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MyPandit's Guide_ Panchang Details for June Festivals & Special Occasions

Explore the best times for rituals & celebrations in June festivals with MyPandit's Panchang insights. Align your activities with cosmic rhythms for auspicious moments.

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MyPandit's Guide_ Panchang Details for June Festivals & Special Occasions

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  1. MyPandit's Guide:PanchangDetailsfor JuneFestivals & SpecialOccasions WelcometoMyPandit!Juneis amonthfilled withvariousfestivals andspecial occasions.ByconsultingthePanchang,wecandeterminethebesttimesfor rituals and celebrations, ensuring we align our activities with the cosmic rhythmsformaximumbenefit. Let'sdiveintothe Panchangdetailsforthe upcoming June festivals and special occasions. June4,2024-GangaDussehra GangaDussehracelebrates the descentof the holy riverGangatoEarth. Accordingto the dailyPanchang, this yearit falls onDwadashi Tithi, under BharaniNakshatra with SadhyaYoga. The best time for rituals is during the day, particularlyin the morning hours.PerformaGanga Puja or takea dip in the river to cleanse your sins and seek blessings. June5,2024-Nirjala Ekadashi NirjalaEkadashiisoneofthemostsignificantEkadashifasts,observedwithout water. This year, it is markedby Trayodashi Tithi and KrittikaNakshatra,with

  2. ShubhaYoga, making it an auspicious dayforfasting and spiritual practices. Begin yourfastatsunrise and end itthe followingdayatsunrise. The evening hoursare ideal forreadingthe BhagavadGita and performingprayers. PlanYourDayWith theHelp ofHindu Panchang! June13,2024-VatPurnima Vat Purnimaiscelebratedby marriedwomenforthe well-beingandlongevity oftheir husbands. It falls on Purnima Tithi, under AnuradhaNakshatra, with Dhriti Yoga.Accordingtothe dailyPanchang,the besttime forrituals isduring the morning, especially during the Purnima Tithi. Women tie threadsarounda banyan tree and prayfor their husband's health and prosperity. June16,2024- Jyeshtha Ashtami JyeshthaAshtamiis dedicatedto theworship ofGoddess Durga.This festival falls on Ashtami Tithi,under UttarashadaNakshatra, with HarshanaYoga. PerformDurga Puja in themorning, during the Ashtami Tithi,to seek the goddess's blessingsforstrengthand protection.The eveninghoursareperfect forchantingDurgamantras and lighting lamps. June21,2024-Rath Yatra RathYatracelebratesthe journeyof LordJagannath,Balabhadra,and Subhadra to theiraunt'stemple.This year,itisobservedon DwitiyaTithi,underShravana Nakshatra,withSaubhagyaYoga.AccordingtothedailyPanchang,thebest time for rituals and processions is in the morning. Participate in pulling the chariots and offerprayerstoLordJagannathforprosperity and happiness. June24,2024-YoginiEkadashi YoginiEkadashiisanothersignificantfastobservedforliberationfrompastsins. It falls on Ekadashi Tithi, under Purva BhadrapadaNakshatra, with VridhiYoga. The daily Panchangsuggestsstartingyourfastat sunriseand engaging in spiritual activitiesthroughout theday. Thebest time forprayers andreading scriptures is in the evening.

  3. AlsoCheck Your Daily Panchang Guide for theWeek:May 30 to June5, 2024 June29,2024-Devshayani Ekadashi Devshayani Ekadashimarks the day when Lord Vishnu goes intoa deep sleep forfourmonths. This year, it falls on Ekadashi Tithi,under Punarvasu Nakshatra, with Siddha Yoga. Begin your fastat sunrise, and the most auspicious time forrituals is duringthe evening.OfferprayerstoLordVishnu, read the Vishnu Sahasranama, and seek his blessings for peace and prosperity. ByconsultingthedailyPanchangonMyPandit,youcanensurethatyourrituals and celebrationsare alignedwith the mostfavorablecosmic timings.This June, let's celebrate these festivals with devotion and joy, making the most of each auspicious moment.Stay tuned toMyPanditformoreupdates and daily Panchanginsights.

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