session I Memory Semester II 2001/02

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  1. CS1104 Help Session IMemorySemester II 2001/02 Colin Tan, S15-04-05, Ctank@comp.nus.edu.sg

  2. Memory • Memory can be visualized as a stack of pigeon holes. Current computers have about 128,000,000 pigeon holes. • Each pigeon hole is given a number, starting from 0. This number is called an “address”. • Each pigeon hole will contain either data (e.g. numbers you want to add together) or instruction (e.g. add two numbers)

  3. Memory • Memory locations 0 to 3 contain instructions, locations 4 to 6 contain data. • Note: In reality, instructions are also encoded into numbers!

  4. Addresses • As mentioned, each pigeon hole has a number identifying it called an “address”. • When the CPU requires an instruction, it will send the instruction’s “address” to memory, and the memory will return the instruction at that address. • E.g. At IF CPU will send “0” to memory, and the memory returns li t1, 5 • At MEM CPU will send “6” to memory, and memory returns “10”. • At WB, CPU writes “10” back to t1.

  5. Addressing Bits • Computers work only in binary • Hence addresses generated in the previous example are also in binary! • In general, to address a maximum of n memory locations, you will need m = log2 n bits in your address. • Conversely, if you had m bits in your address, you can access a maximum of 2mmemory locations.

  6. Memory Hierarchy • Motivation • Not all memory is created equal • Cheap Memory => Slow • Fast Memory => Expensive • DRAM, 70 ns access time, $1/MByte • SRAM, 8 ns access time, $50/Mbyte • So, you can choose either: • Have fast but very small memory, OR • Large but very slow memory.

  7. Memory Hierarchy • Memory hierarchy gives you a third option: • Large, but very fast memory • Though slower than the expensive memory mentioned earlier.

  8. Locality • “Locality” is a particular type of behavior exhibited by running programs: • Spatial locality: If a memory location has been accessed, it is very likely its neighbor will also be accessed. • Temporal locality: If a memory location has been accessed, it is very likely that it will be accessed again sometime soon.

  9. Locality - Example • Consider the following program: for(i=0; i<10; i++) a[i] = b[i] + c[i];

  10. Locality - Example • In memory it will look like this:

  11. Locality - Example • Tracing the execution of the program:

  12. Locality - Example • Focusing only on the addresses of the fetched instructions, we see that the addresses the instructions are fetched from are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, … • Here we see both: • Spatial locality (e.g. after location 0 is accessed, location 1 is accessed, then 2, etc.) • Temporal locality (e.g. location 2 is accessed 10 times!)

  13. Effect of Locality • Locality means that in the short run out of all the memory you have (perhaps up to 128,000,000 pigeon holes!), only a very small number of locations are actually being accessed! • In our example for ten iterations only memory locations 2 to 10 are being accessed out of 128,000,000 possible locations! • What if we had a tiny amount of very fast (but expensive!) memory and kept these locations in that fast memory? • We can speed up access times dramatically!! • This is the idea behind caches.

  14. How Do Caches Help? • The average time to access memory (AMAT) is given by: • AMAT = hit_rate * Tcache + miss_rate x (Tmemory + Tcache) • Tcache = Time to read the cache (8ns for SRAM cache) • Tmemory = Time to read main memory (70ns for DRAM) • miss_rate = Probability of not finding what we want in the cache. • Because of locality, miss_rate is very small • Typically about 3% to 5%. • Here, our AMAT = 0.95 * 8ns + 0.05 x (70 + 8) ns = 11.5 ns • Our AMAT is about 43% slower than pure SRAM cache memory (11.5 ns vs. 8 ns)

  15. How Do Caches Help? • What about cost? • Let’s consider: • A system with 32 MB of DRAM memory, 512KB of SRAM cache. • Cost is $1/MB for DRAM, and $50/MB for SRAM. • If we had 32MB of SRAM, access time is 8 ns, but cost will be $1,600 • With 32MB of DRAM, cost is $32, but access time is 70 ns! • But with 32MB of DRAM and 512 (1/2 MB) of SRAM, cost will be: $32 + (512/1024) * 50 = $57!

  16. How do Caches Help? • So with pure SRAM, we can have 8 ms average access time at $1,600. • With pure DRAM, our memory will cost $32, but all accesses will take 70 ns! • With DRAM memory and SRAM cache, we can have 11.5 ms access time at $57. • So for a performance drop of 43%, we have a cost savings of >2700%! • Hence caches give us large memory size (32 MB), at close to the cost of the DRAM technology ($57 vs. $32), but at close to the speed of expensive SRAM technology (11.5 ms vs. 8 ms)

  17. Block Cache Architecture • Caches consist of blocks (or lines). Each block stores data from memory: • Block allocation problem: • Given data from an address A, how do we decide which block of cache its data should go to?

  18. The Block Allocation Problem • 3 possible solutions: • Data from each address A will go to to a fixed block. • Direct Mapped Cache • Data from each address A will go to any block. • Fully associative cache • Data from address A will go to a fix set of blocks. • Data may be put into any block within a set. • Set associative cache.

  19. Direct Mapped Caches • The value of a portion of memory address is used to decide which block to send the data to: Address A Tag Block Index Block Offset Byte Offset • The Block Index portion is used to decide which block data from this address should go to.

  20. Example • The number of bits in the block index is log2N, where N is the total number of blocks. • For a 4-block cache, the block index portion of the address will be 2 bits, and these 2 bits can take on the value of 00, 01, 10 or 11. • The exact value of these 2 bits will determine which block the data for that address will go to.

  21. Direct Mapped Addressing E.g. • Show how an addresses generated by the MIPS CPU will be divided into byte offset, block offset, block index and tag portions for the following cases: i) Block size: 1 word, 128 blocks ii) Block size: 4 words, 64 blocks • All MIPS addresses are 32 bit byte addresses (i.e. they address individual bytes in a word).

  22. Case I

  23. Case II

  24. Cache 00 01 10 11 Example • The value of the two block index bits will determine which block the data will go to, following the scheme shown below:

  25. Solving Direct-Mapped Cache Problems • Question 7.7 • Basic formula: • Blk_Addr = floor(word_address/words_per_block) mod N • N here is the total number of blocks in the cache • This is the mathematical version of taking the value of the Block Index bits from the address.

  26. A Complication:Multiple Word Blocks • Single word blocks do not support spatial locality • Spatial locality: Likelihood of accessing neighbor of a piece of data that was just accessed is high. • But with single word blocks, none of the neighbors are in cache! • All accesses to neighbors that were not accessed before will miss!

  27. An ExampleQuestion 7.8

  28. Tag Block Index Block Offset Byte Offset Accessing Individual Words • In our example, each block has 4 words. • But we always access memory 1 word at a time! (e.g. lw) • Use the Block Offset to specify which of the 4 words in a block we want to read: Address A

  29. The Block Offset • Number of block offset bits = log2M, where M is the number of words per block. • For our example, M=4. So number of block offset bits is 2. • These two bits can take on the values of 00, 01, 10 and 11. • Note that for single word blocks, the number of block offset bits is log2 1, which is 0. I.e. There are no block offset bits for single-word blocks. • These values determine exactly which word within a block address A is referring to:

  30. 01000 00010010 00000000 00 01010 00010010 00000000 00 11011 00010010 00000000 00 Who am I?Purpose of the Tag • Many different addresses may map to the same block: e.g. (Block Index portions shown highlighted) • All 3 addresses are different, but all map to block 00010010

  31. Disambiguation • We need a way to disambiguate the situation • Otherwise how do we know that the data in block x actually comes from address A and not from another address A’ that has the same block index bit value? • The portion of the address A to the left of the Block Index can be used for disambiguation. • This portion is called the tag, and the tag for address A is stored in the cache together with address A data.

  32. Tag Word 00 Word 01 Word 10 Word 11 00 01 10 11 The Tag • When we access the cache, the Tag portion and Block Index portions of address A are extracted. • The Block Index portion will tell the cache controller which block of cache to look at. • The Tag portion is compared against the tag stored in the block. If the tags match, we have a cache hit. The data is read from the cache.

  33. Address A Tag Block Index Block Offset Byte Offset Accessing Individual Bytes • MIPS addresses are byte addresses, and actually index individual bytes rather than words. • Each MIPS word consists of 4 bytes. • The byte offset tells us exactly which byte within a word we are referring to.

  34. Advantages & Disadvantages ofDirect Mapped Caches • Advantages: • Simple to implement • Fast performance • Less time to detect a cache hit => less time to get data from the cache => faster performance • Disadvantages • Poor temporal locality. • Many addresses may map to the same block. • The next time address A is accessed, it may have been replaced by the contents of address A’.

  35. Improving Temporal LocalityThe Fully Associative Cache • In the fully associative cache, data from an address A can go to any block in cache. • In practice, data will go into the first available cache block. • When the cache is full, a replacement policyis invoked to choose which block of cache to throw out.

  36. Advantages and DisadvantagesFully Associative Cache • Good temporal locality properties • Flexible block placement allows smart replacement policies such that blocks that are likely to be referenced again will not be replaced. E.g. LRU, LFU. • Disadvantages • Complex and too expensive for large caches • Each block needs a comparator to check the tag. • With 8192 blocks, we need 8192 comparators!

  37. A CompromiseSet Associative Caches • Represents a compromise between direct-mapped and fully associative caches. • Cache is divided into sets of blocks. • An address A is mapped directly to a set using a similar scheme as for direct mapped caches. • Once the set has been determined, the data from A may be stored in any block within a set - Fully associative within a set!

  38. Set Associative Cache • An n-way set associative cache will have n blocks per set. • For example, for a 16-block cache that is implemented as a 2-way set associative cache, each set has 2 blocks, and we have a total of 8 sets.

  39. Advantages and DisadvantagesSet Associative Cache • Advantages • Almost as simple to build as a direct-mapped cache. • Only n comparators are needed for an n-way set associative cache. For 2-way set-associative, only 2 comparators are needed to compare tags. • Supports temporal locality by having full associativity within a set.

  40. Advantages and DisadvantagesSet Associative Cache • Disadvantages • Not as good as fully-associative cache in supporting temporal locality. • For LRU schemes, because of small associativity, actually possible to have 0% hit rate for temporally local data. • E.g. If our accesses are A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3, and if A1, A2 and A3 map to the same 2-way set, then hit rate is 0% as subsequent accesses replace previous accesses in the LRU scheme.

  41. Multi-level Cache • Let the first level of cache (closest to CPU) be called “L1”, and the next level “L2”. • Let Phit_l1 be the hit rate of L1, Tcache_L1 be the cache access time of L1, Tmiss_L1 be the miss penalty of L1. • AMAT of L1 = Phit_l1 * Tcache_L1 + (1-Phit_l1) * Tmiss_L1 • What is Tmiss_L1? • If L1 misses, then we will attempt to get data from L2. Hence Tmiss_l1 is actually just the AMAT of L2! • Let Phit_l2 be the hit rate of L2, Tcache_l2 be the cache access time of L2, Tmiss_l2 be the miss penalty of L2.

  42. Multilevel Cache • Tmiss_l1 = AMATl2 = Phit_l2 * Tcache_L2 + (1-Phit_l2) * Tmiss_L2 • Substitute this back and we get: AMAT of L1 = Phit_l1 * Tcache_L1 + (1-Phit_l1) * (Phit_l2 * Tcache_L2 + (1-Phit_l2) * Tmiss_L2) • Tmiss_l2 is of course the time taken to access the slow DRAM memory. • What if we had an L3 cache?

  43. Other Problems • Question 7.9

  44. Virtual Memory Motivation • Drive space is very very cheap • Typically about 2cents per megabyte. • It would be ideal if we could set aside a portion of drive space to be used as memory. • Unfortunately disk drives are very slow • Fastest access time is about 10ms, or about 1,000 times slower than SRAM and several hundred times slower than DRAM. • Idea: Use drive space as memory, and main memory to cache the drive space! • This is the idea behind virtual memory.

  45. System Cache Is cached by Main Memory Is cached by Virtual Memory Main Idea • Virtual memory (residing on disk) is cached by main memory • Main memory is cached by system cache • All memory transfers are only between consecutive levels (e.g. VM to main memory, main memory to cache).

  46. Cache vs. VM • Concept behind VM is almost identical to concept behind cache. • But different terminology! • Cache: Block VM: Page • Cache: Cache Miss VM: Page Fault • Caches implemented completely in hardware. VM implemented in software, with hardware support from CPU. • Cache speeds up main memory access, while main memory speeds up VM access.

  47. Technical Issues of VM • Relatively cheap to remedy cache misses • Miss penalty is essentially the time taken to access the main memory (around 60-80ns). • Pipeline freezes for about 60-80 cycles. • Page Faults are EXPENSIVE! • Page fault penalty is the time taken to access the disk. • May take up to 50 or more ms, depending on the speed of the disk and I/O bus. • Wastes millions of processor cycles!

  48. Virtual Memory Design • Because page-miss penalties are so heavy, not practical to implement direct-mapped or set-associative architectures • These have poorer hit rates. • Main memory caching of VM is always fully associative. • 1% or 2% improvement in hit rate over other fully associative or set associative designs. • But with heavy page-miss penalties, 1% improvement is A LOT! • Also relatively cheap to implement full associativity in software

  49. Summary • Memory can be thought of as pigeon holes where CPU stores instructions and data. • Each pigeon hole (memory location) is given a number called its address. • Memory technology can be cheap and slow (DRAM) or fast and expensive (SRAM) • Locality allows us to use a small amount of fast expensive memory to store parts of the cheap and slow memory to improve performance. • Caches are organized into blocks.

  50. Summary • Mapping between memory addresses and blocks can be accomplished by: • Directly mapping a memory location to a cache block (direct map) • Slotting a memory location to any block (fully associative) • Mapping a memory location to a set of blocks, then slotting it into any block within the set (set associative) • Virtual memory attempts to use disk space as “main memory”, DRAM main memory as cache to the disk memory, and SRAM as cache to the DRAM.

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