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Buy greener coffee products from My-Cap LLC to use your own coffee or tea and reuse capsules for brewers. To buy now, visit https://www.my-cap.com/collections/for-keurig-k-cup-brewers/products/my-cups-50-cups-for-keurig-k-cup-brewers?variant=14485520007
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f Share T Tweet F Fancy p Pinit 1 +1 g Features: Cup is designed to be used with My-Cap Caps and Filters Made out of polypropylene FBPA free Description: My-Cap Cups are designed to be used with our Caps and Filters sold separately. These cups are designed for multiple use. QuestionsandAnswers? Q:WhyshouldIbuyyourcups? A:Youwillwantto buy ourcups ifyou preferto useacleancupinstead ofreusingaKeurigK-CupPack. Q:How many timescanthecupreused? A:Itcan be usedacouple oftimes depending on howcarefulyou arewithit. Q:WhataboutBPA? A:Ourproducts areBPAfree. Q:Whatkindofplasticisused? A:TheMy-CapCupis made ofpolystyrene.Itis BPAfree. ProductSKU:MYC-CUPS50 Similaritems PDFmyURLeasilyturnswebpagesandevenentirewebsites intoPDF!
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