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My Cosmetic Clinics for a wide range of plastic surgery procedures including Surgical Treatments, Facial Analysis, Face Treatments, Body Treatments, Aesthetic Surgeries Clinic Manchester etc with latest technology equipment Which is chosen My Cosmetic Clinics by thousands of people in Manchester, UK<br>Aesthetic Clinic Manchester Central @ https://www.mycosmeticclinics.com/<br>
7/3/2019 Botox UK - Botox injection can face face, remove wrinkles and suppress hyperhidrosis 0161 989 1234 | Chinese 07432 484708 Contact@mycosmeticclinics.com (https://www.facebook.com/mycosmeticclinics/) (https://twitter.com/MyCosmeticC) (https://www.instagram.com/mycosmeticc Book Free Consultation (/appointment/) (https://www.mycosmeticclinics.com) HOME (HTTPS://WWW.MYCOSMETICCLINICS.COM) ABOUT US (HTTPS://WWW.MYCOSMETICCLINICS.COM/ABOUT-US/) FACE BODY MEN SURGICAL PROCEDURE OUR LASERS (HTTPS://WWW.MYCOSMETICCLINICS.COM/OUR-LASER/) PRICES GALLERY (HTTPS://WWW.MYCOSMETICCLINICS.COM/GALLERY/) MEDIA (HTTPS://WWW.MYCOSMETICCLINICS.COM/CONTACT-US/) CONTACT US (HTTPS://WWW.MYCOSMETICCLINICS.COM/CONTACT-US/) BOTOX®肉毒杆菌 1. (https://www.mycosmeticclinics.com/botox- manchester/) BOTOX® Botox Treatment UK The baby fat man usually has a round big pie face. When he was a child, he was very happy. When he grew up, he was very worried. When the patient expresses that he wants to remove the baby's fat, the first action of the whole doctor is usually "squeeze and see", which is confirmed by the special protrusion of bones and muscles, or caused by fat hypertrophy. The two methods of correction are different. Botox is a purified protein. The nerves and muscles are transmitted after injection, so that the nerves can not convey the contraction command to the muscles, so that the muscles can relax after the muscles are relaxed. After the muscles are not moved, the size will become smaller. https://www.mycosmeticclinics.com/botox-uk-肉毒杆菌/ 1/4
7/3/2019 Botox UK - Botox injection can face face, remove wrinkles and suppress hyperhidrosis The application of masticatory muscles is very extensive. Benefits of Botox Face-Effect Injection Make your face more refined Make the round face look thinner Reach the face of a small V face Improve the habit of grinding teeth Non-surgical invasive treatment About Botulinum Face-Effect Injection Treatment An ordinary Botox face-lifting injection takes only 10 to 20 minutes, and you have almost no discomfort during the injection. How long does it take to resume daily activities? You can start your daily activities immediately after you finish, don't lie or lie for 4 hours, and don't do facial massage during the week. In addition, if you apply to the masticatory muscles, it is recommended that you can chew the chewing gum within 4 hours, and promote the absorption of the drug will be better; but do not over-chew after the next day, otherwise the muscle transport will affect the face-lift effect. Botox injection treatment effect Most guests will see the effect 4-8 weeks after the injection, the masseter muscle takes time to slowly become smaller. After applying Botox, it can last for about 6-8 months. If you feel that the effect of face-lifting is very good, you can add a second time in 6-8 months. The kinetics of chewing has changed because the muscles of the cheeks have long been accustomed to immobility. After some people apply it for 3 to 4 times, the face is fixed and no longer recovers. Pregnant women, women who are breast-feeding, or patients with severe muscle weakness may recommend avoiding Botox. *Disclaimer: The treatment effect may vary from person to person. A single treatment may not guarantee a specific treatment effect. Suggested treatment Repeat treatment every 6-8 months, or according to individual needs. 2. BOTOX® Botox Beauty Wrinkle Injection 肉毒桿菌可以熟齡人仕的好朋友,尤其是容易鬆垮的額頭紋跟動態的魚尾紋。 抬頭紋的類型主要有兩種:ㄧ種是屬於表情紋,大多是個人的表情習慣造成的,通常沒有年齡限制;另外一種則是永久性的抬頭 紋,在肌肉老化,鬆弛以及習慣下,即使沒有表情額頭上仍可見一條條紋路,這就需要肉毒桿菌來改善。 魚尾紋位於眼尾的位置,由於笑的時候眼角的魚尾紋會增加,因此又有人稱為笑紋。一般人大約30歲後才會慢慢出現,但有人因遺 傳因素,年紀輕輕就有魚尾紋。 最受歡迎的非手術性美容治療 有效撫平皺紋且抗衰老 價格合理和治療時間短 自然的效果 維持3-6個月 肉毒桿菌美容除皺紋注射治療原理 注射抬頭紋的位置分淺層及深層。一般淺層施打位置大約在真皮,主要可以使皮膚緊實;若打在深層肌肉的位置,目的則是使肌肉 受到肉毒桿菌的影響,阻斷神經末梢之後慢慢不作用,以達到放鬆效果。 施打肉毒桿菌在魚尾紋部位,有些人覺的眼尾變的緊實,這是因爲下拉的力量消失了,上提功能相對加強,因此會有變緊的感覺。 孕婦,哺乳中的婦女,或者是患有重疾肌無力的患者,會建議避免使用肉毒桿菌。 https://www.mycosmeticclinics.com/botox-uk-肉毒杆菌/ 2/4
7/3/2019 Botox UK - Botox injection can face face, remove wrinkles and suppress hyperhidrosis 3. BOTOX®.肉毒桿菌的治療多汗症好處 治療多汗症 (用於腋下,前額,手掌和頭皮) 治療狐臭 不需要用止汗劑 沒有恢復期 治療效果可以維持長達4 -12個月 BOTOX®肉毒杆菌治療多汗症的原理 BOTOX®保妥適阻斷在神經末端的釋放,從而暫時關閉對汗腺的刺激。當我們的醫生瞭解了您出汗的程度,他們會決定每個治療部 位的保妥適肉毒桿菌注射劑量, 我們訓練有素的醫生將會開始注射客人多汗的部位, 孕婦,哺乳中的婦女,或者是患有重疾肌無力的患者,會建議避免使用肉毒桿 菌。 關於BOTOX®肉毒杆菌注射治療 您在我們診所做多汗症治療的時間不會超過40分鐘。 大部分接受多汗症治療的客人會在一周後留意到出汗的減少。“無汗“時間的長短與出汗的強度,面積以及保妥適肉毒桿菌注射的劑 量有很大的關係。 建議療程 大部分客人可以6 – 9個月重複治療。 治療後24小時不要用止汗劑 其他的皮膚護理可以照常進行 My Cosmetic Clinics Site Map 77 – 79 Chapel Street Manchester, M3 5BZ Aesthetic Clinic Manchester (/aesthetics-clinic-manchester- central/) 0161 989 1234 | 中文: 07432 484708 Skin Care Treatments (/non-surgical-skin-care-treatments- manchester/) contact@mycosmeticclinics.com Facial Rejuvenation (/facial-rejuvenation-manchester-city- centre/) Aesthetics Men (/aesthetics-men-manchester-city-centre/) (https://www.trustist.com/customer-reviews/Website-Review- my-cosmetic-clinic-reviews-2764.html) Vaginal Rejuvenation (/vaginal-rejuvenation-manchester/) Laser Manchester Central (/laser-in-manchester/) Contact Us (/contact-us/) | Privacy Policy (/privacy-policy/) | Complaints Policy (/contact-us/) https://www.mycosmeticclinics.com/botox-uk-肉毒杆菌/ 3/4
7/3/2019 Botox UK - Botox injection can face face, remove wrinkles and suppress hyperhidrosis SUBSCRIBE TO NEWS & PROMOS Sign up below to receive the latest news and promotions. Subscribe Email address Follow Us (https://www.facebook.com/mycosmeticclinics) (https://twitter.com/MyCosmeticC) (https://www.instagram.com/mycosmeticclinics/) © 2018 My Cosmetic Clinic. All rights reserved. Powered by Creative Impact Communications (http://www.impactcommunication.co.uk/) https://www.mycosmeticclinics.com/botox-uk-肉毒杆菌/ 4/4