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In this ppt read some important Pros and Cons of Apple care service. Tresor is an Apple service center providing services across many states of India. If you want to know then go through this ppt.
PROS: OFFERS PEACE OF MIND Perhaps the most obvious benefit to AppleCare+ is that you’ll be covered should something go wrong with your phone. Bear in mind that we now pay more than $1,000 for an iPhone, and it soon makes sense to pay a couple hundred bucks more for that protection. Some new iPhones and iPads are all-glass, and all it takes is one drop to break your device entirely.
CONS: CAN BE EXPENSIVE To insure your iPhone 11 Pro it will cost $199 per year for AppleCare+ – and another $100 if you want to add theft and loss protection. This can be expensive, and if you usually hold onto a device for two or three years, it could make more sense to put $299 into a pot every year and use that to buy your next iPhone. That’s provided you don’t break it beforehand!
PRO: THEFT AND LOSS COVER CAN BE ADDED Although Touch ID and Face ID mean iPhones are no longer as attractive to criminals as they once were, 446,000 handsets are still stolen each year. Add in accidental loss – hey, we’ve all left our phone on the top of a toilet or at the bar after one too many drinks – and it makes sense to pay for that added protection. Because nobody likes to lose their phone!
CON: YOU HAVE TO BUY IT WITHIN 60 DAYS OF BUYING YOUR DEVICE Just as most insurance policies work, Apple wants you to buy AppleCare+ as soon as you can. It encourages consumers to purchase a plan with their new device, but its cut-off point is 60 days. To purchase coverage, go to Settings > General > About and select AppleCare+ Coverage Available, or visit an Apple Store, where a full device inspection will be required.
PRO: FIRST-CLASS APPLE SERVICE Just as you prefer Apple over other smartphone manufacturers, it makes sense to choose Apple for aftercare, too. AppleCare+ customers get 24/7 priority access to Apple experts via chat or phone, and most of the time, repairs and services can be done same-day in Apple Stores around the world.
CON: REPAIRS ARE CHEAPER ELSEWHERE Rock up to any mobile phone store or authorized Apple reseller, and you’ll find that they can repair your screen or hardware for much less than Apple would charge. Therefore, most of us take the risk – rather than splashing out $199 on an insurance policy, we live dangerously in the hope that we won’t ever need to have our smartphone repaired. And most of us won’t.
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