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Programme Review Recommendations

Programme Review Recommendations. Regional Meetings, 2019. We are here. Phase 3 Dec 2018 – Jun 2019. Phase 1 Dec 2017 – Mar 2018. Phase 2 Apr 2018 – Nov 2018. Desk review of important documents and information

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Programme Review Recommendations

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  1. Programme Review Recommendations Regional Meetings, 2019

  2. We are here Phase 3 Dec 2018 – Jun 2019 Phase 1 Dec 2017 – Mar 2018 Phase 2 Apr 2018 – Nov 2018 • Desk review of important documents and information • Early interviews with Regional Coordinators, Board members, and some senior staff • Early Market analysis • Discussions in Regional Meetings • Survey to NAs and Chapters • Continued market analysis • Discussion at Global Conference • Deep dive interviews and focus groups • Develop recommendations to Governing Board • Governing Board consider recommendations • Publish report to Members • Motions for any major changes will be brought to the Members (2020) Programme Review

  3. The CISV Team evaluated each programme and all the programmes together, based on: What our Chapters and Members have told us Quality/Safety of our programmes Scalability (how well we can do more programmes and grow in a sustainable way) The external market General Approach Programme Review

  4. Additional considerations we heard from Chapters • Ease some of the challenges of hosting • Help retain young adults that were active in CISV so they will become staff, leaders, or Chapter volunteers • More support on safety and quality • Host fees do not cover the costs of hosting • Biggest challenge is finding good staff and leaders Programme Review

  5. Recommendation GuidingPrinciples • Focus on programmes for children and youth (under 18) • Offer an educational pathway with 3 phases • Phase 1: Ages 11-15 Participation • Phase 2: Ages 16-17 Leadership development focus • Phase 3: Ages 18+ Leadership roles • Focus on offering camp-based programmes, one for each age group • Ensure that each programme offers a high quality, consistent and complete educational experience • Ensure that our programmes have a clear narrative that links them • Focus on Village as our ‘engine’ for growth Programme Review

  6. Recommendation Focus on Village as the engine of growth • Grow Village to bring in and retain more participants and families • Shorten Village to 23 days • Consider how to incentivize hosting and participation • Allow second junior staff (18+) Programme Review

  7. Findings Village • Our unique offering – there is no other programme like it delivered by any other organization • Our main entry point for new families • Brings people in to CISV and creates demand for our other programmes • Well-liked and understood by funders and partner organizations • Our biggest programme by far, in terms of the numbers of children we reach • More difficult to host and to find staff and leaders, because of the length Programme Review

  8. Recommendation Build on demand for Step Up • Make Step Up the only programme for ages 14-15 • Add extra delegation to each camp • Allow second junior staff (18+) Programme Review

  9. Findings Step Up • By far the top choice for 14 – 15 year olds • High demand to host and send • There is more demand than available spots Programme Review

  10. Recommendation Refocus Youth Meeting • Make Youth Meeting the only programme for ages 12 and 13 • Make all Youth Meetings for ages 12 and 13 • Make all Youth Meetings 2 weeks long • In the near future, develop new programme model • Consider the following changes: • Introduce a JC role • Have 8 delegations of 4 delegates + 1 leader • Allow second junior staff (18+) • Include a short homestay Programme Review

  11. Findings Youth Meeting • 2 week Youth Meetings are popular both for hosting and sending • Very high demand for Youth Meetings for ages 12 - 13 • There is demand for Youth Meeting for ages 14 - 15 but Step Up is much more popular for this age group • There is demand for ages Youth Meeting for ages 16 - 17 but being a Junior Counsellor is much more popular for this age group • Chapters have concerns about the 1 week Youth Meeting for practical and educational reasons • The short length of the programme makes it easy to host and find leaders and staff • A single programme for a wide range of ages, with different lengths and the same goals and indicators, is not effective Programme Review

  12. Recommendation Develop Seminar Camp • Develop Seminar Camp into an intentional leadership development programme • Make it for ages 16-17 • Shorten to 14-16 days • Make strong link to JB as a source of young leaders • Enhance risk management, including prohibit post camp staff and participant activities Programme Review

  13. Findings Seminar Camp • Experience is rich and valued • Allows Chapters to retain young adults • Many risk management concerns – including post camp activities and the mix of child and adult participants • Chapters struggle to find good, trained staff • There are many other options for young people of this age • Ideal personal leadership development opportunity for 16 – 17 year olds (as well as, or instead of, the practical leadership development opportunity of being a Junior Counsellor) • Making the programme shorter will make it easier to host and more affordable for participants, who sometimes pay for themselves. Programme Review

  14. Recommendation Phase out Interchange • Phase out Interchange over the next few years • Consider introducing shorter host family opportunities in ‘new’ Youth Meeting Programme Review

  15. Findings Interchange • 70% of Interchanges are done by 8 NAs (50% by 4 NAs) – several NAs do not participate at all • Widely different views in CISV about the value and quality of the programme • Participants everywhere prefer camp-based programmes (even in the big Interchange NAs) • Many risk management concerns – more difficult to address than in camps • It needs a completely different approach to training, administration, support, and risk management than to camp-based programmes • Harder to ensure quality • It will be expensive and a lot of work for Chapters, NAs, and International to increase the safety and quality of Interchanges • Many other organizations offer exchange programmes Programme Review

  16. Recommendation Stop doing IPP • Make 2021 the last year we do IPP • Create more community impact, in a more accessible way, through investing in Mosaic and other local programmes Programme Review

  17. Findings IPP • It is not for under 18s • The programme quality is highly variable and dependent on the topic and location • Low demand and difficult to fill – forcing us to limit the number we host each year • Demand seems to be driven by location • Ages 21+ would rather be staff and leaders • The programme runs at a loss for CISV International; Chapters get low host fees • Huge competition from non-profit and for-profit sectors • Community impact can be better, more easily and more sustainably, achieved through Mosaic • The Alumni Association will be offering activities and events to adult CISVers – IPP could be an ideal project for them to offer in the future (the Alumni Association is for all past and present CISVersaged 18+ - participants, JBers, volunteers, parents, and supporters) Programme Review

  18. Recommendation Make a Mosaic an offical local programme • Do more Mosaic projects for more impact and to increase access to CISV • Adopt new template Mosaic models • For under 18s, led by adults • Simpler paperwork; no need to get approval from International, but will be tracked by International to measure impact • Clearer structure and consistency • Opportunity to recruit and retain volunteers • Ideal for JB to take a lead • Chapters can do other local projects; they will not need to be approved by International or be formally tracked Programme Review

  19. Findings Mosaic • Meets the desire to be active locally • Widens accessibility • Not well understood • Paperwork is seen as complicated • Inconsistent quality and often not clearly linked to CISV • Huge number of community projects – in very town and city - run by other organizations make it hard currently to see what makes Mosaic truly CISV Programme Review

  20. How it all looks together Programme Review

  21. Can we accommodate all participants? YES, all aged 11-17 - with a bit of effort.... • Overall we won’t need more camps than we do now • Youth Meeting can easily accommodate ages 12-13 • More Step Ups to accommodate ages 14-15 • Add a delegation to each Step Up • Offer 14 additional Step Ups • Phase out Interchange • Replace some Seminar Camps with Step Ups or older age Youth Meetings Programme Review

  22. Will we need more leaders / staff? NO….. We will not need more leaders and staff. BONUS • New junior staff opportunities for 18+ • Easier to recruit staff and leaders for shorter Village and Seminar Camp • Mosaic can help recruit, train, and retain volunteers Programme Review

  23. Recommendation Having the right foundation in place • Seek to align the international fee structure to the actual cost of running our programmes (including host fees) • Professionalize our approach • Build on the 2019 recruitment campaign • Pilot the development of new Chapters in strategic markets • Invest in developing strategic partnerships Programme Review

  24. Additional work on programme quality Work led by the Educational Programmes Committee • Develop new definitions of Peace Education and Active Global Citizen • Assess programme components • Develop new programme goals and indicators • Introduce programme curricula (starting with Village) • Develop new educational evaluation tool Programme Review

  25. Recommendation Guiding Principles • Focus on programmes for children and youth (under 18) • Offer an educational pathway with 3 phases • Phase 1: Ages 11-15 Participation • Phase 2: Ages 16-17 Leadership development focus • Phase 3: Ages 18+ Leadership roles • Focus on offering camp-based programmes, one for each age group • Ensure that each programme offers a high quality, consistent and complete educational experience • Ensure that our programmes have a clear narrative that links them • Focus on Village as our ‘engine’ for growth Programme Review

  26. Taking this forward… • Governing Board incorporated some organizational recommendations into the 2019-2021 Strategic Plan, now published • Sharing with the Chapters • Additional ‘Town Halls’ • Board and Review team available to join National Board Meetings, • Provide materials for use at National Board meetings • Motions published in March 2020 • Discussion at 2020 Regional Meetings • Voting on motions in July 2020 • Incorporate changes in ‘Roadmap for Sustainable Growth’ • ‘Year 1’ for implementation will be 2022 Programme Review

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