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Opportunity Discovery

Opportunity Discovery. From a Turkey - focused Venture Capitalist’s Perspective. Zeus.  Opportunity  Discovery  Value. USD 8.32. USD 2.45. Why Turkey ? The last decade. Economy transformed quite dramatically B anking and public sectors reformed S ingle-party government

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Opportunity Discovery

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  1. OpportunityDiscovery From a Turkey-focused VentureCapitalist’sPerspective

  2. Zeus

  3. Opportunity DiscoveryValue USD 8.32 USD 2.45

  4. WhyTurkey?Thelastdecade • Economy transformed quite dramatically • Banking and public sectorsreformed • Single-party government • Fiscal discipline • Global liquidity and high risk appetitetowards EM • Foreign direct investment USD10.9bn in 1st nine months of 2011; USD1.8 bn more than in entire 2010

  5. Inflation at single digits…

  6. Public debt at 40% of GDP

  7. Average Turk got richer…

  8. ISE100 vs ‘Zeus’

  9. e-commerce market growing 2011E USD 13Bn 2010 USD 8.2Bn +50% YoY Source: The Interbank Card Center (BKM)

  10. 13th largestonlinemarket Source: comScore World Metrix, August 2011

  11. 3rd most engaged audience in Europe Source: comScore World Metrix, August 2011

  12. Use of socialnetworks… Source: comScore World Metrix, August 2011

  13. …and online media 12 Months ago Turkey was in 6thposition!!! Source: comScore World Metrix, August 2011

  14. 100Mostinnovativecompanies in 2011 Source: Thomson Reuters, November2011

  15. “Bridgingthegapbetween an idea anditsbeneficialresultis thecrucial step in innovation… Successwilldemand a greaterabilitytoquicklyclosethegap.” Soumitra Dutta – Innovating at the Top

  16. Geography Culture HDI Government Funding …

  17. Only 28% of Turks believe they can influence thecourse oftheir lives • The lowest percentage of respondents in 30 countries considered in the study. • United States80% • Japan 60% Study on internationalcomparison of religiousinfluences on culturalattitudes byErsinKalaycioglu and Ali Carkoglu, Sabanci University, 2009

  18. Geography Culture HDI Government Funding …

  19. HumanDevelopmentIndex Source: UNDP - Measuringhealth, education, income, equality, poverty, gender, sustainabilityrelatedindicatos

  20. Geography Culture HDI Government Funding

  21. karabey@212ltd.com

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