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Best IP Address Lookup Tool

What Is My IP address? it's that which is logged by various devices when you connect to them through your internet connection.

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Best IP Address Lookup Tool

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  1. Detail Information About: What Is My IP ADDRESS?

  2. In order to understand Internet protocol address firstly knows about Internet. • An inter -connected set of network from a user point of view may appear simply as a larger network. • If each of the constituent network retain identity in special mechanism are needed for communication across multiple networks, then the entire configuration is often referred to as an internet.

  3. IP was introduced in 1980’s. Many networks adopted it in conjunction with transport protocol of ARPANET. • The network layer in ARPANET is connection less. It is based on idea of datagram which are transported transparently but not so reliably. • The ARPA internet contains many networks but not all of them are reliable. The working of IP protocol is as follows. • It is a unique number devices use to communicate and identify with each other through the internet network process.

  4. IP is part of the TCP/IP suite and is the most widely used internetworking protocol. As with any protocol standard, IP is specified in two parts. • The interface with a higher layer (i.e., TCP) specifying the services that IP provides. • The actual protocol format and mechanisms. • What do you meant by Protocol?

  5. By the term protocol, we meant the set of rules or standard designed to enables the computers to connect with one another and to exchange the information with as little error as possible. • Protocol can describe low level details of machine to machine interfaces (e.g. the order in which bits and bytes are sent across a wire) or high level exchange between allocation programs (e.g. the way in which two programs transfer a file across the internet). • IP has unique, 4 bytes addresses that must be assigned to every node. Data are sending in packets. Packets in the IP layer are called Datagram. 

  6. A datagram is a variable-length packet up to 3.28,536 bytes consisting of two parts: • Header. • Data. • The header can be from 20 to 60 bytes and contains information essential to routing and delivery. • IT is customary in TCP/IP. Internet addresses are usually written in decimal form with decimal points separating the bytes-dotted-decimal notation.

  7. This done to make the 32 bit form shorter and easier to read. • For example- 128. 11.3.31. In the internet, DNS (domain name system) is distributed database system that works at the transport layer to provided name-to-address mapping for client applications. • It is very easy to find out what is my IP address. It will easily track your computer activities in the situation of hacking. • Sometimes it is protects your computer from online fraud.

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