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H522 羔羊婚筵 THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB (1/3). 有福時刻終於來臨 , 羔羊婚筵準備完成, The blessed moment has at last arrived; The marriage supper of the Lamb and Bride. 眾優勝者蒙召有 分 ,被提上升喜樂融融, All overcomers take their place, Caught up to heav'n in ceaseless praise! 秘密傷痕無處可尋,背人淚痕也都擦淨。
H522羔羊婚筵THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB (1/3) 有福時刻終於來臨,羔羊婚筵準備完成, The blessed moment has at last arrived; The marriage supper of the Lamb and Bride. 眾優勝者蒙召有分,被提上升喜樂融融, All overcomers take their place, Caught up to heav'n in ceaseless praise! 秘密傷痕無處可尋,背人淚痕也都擦淨。 All hidden tears are wiped away, And secret scars no longer stay.
H522 (節1/3, 頁2/2) 細麻白衣皎潔晶瑩,馨香四溢聖徒義行, The righteous acts of saints in grand display: Fine linen brightly shines in full array, 沒藥乳香膏我全人,聖靈傑作新婦榮形。 With precious ointment well applied, The Spirit's masterwork; the Bride!
H522 (節2/3, 頁1/2) 盛筵之上歌聲歡騰,永頌羔羊蒙福無窮! Rejoicing o'er the marriage feast, I sing. I'm blessed forever! Let His praises ring! 前在塵世稍嘗天恩,五穀新酒樂我心靈, His grace I tasted once in part; Much corn and new wine filled my heart. 十架路程雖然難行,下滴脂油潤我途徑。 Tho' rough the journey of the cross, Yet fatness dropped along my course.
H522 (節2/3, 頁2/2) 如今被提天的宮禁,沐於、浸於榮耀無盡, Now raptured to resplendent courts divine, Immersed in glory naught can e'er outshine, 才知損失何足介意,換來今日極重福分。 Then do I know: my loss and pain has won for me this blessed gain.
H522 (節3/3, 頁1/2) 坐祂席上瞻祂慈顏,我臉反應榮耀無限, Feasting with Him, is radiance I behold. My face reflects His glory e'er untold. 我心驚愕我魂感讚,正當與主甘甜結聯, In union sweet, my Lord does raise my heart to awe and soul to praise! 當日每一辛酸經驗,今日都成何等記念。 Each painful blow portioned to me now is a precious memory.
H522 (節3/3, 頁2/2) 新婦所獲無上禮聘,乃是救主所受傷痕, The loving gift presented to the Bride is the dear Savior's scars - there's none beside. 從此神人一同君臨,在於新造無窮光陰。 Henceforward, men with God shall reign through endless days, in new domain!